简单介词 知识点


简单介词 知识点题库

time I have been changed quite a lot.
I still had many friends there, (包括)Bruce.

— Have you heard of the famous translator Xu Yuanchong, who is still devoted to his work at the age of 98?

— Absolutely! C his age, he leads a very active life.

Some social app companies were to blame because they didn't keep youngsters staying up late.
My uncle has applied a post in the company.
You can depend him to come tomorrow.
You can retell your story leaving out some unimportant details.
They walked slowly the road.
My father was a lawyer, and he discouraged me entering the field of scientific exploration.
the first time I feel sorry for what I said.
We should not judge a person  his appearance but people make that mistake from time to time.(根据句意填空)
I am tired this game. Let's play something else.(用适当的单词填空)
Do you have a passion software development that can fully realize your potential?
I never saw him again, nor did I hear him.
Your computer is the latest model, which is far superior mine.
His poor English prevented him becoming an actor. (用适当的介词/副词填空)
A service was held memory of those who had died in the fighting.
Be careful! Any small mistake can result a serious accident.
Everybody's eyes were focused her when she was introducing herself, which made her extremely nervous.
The lady who you spoke  is a woman scientist. (不填/to)