Part C 知识点题库

The singing contest will __________ on May 4th.
A . is B . are C . be
I can't sing __________.
A . good B . well C . will
__________ makes perfect.
A . Practice B . Picture C . Photo
Let's watch TV __________.
A . too B . together C . both
Will you play football __________ lunch?
A . after B . in C . tonight

I'm Cindy. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My birthday is on June 1st. It's Children's Day, too. We will have a party. My sister's birthday is in December. It's very cold. We can play in the snow. My mother's birthday is in March. My father's birthday is in March, too. We can go on a picnic and fly kites together.

  1. (1) There are four people in Cindy's family.
  2. (2) Cindy's birthday is on Children's Day.
  3. (3) Cindy's brother's birthday is in December.
  4. (4) There are three people's birthdays in March.
  5. (5) They can go on a picnic in March.