
1. 单选题 详细信息
Mycroft Holmes and Sherlock Hohnes are brothers. There is uncommon similarity between two men.
A. an;/ B. an;the C. a;/ D. a;the
2. 单选题 详细信息
一I've heard Joe was praised by his boss again.
一Oh, that's because he is always _____ the first to complete his tasks.
A.for B.among C.of D.as
3. 单选题 详细信息
—Have you ever visited Russia, Wilson?
一Yes, I have. I _____ there last summer for two weeks.
A.went B.was going C.have gone D.goes
4. 单选题 详细信息
—Advertisements sometimes help people learn more about new products.
—But from time to time ads _____ tell lies.
A.can B.should C.need D.must
5. 单选题 详细信息
—Your picture is so wonderful.
—I had worked for 10 hours _____ I finished drawing it.
A.when B.after C.since D.before
6. 单选题 详细信息
—I hope Bob won't_______ my invitation. How I wish he could come to the party!
—It's hard to say. He left his plane ticket at home when he went to the airport last time.
A.remember B.forget
C.refuse D.accept
7. 单选题 详细信息
The poor man needs our help, ___ he?
A. need B. needn't C. does D. doesn't
8. 单选题 详细信息
—Look, Tom's parents look so sad.
—Maybe they what's happened.
A. knew B. have known C. has known D. will know
9. 单选题 详细信息
People often think pigs are stupid. But , they are quite smart.
A. no problem B. in fact C. no way D. in all
10. 单选题 详细信息
—I don’t care __________. In this camp, there’s only one hairstyle-short! Understand?
—Yes, madam!
A. what you are used to liking B. what you used to be like
C. what are you used to liking D. what did you use to be like
11. 完型填空 详细信息
One day a lion met a spider, who was just busy making a web. The lion _______ for a while and said,"How clever you are! How did you learn to do that?" The spider answered proudly," I learned it from my mother."
The lion watched a longer while. Then he asked the spider, "But why don't you catch your food in the way that I do?"
"I am just a small animal," the spider _______ ."I cannot run fast or fly. _______ with my web I can catch flying insects(昆虫),and I don't even have to run after them."
The lion then asked, "Could you make a _______ for me? Then I would not have to run after animals either."
"Sorry,"the spider said."My web can only catch flying insects. But you cannot love _______them."
The lion was_______ with the spider. She did not have to work _______ for food. And she would not help him get his food. So he hit the web and broke it. But the spider jumped _______ the lion's back and bit him.
"Now you will remember me," said the spider as she jumped into the grass. "Think carefully_______ you do something bad to other animals. Some of us may be small,but we are very smart."
The lion tried to scratch(挠)his back,but he could not reach ________ the spider bit.. It itched (发痒)for several days. He remembered the smart spider for a long time.
【1】A.rested B.walked C.watched D.listened
【2】A.replied B.ran C.asked D.agreed
【3】A.And B.Or C.But D.Then
【4】A.coat B.web C.home D.wish
【5】A.making B.finding C.selling D.eating
【6】A.angry B.happy C.sad D.crazy
【7】A.hard B.quickly C.late D.lonely
【8】A.into B.onto C.under D.with
【9】A.before B.after C.until D.though
【10】A.when B.where C.what D.how
12. 阅读理解 详细信息
Here's the following weather map for Nechako Island.

【1】Shirley wants to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine. What city should she visit?
A. She should visit Sintich. B. Bendixon is a good choice.
C. She should go to Poolie. D. Sutter is the right place.
【2】“When we woke in the morning, we couldn't see anything. We went outside the hotel, but the weather wasn't clear.”Where are these people staying?
A. In the north. B. In the southeast.
C. In the east. D. In the northeast.
13. 阅读理解 详细信息
Emily St. Denny is fifteen years old. She was born in Beijing, China, where her mother worked as a French teacher and her father taught English. When she was five years old, Emily and her family moved to Belgrade, Serbia. When she was seven years old, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya, where her little sister was born. Two years later, her family moved to Hong Kong, where she attended a French international school. After five years, the family moved to France.
Emily's mother was born in France. Emily's father is American. Emily says her little sister is very French, like her mother. However, after living in so many places, Emily does not really know who she is. She says she feels more American than anything else, as English is her first language, but she has never lived there! Emily is a "Third Culture Kid".
This term (shortened to "TCK") was made up in the 1960s by doctors Ruth and John Useem. They used it to talk about the experience of mainly immigrant(移民)children growing up between two cultures: their culture of "origin"(or that of their parents), and the place they are presently living.
Today, TCK also refers to children who have travelled a lot and who are "culturally blended". These are children who are familiar with many cultures, but not as familiar with their parents'.
【1】In what way might Emily be different from her classmates in France?
A.She can speak good French. B.She is open to different cultures.
C.She is likely to enjoy French food. D.She has visited many places of France.
【2】What does the word "blended" mean in the last paragraph?
A.排斥 B.优先 C.推广 D.融合
【3】What is the best title for this passage?
A.Children abroad B.Third Culture Kid C.International kid D.Immigrant Culture
14. 阅读理解 详细信息
The painter Craigie Aitchison was born in Scotland. He came to London intending(打算)to study law, but went to art school instead. There he found the traditional drawing classes diffcult, but still kept on painting.
In his late twenties he was given money by the Italian government to study art and liked early Italian artists, which shows in some of his work. He loved the greens and browns of the Italian fields and the clear light there, and wanted to put this light into his paintings.
This led him to paint colours thinly one on top of another from light to dark, but he insists he's never sure what the results will be. He says, "It's a secret-because I don't know myself. I don't start by painting yellow, knowing I'm going to put anything on top." Like most talented people, Aitchison makes it sound easy. "Anyone can do the colours-you can buy them. I simply notice what you put the colours next to."
Unlike some artists, he never does drawings before he starts a painting, as he feels that if he did, he might get bored and not do the painting afterwards. Instead, Aitchison changes his paintings many times before they are finished. This explains why his favourite models are people who don't ask to see their pictures while he's painting them. "If I feel they're worried and want to look at the painting, I can't do it."
Since moving to London years ago, he has not felt part of the Scottish(苏格兰的)painting scene. He says he doesn't want to follow any tradition, but just paints the way he can. However, his work still influences young British painters.
【1】In the passage, the writer is trying to .
A. describe particular works by Craigie Aitchison
B. teach readers how to paint like Craigie Aitchison
C. introduce the artist Craigie Aitchison to the readers
D. explain how Craigie Aitchison has made money from painting
【2】What can the reader learn about Aitchison from the passage?
A. He works in a different way from other artists.
B. He often gets bored easily with his paintings.
C. He found the drawing classes easy at art school.
D. He was sure what his painting was like before drawing.
【3】Aitchison prefers models who don't .
A. keep moving around while he's working
B. ask him about his strange method of working
C. worry about how long the work will take
D. feel worried to see the work as it's developing
【4】What might a visitor at an exhibition say about Aitchison's work?
A. I love his recent painting of Scotland, which are very similar to a number of other Scottish painters.
B. You can still see the influence of his trip to Italy in some of these pictures.
C. You can tell he spent a lot of time drawing the picture before he started painting.
D. I wonder if his law training helps him at all, especially in selling his work.
15. 选择句子补全短文 详细信息
Everything went black! All the lights in our flat turned off, including the TV. Mum took out the candles and Dad went to see what was going on. One advantage of living in a tall building is that you always have help nearby. 【1】 . With a candle in his hand, Mr. Smith answered the door. Uh-oh! He didn't have lights, either. 【2】 . Our neighbours went downstairs and began chatting outside. They were not worried at all.
Then we heard a frightening sound after a bright flash of lightning. 【3】 . In order to get some information, Mr. Smith turned on the radio. 【4】 . It hit a tower at the power station before the first flash of lightning. That was the reason why the lights suddenly went out before the rain came. 【5】 . We cheered loudly. The event made it possible for the neighbours to have a chance to be together.
A.It started to rain heavily in no time
B.So I went to our next-door neighbour, Mr.Smith
C.At last all the lights turned off
D.Finally, the lights came back
E.I found that all the building caught fire
F.The weatherman said that the storm was the cause of all the problems
G.I found that all the buildings in our neighbourhood were dark
16. 详细信息

【1】The two problems should be treated _____ (分别).
【2】You have _____ (丢掉)away a good chance.
【3】The Chinese people have the tradition of _____ (尊敬)the old and being kind to the young.
【4】I had to wait for a week after I handed in my______ (申请)letter.
【5】Guangjinanlu Station is one of the _____ (忙碌)underground stations in Suzhou.
【6】Though his grandfather is in his ______ (九十), he's energetic enough to go round.
【7】Sometimes it's too noisy in the club. Shall I take you ______ (某处)else?
【8】—What do you think of your parents?
—They never allow me to stay out late. I think they are much ______ with me than yours.
【9】—Why not buy a new mobile phone? —I hope so. But I can't ______ it
【10】—How about going for a holiday in Hainan?
— _____great! I'm looking forward to visiting it for long.
17. 翻译题 详细信息

18. 任务型阅读 详细信息
Tom Jenkins enjoyed fishing and spent most of his time by the river.
He enjoyed being in the fresh air and being on his own. There was no one to trouble him and the time passed happily for him.
Unluckily, he was not a very good fisherman. He either fished in the wrong place, used the wrong bait(鱼饵)or pulled in his line too quickly. Whatever the reason was, he never caught anything big enough to eat.
However, he did not like to admit this to his wife. He thought she would complain if she knew he was wasting his time. She would try to stop him from going fishing. She might even make him take her shopping. It was very important to Tom, therefore, that she thought he was a good fisherman.
For this reason, on the way home from the river he always visited the local fish shop and bought something. Then he told his wife he had caught it and they had a good fish for their dinner.
One evening, after yet another day's unsuccessful fishing, Tom stopped at the fish shop as usual on his way home. "I'll have three perch(鲈鱼), please," he said to the shopkeeper. "And throw them to me, as usual, so I can tell my wife I caught them."
The shopkeeper laughed and said, "I suggest you take a nice salmon(鲑鱼)instead."
"Oh why?"
"Your wife came in an hour ago and said, "When Tom comes in, make sure he 'catches' a salmon."
【1】What kind of fish would Tom's wife want for dinner?
【2】Why did Tom enjoy fishing?
【3】Did Tom's wife know the truths? Why or why not?
19. 书面表达 详细信息
你们学校将要举行英语演讲比赛,主题是围绕"十年以后的你". 假如你是李华,请以"What will I be like in ten years?"为题目,根据下面的提示,准备一篇发言稿。
提示:1. What are you going to do in ten years?
2. Why are you going to do the job?
3. How are you going to make your dream come true?
4. What will you do if your dream comes true?
要求:1. 不少于80词,开头已经给出,不计入总词数.
2. 条理清晰,语意连贯,可适当发挥.
What will I be like in ten years?
Hello, everyone! I'm Li Hua. It's so lucky for me to make a speech here. In ten years, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________