Section B 知识点题库

I love this song by Lady Gaga. Would you ________ the TV a bit, please? I can't hear it clearly.

A . turn on B . turn off C . turn up D . turn down
Please fill my cup __________ water. Thank you.

A . of B . in C . to D . with
We want two cups of tea(对划线部分提问)

   do you want?

He bought three bags of rice in the supermarket. (对划线部分提问)

   of rice did he buy in the supermarket?


Please help methe meat  

这是一种做牛肉面的方法。(Here is one way to……)

Please put some(黄油) and beef on the bread.
Mr. Smith keeps some(火鸡) on the far.

piece   tooth   add   sugar   spoon

A: It's hot today.

B: Yes, it is really hot. I want to eat ice-cream.

A: I think it is bad for your .

B: But 1 really want to eat something cool.

A: What about eating tomatoes with ? I can make it.

B: Good! What do we need?

A: Three tomatoes and five  of sugar.

B: OK ... I'm coming. What should we do first?

A: Wash the tomatoes and cut them into .

B: What's next?

A: Put them on a plate and  the sugar.

B: Is that all?

A: Yes. You can enjoy them now.

If you put some(butter) on the bread, it will taste more delicious.
At first, Linda was sad(final) she became happy again.

First, we can  these pears.


  a glass of milk on the table.


Please add    into the cup.

Last year, Tony moved to London, a beautiful city in E .
________ me an email before you come to Hohhot and I'll meet you at the train station.
A . Send B . Sending C . To send D . Sent
Put the potatoes into a pot and cook them ________ about ten minutes.
A . in B . at C . for D . to
Put the ingredients in the bowl and ________ please.
A . mix them up B . mix it up C . mix up them D . mix up it

The students came into the classroom .


The of this meal is fish.