引导条件状语从句的连词 知识点

引导条件状语从句的连词有:if“如果”;unless“如果......,不......; 除非”;in case“假使,万一”;as long as“只要”;once“一旦”等。例如:
1.If he gets any worse, we must phone for an ambulance.要是他情祝恶化,我们就得打电话叫救护车了。
2.Unless there is any other business, we can end the meeting.如果没有别的事情,我们的会议可以结束了。
3.As long as you've paid in advance we won't charge you for delivery.只要你预先付款,我们就不收你送货费。
4.In case I forget, please remind me aboutit.万一我忘记,请请醒我一下。
注意,在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时表示条件的if之后可能用will, 但那不是将来时态,而是表示意愿、委婉请求或执意等,此时的will为情态动词。例如: .
1.If you will follow me, Ill show you the way.请跟我来,我给你指路。
2.I'll pay for the hotel, if you will for the food.如果你愿付伙食钱,我就来付旅馆钱。
3.If you won't leave, I'll have to call security.如果你不离开,我就只好叫保安了。

引导条件状语从句的连词 知识点题库

Why not look up the new word in a dictionary_______you don't know it?

A . if           B . that     C . though      D . whether
________a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter the classroom.

A . If only B . Only if C . As if D . Even if
It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties_________ gets more financial support from the European Union.
A . if B . unless C . because D . since
You can borrow my car        you promise not to drive too fast.
A . unless B . even if C . in case D . as lone as
______we have enough evidence, we can't win the case.
A . Once B . As long as C . Unless D . Since
I'll be out for some time. ______ anything important happens, call me up immediately.
A . In case B . As if C . Even though D . Now that
_______ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.
A . Unless B . Although C . Before D . Once
You won't find paper cutting difficult _____you keep practicing it.
A . even if B . as long as C . as if D . ever since
_____the damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.
A . Until B . Unless C . Once D . Although
You can't avoid        your job tomorrow        you work hard today.
A . losing; unless B . to lose; though C . losing; until D . to lose; if
Don't lose heart. __________ you study hard, you'll make great progress.
A . Although B . As long as C . Even if D . Unless
—What bad weather! I'm afraid the trip will be canceled.

—____it would clear up tomorrow.

A . Even if B . If only C . Only if D . As if
Granny always keeps her cellphone switched off _________she's expecting a call.
A . Since B . unless C . once D . when
Only you practise more can you speak English well.
You can phone your friend at work _____ you don't make a habit of it.
A . as if B . even though C . as long as D . in case
_____ we ever meet again I hope he remembers to thank me.
A . If and when B . When and where C . If and what D . When and how
—Mr. Robert, I'd like to take a gap year to volunteer for a global anti-Aids campaign.

—That's great, ________ you can afford the time.

A . provided that B . in case C . even if D . so that
This is a terrible disease that can result in total blindness, left untreated. (用适当的词填空)
(假设) that there are no dustmen, can you imagine what our city will be like?(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
(give) that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! (所给词的适当形式填空)