方式状语从句 知识点

一、方式状语从句的概念:方式状语从句通常由as, (just) as…so…, as if, as though, by,with引导,多用来谈论某人的行为或者做某事的方式。
(一) as, (just) as…so…引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) as…so…结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是"正如……","就像",多用于正式文体。
例如:1.Always do to the others as you would be done by.你希望人家怎样待你,你就要怎样待人。
2.As water is to fish, so air is to man. 我们离不开空气,犹如鱼儿离不开水。
3.You must try to hold the tool as I do.你必须像我这样拿工具。   
4.Leave the things as they are.别动这些东西。
5.We must do as the Party tells us (to do).我们必须按照党的指示办事。
6.Just as we sweep our rooms, so we should sweep backward ideas from our minds.正如打扫房屋一样,我们也要扫除我们头脑中落后的东西。
(二)由as if, as though引导      as if 和as though 引导的从句中的时态取决于说话者对所谈内容的态度。若说话者认为其看法是真的或可能会成为事实,从句谓语就按常规变化。
例如:1.He looks as if he is angry.  他看上去好像生气了。
2.It looked as if there would be an exciting race.看来要有一场激动人心的比赛。
3.When the spaceship leaves the earth at tremendous speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor.当宇宙飞船以巨大的速度离开地球时,宇航员们觉得自己好像正在被压向宇宙飞船的底壁上去。
例如:1.They completely ignore these facts as if (as though) they never existed.他们完全忽略了这些事实,就仿佛它不存在似的。(与事实相反,谓语用虚拟语气。)
2.He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lightning.他那样子就像被雷击了似的。(与事实相反,谓语用虚拟语气。)
3.It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.看来天气很快就会好起来。(实现的可能性较大,谓语用陈述语气。)

方式状语从句 知识点题库

     __  a single word can change the meaning of a sentence, a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.

A . Just as B . Even though  C . Until D . Unless
______ we guess, the man wearing dark-glasses is a detective for this murder case.

A . As long as B . As well as C . As far as D . As soon as  
世界似乎到了末日。 然而,并非所有的希望都破灭了。(as if)

He looks        he had been hit by lightning.
A . as B . as though C . if D . like
It looks        the weather may pick up very soon.
A . as B . though C . as if D . like
They completely ignore these facts        they never existed.
A . as B . as though C . if D . like
He cleared his throat       to say something.
A . as so B . though C . as if D . like
The waves dashed on the rocks        in anger.
A . as so B . though C . as if D . like
He acted just        he were afraid.
A . as so B . though C . like D . as if
He behaves        he were a child.
A . as if B . though C . as so D . like

It shows the of , but I'd like to help the WWF suggests .

In the lab, you must do everything exactly your teacher tells you.
From time to time Jason turned round,        he was searching for someone.
A . as if B . even if C . if only D . what if
Something terrible _______ if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant ______ he always did.
A . must have happened; what B . could have happened; as C . must have happened; as D . could have happened; what
She usually took a walk along the riverside _____ her mother did before she went abroad.
A . just like B . just as C . the way like D . which
The athlete didn't talk about that matter if it hadn't happened to him. (用适当的词填空)
I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary most people do.
In the film The Little Tramp, Chaplin cuts off the laces of the shoes and eats them ______ they were noodles.
A . if only B . even if C . ever since D . as if
Man may disappear _____________other creatures who became too specialized to survive their environment.
A . as B . just as C . as if D . as have
The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space they do from the earth.(用适当的连接词补全句子)