Part B 知识点题库


ate fresh food                go swimming        buy gifts

拍照片                             呆在旅店                骑自行车

I         good food on my holiday last year.

A . eat B . eats C . ate

took  climbed  food  saw  older  sang  happy  old  mountain  had

    Yesterday I  a mountain with my cousin, Tom. Tom is 13 years .He is one year  than me. We took some  and drinks with us and Tom took his camera, too. On the mountain, we took a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery. When we got to the top of the , it was 1:25 p. m. We  and danced there. We got tired. But we felt very , because we  some squirrels and  many pictures. We  a good time.、

How did you go to there? 

Sarah takes many pictures last Sunday. 

       is the weather in Sanya?

—It's warm.

A . How B . What C . How about
一Did you(吃)any fresh food ?

一Yes. I did.

一What did you have for supper?

一 Ia.

A . ride B . took C . could D . was
A . far from B . next to
________ did you go over your winter holiday?          
A . What B . Where C . What's    
The cat  yesterday afternoon.
选出你所听单词的汉语意思(   )
A . B . 草地 C . 礼物
听录音,选出所听句子中含有的单词(   )
A . B .
I went swimming and_________ pictures.
A . took a B . took lots of C . take lots of
—_________ was your summer holiday?

—It was good.

A . How B . How old C . How heavy
—_________ is this?
—Sorry, You can't buy it.
A . How many B . How tall C . How much
A . The beach is beautiful. B . Sounds great. C . The beach is warm.

Today w a sunny day.

In the morning, we r a bike for three people. We t pictures of the beautiful countryside. In the afternoon, my mum didn't f well. Dad and I wanted to make her happy. We dressed up and m a funny play. We laughed and laughed.

你曾经也经历过既美好又糟糕的一天吗? 那一天都发生了什么事?写一写,不少于5句话。