引导目的状语从句的连词 知识点

引导目的状语从句的从属连词主要有in order that, so that, in case, for fear等。
1.He studied hard in order that he could pass the exam.他努力学习以便能考试及格。
2.Speak clearly so that they may understand you.讲清楚些,以便他们能理解你。
3.I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round.我平时总存着一瓶酒以备朋友来时喝。
4.She worried for fear that the child would be hurt.她很忧虑,怕孩子会受伤。
注意: in case既可引导条件状语从句,也可引导目的状语从句,但意思不同:表示条件时,意为如果,万一;表示目的时,意为以防,以免。

引导目的状语从句的连词 知识点题库

Take action today ______ you won't miss your windows of opportunity.

A . as if B . now that C . so that D . even if
Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family.
A . now that B . as if C . only if D . so that
Take the umbrella with you ___________ it rains.
A . as long as B . even though C . in case D . so that
We ran to the bus stop ______ we could catch the bus.
A . in order B . so that C . to D . in order to
She is explaining clearly _____ Lily could understand her.
A . in order to B . in order C . such that D . so that
He walked fast for fear        he should be late.
A . to B . in order C . that D . as to
He studies very hard         pass the exam.
A . so B . so as C . so as to D . in order
The teacher spoke slowly       we could understand better.
A . in case B . for fear that C . so that D . in order
He works hard        he can serve his country well.
A . so B . in order that C . so as to D . in order
He is working hard       he should fail.
A . so that B . for fear that C . so as to D . in order to
He will come to the office       he is wanted.
A . in order B . so that C . so as to D . in case
She came into the room quietly       she wake her baby.
A . so B . lest C . so as to D . in order that
I shall stay in the hotel all day       there is news of Harry.
A . so B . so as to C . in case D . in order that
After graduation, he took all his works(作品) to London _______ get a good job there.

A . so that B . in order that C . in order to D . as to