冠词 知识点题库

China is seeing ______ growing trend in the number of people owning pets and ______ recent survey finds that one in 13 Chinese now keep animals.

A . the; a B . a; the C . a; a D . the; the
This is ________ book I borrowed yesterday. Isn't it ________ interesting one?

A . the; the B . the; a C . a; the D . the; an
________ news hit ________ Venice Film Festival unexpectedly: Hayao Miyazaki, the world's most honored creator of animated features, was ending his movie career.
A . 不填;the B . 不填;不填 C . The; 不填 D . The; the
Two years ago, the 9-year-old girl set up ___ organization named Angel to help ____ homeless.
A . the; B .   ; the C . an; a D . an; the
It was ___struggle for him to finish _______experiment, with the room in ________mess after he finished it.
A . the; an; / B . a; the; a C . a; an; / D . /; the; a
After        series of failures, Jack managed to pass        driving test.
A . a; a B . a; the C . 不填; a D . the; a
The foreigners here are greatly impressed by the face that _______ people from all walks of life are working hard for ________ new Tianjin.
A . /; a B . /; the C . a; a D . the; the
下列句子中各有一处语言错误,请把错误改正,其他部分不得改动。每处错误仅涉及一个 单词的增加、删除或修改。




  1. (1) Hurry up! All of us are wait for you.
  2. (2) It is convenient for us to use such a wonderfully library.
  3. (3) Personally,it is not good habit to use the Web language.
  4. (4) With his help, we've learned what to solve the problems.
  5. (5) I had no money, so I had to walk to home.
Usually we are at ________ on ________.
A . the church; Sunday B . church; Sundays C . the church; Sundays D . church; a Sunday
John ran away from home after quarrel with his wife.
We can have_______ bluer sky if we create________ less polluted world.
A . a; a B . a; the C . the; a D . the; the
Later ________ word came that Dolly ________ sheep had become seriously ill.
A . a; a B . the; the C . /; the D . /; /
My brother is so interested in languages that, he is now learning _____ third language besides Eng-lish and French.
A . 不填 B . the C . a D . that
He told the telephone operator that his call was matter of life and death.
The manager has brought up his opinion that if they make         most of the modern equipment, there will be         rise in production.
A . 不填; 不填 B . the; a C . 不填; a D . the; 不填
Learning grammar is big headache for me.
At one point, the host asked people in the audience if Nicholas Winton had saved their lives. _______ shocked Winton watched as _______majority of people rose to their feet and, after ________, everyone standing up bowed low to Winton.
A . The, a, that B . The, a, which C . A, the, that D . A, the, which
Terrorism is threat to the whole country.  
The teacher did not punish me for cheating. Instead, he gave me second chance.
Class discussion is important, but I couldn't make great contribution.