
1. 选择题 详细信息
—___________ are you from?( )
—I'm from Shanghai.
A. Where B. where C. What
2. 选择题 详细信息
I am excited _________ the party. ( )
A. at B. off C. of
3. 选择题 详细信息
She is _________ for me. ( )
A. wait B. waits C. waiting
4. 选择题 详细信息
We always watch _________ cars in the street. ( )
A. for B. on C. at
5. 选择题 详细信息
Sometimes I _________ my father's hand to go to school. ( )
A. taking B. takes C. take
6. 选择题 详细信息
Everyone __________ books in the library. ( )
A. reading B. reads C. to read
7. 选择题 详细信息
_____________ stand close to the fire(火). ( )
A. No B. Not C. Don't
8. 选择题 详细信息
Neva _________ like to listen to music. ( )
A. doesn't B. don't C. do
9. 选择题 详细信息
Please remember to be safe __________ the way. ( )
A. at B. on C. in
10. 选择题 详细信息
The spring is ____________.( )
A. come B. comes C. coming
11. 判断题 详细信息
(_____)1.Play football on the street.
(_____)2.Stand too close to the street.
(_____)3.Run to the bus and jump on.
(_____)4.Wear the seat belt in the car.
(_____)5.Play with the fire.
(_____)6.Look to the left and to the right before you cross the street.
(_____)7.Play on the icy(结冰的)river.
(_____)8.Talk with the bus driver.
(_____)9.Take your mother's hand when you cross the street.
(_____)10.Touch the electric wire(电线).
12. 排序题 详细信息
In the morning, I always go to school with my brother. When I cross the street, I will take his hand to keep us safe.
Then we will wait for the school bus at the bus stop. We stand in a line and we don't stand too close to the street.
After we get on the bus, we wear our seat belts. We are excited on the bus.

(______) (______)

(______) (______)
13. 书面表达 详细信息