
Here's the following weather map for Nechako Island.【1】Shirley wants to go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine. What city should she visit?A. She should visit Sintich. B. Bendixon is a good choice.C. She should go to Poolie. D. Sutter is the right place.【2】“When we woke in the morning, we couldn't see anything. We went outside the hotel, but the weather wasn't clear.”Where are these people staying?A. In the north. B. In the southeast.C. In the east. D. In the northeast.过椭圆的右焦点作轴的垂线,与椭圆在第一象限内交于点,过作直线的垂线,垂足为,.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)设为圆上任意一点,过点作椭圆的两条切线,设分别交圆于点,证明:为圆的直径.
英语 试题推荐