四年级: 语文 数学 英语 


  1. (1) 这首诗是代诗人写的。诗中描写了种景物,分别是。表达了诗人之情。
  2. (2) “ 。”一句写出了儿童在花丛中捕蝶的欢乐情景。





春天是播种的好季节,主要是因为春天提供植物生长需要的(    )
A . 温度 B . 空气 C . 阳光 D . 营养
听录音,选择答句(   )
A . Yes, please. B . I'd like some beef.
always   students   badminton   the   play   gym   the   in(连词成句)
当电池的两端被电线直线连接在一起时,就会发生(    )。
A . 短路 B . 断路 C . 通路
I played ____ piano beautifully yesterday. (  )  
A .   / B . a C . the
dr____m (梦)
A . ae B . er C . ea

Hello, I'm Jack. Look at the room. I have a bed in the bedroom. There is a picture on the wall. Look, the window is big and clean. The table is red. My books are on the table. My glasses are near the books, and my schoolbag is under the table.

  1. (1) Is the bed in the bedroom?
    A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't.  
  2. (2) Is the picture on the wall?
    A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't. 
  3. (3) Where are the books?
    A . They're under the table. B . They're on the table.
  4. (4) Where are my glasses?
    A . They're near the table. B . They're near the books.
  5. (5) Is my schoolbag on the table?
    A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't.

在做家务的态度上,可取的是(    )。
A . 专做大人不让干的家务 B . 主动做力所能及的家务 C . 做自己愿意做的家务 D . 以上都不对
A . clean B . Thursday C . Tuesday


— What colour are the flowers? 




It is afternoon. Bill is reading his comic book.

Mary: Hello, Bill. Do you like pandas?

Bill: Yes, I do.

Mary: Do you like tigers?

Bill: Yes, I do.

Mary: Do you like leopards?

Bill: Yes I do.

Mary: Do you like horses?

Bill: Yes, I do.

Mary: Do you like bees?

Bill: Yes, I do.

Mary: Well, look! The bees are coming!

Bill: Oh, no!

  1. (1) Does Bill like tigers?

    A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
  2. (2) Does he like leopards?

    A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
  3. (3) Does he like horses?

    A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
  4. (4) Doe she like pandas?

    A . Yes, he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
  5. (5) Does he like bees?

    A . Yes,he does. B . No, he doesn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
  6. (6) What does he like?

    A . He likes bees. B . He likes comic books. C . Sorry, I don't know.
东东把一条5厘米长的线段的一端延长9厘米就能得到一条长14厘米的射线。(   )