
1. 选择题 详细信息
(___)1. A. cake B. six C. egg
(___)2. A. toy B. boy C. girl
(___)3. A. storybook
  B. maths book
C. candy
(___)4. A. new B. fat C. key
(___)5. A. candy B. crayon C. bread
2. 选择题 详细信息
—What's in the schoolbag? ( )
  — .
A. It's orange.
B. Four book.
C. Some toys.
3. 选择题 详细信息
Mike has three and an . ( )
A. keys, eraser
B. toy, candy
C. toys, key
4. 选择题 详细信息
I have candies in my bag. ( )
A. a B. six C. an
5. 选择题 详细信息
—     is my notebook? ( )
—It's in your bag.
A. Where B. What C. What colour
6. 填空题 详细信息
读一读每组单词,试着把最后一个单词 中缺失的部分写出来,并翻译。
1. twenty happy body
cand__ (_____)
2. school sister sing
__tory (_____)
3. chair chant China
__inese (_____)
4. talk teacher tiger
__oy (______)
7. 填空题 详细信息