Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag? 知识点题库

Please e-mail Jack _____ jacksmith@sina.com.

A . in B . at C . to D . of
My grandpa watches TV on the (椅子).
—Is my book on the sofa?  (补全肯定答语)

—Yes,   .





—Are they under the table?


A . No, they are B . Yes, they are C . Yes, they aren't
Please look at the photo ______ page 20.
A . in B . to C . on D . under
His dresser is next to his bed. (变为否定句)

His dresser next to his bed.

—Tom, your model plane is on the desk.

—OK. ________.

A . Thank you B . You, too C . You're welcome D . Yes, they are
—Where's your picture?

—_______the wall of my room.

A . In B . On C . Under D . Between
Mary and Alan are my cousins. ______ mother is my aunt.
A . Her B . His C . Our D . Their

My is my .


    Tom, Bill and Dave lost their backpacks. They are at the Lost and Found. The backpacks are the same, but the things in them are different. Can you help them find the right backpack?

Tom: I have a math book and a pencil box in my backpack. There are three pencils, a pen and an eraser in the pencil box.

Bill: I have a Chinese dictionary, a math book and two notebooks in my backpack.

Dave: There are two CDs and three picture books in my backpack. My English book is also in it.

  1. (1) The three boys lost their ______.
    A . pens B . backpacks C . keys D . dictionaries
  2. (2) There is a(n) ______ in Tom's backpack.
    A . pencil box B . dictionary C . notebook D . English book
  3. (3) Bill doesn't have ______ in his backpack.
    A . a math book B . a pencil C . two notebooks D . a Chinese dictionary
  4. (4) ______ is/are not in Dave s backpack.
    A . Two CDs B . Three pencils C . Three picture books D . An English book
  5. (5) ______ has an eraser.
    A . Tom B . Bill C . Dave D . Nobody
Where are my pencils? (根据问句完成答语)

in your pencil box.


A. No, I can't see it.

B. What about my hat?

C. Is the schoolbag on the chair yours?

D. It's my brother Martin's

E. Her pencil box and dictionary are on the chair.

F. Where is my pencil?

A: Mom! I can't find it.

B: Is it in your pencil box?


B: I think it's on the desk. Mom, where is my schoolbag?


B: No, it's not mine, Mine is yellow.

A: Oh, your schoolbag is on the sofa.

B: Yes, Mom, Is it on the sofa, too?

A: No, it's on your bed.

B: Oh, I see. Thank you, Mom.


    My name is Linda Green. Kate is my1and Alan is my uncle. My cousin Paul is2son. My aunt Kate is very3but my uncle Alan and my cousin Paul4. In Paul's room, you can5his things are everywhere: His6are on his bed; his model plane is on the sofa and his keys are7the chair.

    My aunt Kate always8. Paul put away (放好) his things. Paul can't find his things and always asks, "9is my ruler? Where's my schoolbag?" My uncle10says, "I don't11. Ask your mother12help. She puts away your things."

    One day, my uncle Alan plays (玩) computer games. Paul reads (看) a13. He can't find his school in the map. He asks my uncle Alan, "Where is my14?" My uncle Alan says, "I don't know. Ask your mother for help. She puts15away!"

A . mother B . friend C . sister D . aunt
A . her B . their C . his D . our
A . tidy B . nice C . fine D . good
A . isn't B . don't C . are not D . am not
A . think B . see C . spell D . thank
A . books B . cup C . ruler D . pen
A . of B . at C . under D . to
A . says B . meets C . asks D . helps
A . How B . Where C . Who D . What
A . always B . everywhere C . here D . now
A . call B . e-mail C . know D . excuse
A . in B . for C . about D . on
A . map B . key C . watch D . ring
A . clock B . tape C . table D . school
A . that B . it C . those D . these
 (我们的) friends come to see us every week. 
My pen is black, (但是) my sister's isn't. 

Dear Sally,

Please take these things to your brother Bob: his dictionary, pen, notebook, keys, and baseball. The dictionary is on the bed. The pen is in the pencil box. I put the pencil box on the sofa. The notebook is on the desk. The keys are in the bookcase. The baseball is under the bed. Thanks!


  1. (1) Sally is Bob's         
    A . sister B . aunt C . mom D . grandma
  2. (2) Where's Bob's dictionary?
    A . On the bed. B . On the sofa. C . On the desk. D . In the bookcase.
  3. (3) The Chinese meaning(汉语意思) of the underlined word "put" is "        ".
    A . B . C . D .
  4. (4) The         is/are under the bed. 
    A . pen B . notebook C . keys D . baseball
  5. (5) Grandma tells Sally to take         kinds(种类) of things to Bob. 
    A . three B . four C . five D . six