
1. 连线题 详细信息
go the pipa 读故事
do hiking 猜字谜
study stories 去远足
read word puzzles 学汉语
play Chinese 弹琵琶
2. 详细信息
My mother _______ Chinese food every day. ( )
A.cooks B.cook C.cooking
3. 详细信息
—He likes _______. Sometimes he _______ to the cows. ( )
—That’s interesting.
A.read; read B.reading; reads C.reading; read
4. 详细信息
_______ Andy _______ word puzzles every week? ( )
A.Does; does B.Did; does C.Does; do
5. 详细信息
—_______ ( )
—I like swimming and playing sports.
A.What are your hobbies? B.What are you going to do? C.What are you doing?
6. 详细信息
—Does she like doing word puzzles? ( )
A.No, she does. B.Yes, she does. C.Yes, she doesn’t.
7. 详细信息
【1】dance (-ing形式) ______
【2】study (动词第三人称单数形式) ______
【3】swim(-ing形式) ______
【4】play (动词第三人称单数形式) ______
【5】listen (-ing形式) ______
8. 详细信息
【1】watch (动词第三人称单数形式) ______
【2】read (-ing形式) ______
【3】have (动词第三人称单数形式) ______
【4】hobby (复数形式) ______
【5】also (同义词) ______
9. 详细信息
判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:My pen pal lives in Australia. (_____)
10. 详细信息
判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:John likes climbing mountains. (_____)
11. 详细信息
判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:Her new friend plays football every Sunday. (_____)
12. 详细信息
判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:He’s going to do word puzzles this afternoon. (_____)
13. 详细信息
判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符:Lucy loves to cook food. (_____)
14. 详细信息

A. He likes reading stories.
B. He lives in Beijing.
C. Yes, he does.
D. Sure.
E. Jim.

【1】Where does your pen pal live? (_____)
【2】What are Peter’s hobbies? (____)
【3】Who is your best friend? (____)
【4】Does he like going hiking? (____)
【5】Can I also be his pen pal? (____)
15. 补全对话 详细信息
Lucy is my new pen pal. She lives in England. She 【1】 (like / likes) singing. She is going to 【2】 (teach / teaches) me an English song. Her father is a teacher. He likes 【3】 (climb / climbing) mountains. He also likes 【4】 (swim / swimming). He 【5】 (go / goes) to work by bus.
16. 阅读理解 详细信息
I’m Tony. I’m an English boy. But now I live in China with my parents. We live in Beijing. I study Chinese in a school. I usually go to school by bus. I like playing football very much. I often play it with my friends on the weekend. My mother is a teacher. She likes singing. She goes to work by subway. My father is a doctor, but he likes drawing pictures. He goes to work by car.
【1】Tony lives in ________ now. ( )
A.England B.Australia C.Beijing
【2】Tony likes ________. ( )
A.singing B.playing football C.drawing pictures
【3】Tony often plays football with his ________ on the weekend. ( )
A.friends B.cousins C.parents
【4】Ton’s father goes to work ________. ( )
A.by bus B.by subway C.by car
【5】Tony’s mother likes ________. ( )
A.singing B.playing football C.drawing pictures