副词 知识点题库

The problem is very important. You should take it (严肃地,认真地).
My sister is good at dance, p (尤其) ballet (芭蕾).
This city has a small population, only (slight) over three hundred thousand.
Visitors were amazed that the students could speak English so (fluent).
The better you understand this, the more easily and (enjoy)you will achieve your goals.
Just as President Xi JinPing puts it, China today is (逐渐地) closer than ever before to national rejuvenation.
Seeing that she's (legal) old enough to get married, I think you shouldn't stop her.
She has contributed millions of dollars (generous) to the Red Cross.
The patient is (稍微) better today.
A friend in need is a friend i.
(不管,不顾) of danger, he climbed up the roof and saved the girl.
The greatest challenge to American security in 2009 and beyond is not o, it is here at home.
A survey is now being carried across the country.
Body language can give a lot about your mood.
As the warm August days passed, Pollyanna went very (frequent) to the great house on Pendleton Hill.
To solve the problem, he came with the clever idea.
We've fixed the date for the outing and we'll go (不管,不顾) of wind or rain.
He looked at me (直直地)for a long time without saying a word.
What do you (实际上) do every day?
John said sorry to his boss (尴尬地) for coming late. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)