表“除……之外” 知识点

在英语中能表达“除外;除……之外”意思的介词或词组常用的有 besides、except、but、except for、but for、other than 以及apart from 等。
一、except 、but 和besides
A. 当我们要表示“从整体里减去一部分”,常用except和but。except的含意是因为“所说的道理或事实不能适用于那部分”,着重于“排除在外”。例如:I had nothing in the world except/but a one-million-pound note.除了一张一百万英镑的钞票,我什么都没有。
例如:1. In the maths competition he won the first place but two. 在数学竞赛中除了两名,他得了第一名。 (第三名);
2.  There is no one but me in the office now. 现在办公室里只有我一个人。
同时还需注意,but 之后可接动词不定式。如果but前有行为动词do(不管它以何种形式出现),动词不定式前的to常省略;反之保留to。
例如:1. Jenny could do nothing but accept the offer. Jenny 只能接受这个提议。
2. He didn't ask anything but to see his son in safety. 他什么也没问,只是想看到他的儿子安全。
B. 表示“除了甲做了某事外,乙也做了某事”, 即“除……以外,另外还有……”时,要用 besides。着重“另外还有”。这时做了某事的应是甲乙相加的和。例如:1. What else did you see besides the dolphins in the Ocean Park?除了海洋公园里的海豚,你还看到了什么?;2. Brown bought two other books besides this dictionary.布朗除了这本字典还买了两本书。

二、except for和but for
两者都表示 “如果没有……; 要不是有……(的话);除……之外”。用except for时,除开的和前(后)面所说明的不是同类事物,常用来对前面所说明的事物进行细节上的更正,语气上通常表示遗憾。
例如: 1. Your composition is well written except for a few misspellings.你的作文写得很好,除了几处拼写错误。句中a few misspellings(除去的)和Your composition(前面所说明的)是不同类的事物。
2.  Except for some old furniture, the castle is quite empty.除了一些旧家具,城堡里空荡荡的。句中some old furniture (除去的)和the castle(后面所说明的)是不同类的事物。
but for 只用于虚拟语气,可与 without、if it were not for… 、if it had not been for…互换。例如:But for your kind help, I wouldn’t have finished the task so easily.要不是你的帮助,我不会这么容易就完成任务。

三、apart from具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示except 或except for,还可以表示without的意思。
例如:1. Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time. 除了成本,还要花很多时间。(= besides);
2. All the children like music apart from Bobby. 除了鲍比,所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。(= except);
3. This is a good composition, apart from a few grammar mistakes. 除了一些语法错误,这是一篇好作文。(= except for)

四、other than“除了……,除……之外;”相当于 except , but。例如:1. There's nobody here other than me. 除了我这里没别人。2. You can't get there other than by swimming. 你只能靠游泳游到那边去。

表“除……之外” 知识点题库

— Have you finished the task?
— ________ it. We still need five more days.

A . Far from B . Rather than C . Apart from D . Except for
The suit fits me well, ______ the trousers are too short.
A . except B . besides    C . but D . except that
I know nothing about the young lady ________ she is from Beijing.

A . except that B . besides C . except for D . except
Do you really want to rent such a flat which is empty ________ some old pieces of furniture?

A . besides B . except for C . for D . except
________ being fun, watching English videos is a good form of listening exercise.

A . Besides that B . In addition C . Apart from D . Except for
Every one of us went to the zoo ________ Tom. He was ill.

A . except B . besides C . including D . and
______ cleaning the yard and making up the beds for the old, we also read newspapers for them and had chats with them.
A . Except for B . Apart from C . Rather than D . Instead of
They knew nothing about the war _______ they heard from the radio.
A . besides B . except C . except what D . except for
_________ being intelligent, he is also diligent and warm-hearted, which _________ him everyone's respect in the team.
A . Except; provided B . Apart from; provided C . Apart from; earned D . Except; earned
________ the cost, the project will take a lot of time as well.
A . Other than B . In addition C . Except for D . Apart from
They are so rich that they lack nothing.