Part A 知识点题库

You are_________than me.(   )

A . shorter B . short C . shorts
The elephant is _________ than the panda.(   )

A . stronger B . strongs C . strong
I'm 12 ___ old. I'm 1_____older than you.(   )

A . years, year B . year, year C . years, years
Both of the dinosaurs          vegetables.

A . eats B . is eating C . eat
Whose neck is longer?

A . B .  
Mary is heavy than Mike. 


  1. (1) you, than, thinner, I'm(. )

  2. (2) 64, is, metres, She(. )

  3. (3) I, 12, am, old, years(. )

The rabbit's tail isthan the monkey's.

Grandma isthan the. girl.

I'm 1.58 metres tall. John is 1.6 metres. I'm ________ than him.
A . taller B . shorter C . older
She is 1.64 metres. (对画线部分提问)

is she?

Mike is shorter (比) Zhang Peng.
  1. (1) r,a,l,l,t,e更高的

  2. (2) o,r,e,r,h,s,t 更矮的

  3. (3) n,h,a,t比

  4. (4) l,o,e,r,n,g更长的

A pig is 80 kilograms. A duck is 2 kilograms. The pig is much (heavy) than the duck.
is tall how it(?)(连词成句)
are dinosaurs there more there over(. )(连词成句)
What tall are you?             

A               B   C

