常用介词短语构成 知识点题库

I bought a shirt because it was not only good ______ but also reasonable in price.

A . of quality B . in quality C . of a quality D . in a quality 
It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _________ favors to them.

A . in preference to B . in place of C . in agreement with D . in exchange for
Can't you notice that there is little time left? Please tell me the whole thing brief.
After the competition, the athletes went to England a simple tour.
In the (短缺) of more suitable workers, we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.
Help those who are   and that will be rewarding. (在危急中)
He sold me the house at a cheap price and threw in some of the furniture ________.
A . for a change B . for my part C . for a song D . for good measure
It turns out that a man is without question innocent or guilty, which means: “it serves him right”(改写同义句)

We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved b doubt.

In c(总的来说), you must convince me of your ability before you are employed.
I will be under p if I speak in front of the class.
Tom won first prize in the singing competition, much our excitement.
Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story.
A . without B . beyond C . against D . despite
To everyone's surprise, he completed the task         far before the deadline.
A . with fluency B . behind schedule C . on schedule D . in advance
Many people are _______ the new policy.
A . in favor of B . in honor of C . in search of D . in case of
Under-achieving children have set up emotional barriers to education and, ______ demands by adults, these barriers become even harder to overcome.
A . in response to B . in relation to C . in contrast to D . in addition to
Most of them were ___________ my opinion while David was against it.
A . in honor of B . in favor of C . in search of D . in memory of
Much to our disappointment, this clothing factory was horribly managed and ______.
A . out of reach B . out of shape C . out of order D . out of practice
I like your products very much ________ quality but I think the price is too high.
A . in charge of B . in place of C . in terms of D . in spite of
You should book your flight about two or three weeks _____ so that you can enjoy a lower price.
A . in particular B . in advance C . in return D . in fact
We hung most of the decorations the branches of the Christmas tree.