
1. 阅读理解 详细信息
Muir Woods and Sausalito Half Day Tour
Wander through an ancient coastal redwood forest and explore the artistic bayside on this half-day tour from San Francisco. Travel across the Golden Gate Bridge to visit Muir Woods, home to some of the oldest and tallest trees on Earth. At the end of your tour choose between getting dropped off at Union Square in San Francisco or taking the ferry back to San Francisco.
Yosemite National Park and Giant Sequoias Day Trip
Discover the beauty of the Sierra Nevada on this full-day trip to Yosemite National Park from San Francisco. Travel aboard a comfortable van through historic Gold Rush towns to reach the park, where you’ll be amazed by supersized natural wonders. Take a hike among ancient trees, and enjoy several hours to explore the park’s wonders on your own.
Niagara Falls Tour
Escape from New York City and head north to see both sides of the Canadian border on this guided, 2-day tour to Niagara Falls. Visit Niagara Falls on both the American and Canadian sides and take a ride on the famous Maid of the Mist boat. Then, on the road back to New York City, make a stop to shop at the Crossings Premium Outlets, one of the largest outlet malls in the US.
Napa and Sonoma Wine Country Tour
Escape to California’s famous wine country on this full-day tour from San Francisco. Taste regional varietals at three different wineries including both big-name and family-run estates (庄园). Learn about the winemaking process during guided tours, and appreciate the regional culture with a stop for lunch.
【1】Which tour should you choose if you want to do some shopping ?
A. Muir Woods and Sausalito Half Day Tour.
B. Yosemite National Park and Giant Sequoias Day Trip.
C. Niagara Falls Tour.
D. Napa and Sonoma Wine Country Tour.
【2】What can you do on Napa and Sonoma Wine Country Tour ?
A. Appreciate some of the oldest and tallest trees on Earth.
B. Enjoy supersized natural wonders.
C. Get some winemaking knowledge.
D. Take a ride on the boat.
【3】What does the writer intend to do by writing the passage?
A. To introduce some outdoor activities.
B. To share some tour experiences.
C. To advertise for the wine country.
D. To call for protecting natural wonders.
2. 阅读理解 详细信息
As the President of Ariel Investments, I am often asked how to cultivate (培 养) green hands to be qualified for a new job within a short time. My memories take me straight back to the days when I worked for John W. Rogers.
While in college, I worked as an intern (实 习生) at Ariel Investments. As the youngest girl of six kids from a single mom, I had very little knowledge of the business world. When I graduated, I decided to return to the company to improve myself.
At the age of 22, my perspective was greatly influenced by lunching with the company's founder and then-president, John W. Rogers. He told me that I would often find myself in the company of rich and successful people with big titles, lots of degrees and lots of experience. And yet, my ideas could still be as good or even better, he said. This early advice became the guiding force that has helped me throughout my entire career. When I was starting out, I thought my inexperience was holding me back, but John said that it was a good thing. He told me that being inexperienced means that you have a fresh point of view.
As my tutor, John encouraged me to be brave. As my boss, he took some giant leaps of faith to support me. Because of our first lunch and the years of support that followed, I never thought twice about speaking up, raising my hand or taking a seat at the table. Staying in the background was never a choice. But John 's advice came with one important warning. I needed to keep my attitude in check. It's one thing to be firm but quite another to be rude. Similarly, there is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence. With that in mind, I have had to learn to balance the way I act around others. As someone once told me, “the goal is to be non-threatened and non-threatening at the same time. ”
【1】What can we learn about the author from the text?
A.She went to Ariel Investments after graduation for practice.
B.She made her voice heard with encouragement from her boss.
C.Her miserable childhood had a negative effect on her work.
D.Her performance during internship was highly praised in public.
【2】Due to John W. Rogers' advice, the author_______ .
A.learned to strike a balance between work and life
B.contributed her ideas only after listening to others'
C.no longer felt lost and became aware of her own value
D.switched to a different company to display her talent
【3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Keep Your Attitude under Control.
B.Encourage Your Employees to Grow.
C.Let Your Success Be Your Noise.
D.Live a Life with a High Goal.
【4】Who would probably benefit most from this article?
A.Company bosses. B.Those new to a job.
C.Business consultants. D.Experienced teammates.
3. 详细信息
Why should mankind explore space? Why should money, time and effort be spent exploring and researching something with so few apparent benefits? Why should resources be spent on space rather than on conditions and people on Earth? These are questions that, understandably, are very often asked.
Perhaps the best answer lies in our genetic makeup as human beings. What drove our ancestors to move from the trees into the plains, and on into all possible areas and environments? The wider the spread of a species, the better its chance of survival. Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency to expand wherever possible.
Nearly every successful civilization has explored, because by doing so, any dangers in surrounding areas can be identified and prepared for. Without knowledge, we may be completely destroyed by the danger. With knowledge, we can lessen its effects.
Exploration also allows minerals and other potential resources to be found. Even if we have no immediate need of them, they will perhaps be useful later. Resources may be more than physical possessions. Knowledge or techniques have been acquired through exploration. The techniques may have medical applications which can improve the length or quality of our lives. We have already benefited from other spin –offs of space exploration. The technical improvements in earthquake prediction, in satellites for weather forecasting and in communications systems have long been in effect.
While many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us. While space may hold many wonders and explanations of how the universe was formed or how it works, it also holds dangers. The danger exists, but knowledge can help human beings to survive. Without the ability to reach out across space, the chance to save ourselves might not exist.
【1】What might be the key to those questions mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.Humans’ nature.
D.Potential dangers.
【2】Which of the following can best replace “spin-offs” underlined in paragraph 4?
【3】In which situation may this text be applied properly?
A.A private conversation.
B.A class presentation.
C.A cartoon picture.
D.A fashion review.
【4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How Knowledge Benefits Us
B.What Humans Spread for
C.Why to Explore Space
D.How Humans Save Ourselves
4. 详细信息
Dear Mummy,
This last trip to India with you has brought home to me a few hard facts—facts that I wanted to avoid seeing for some time. As you well know, you and I have had a few arguments and several days of tension during the trip. I must admit sometimes I really do not know how to communicate to you what I really feel. Words seem to fail on both sides. That’s why I am writing this letter. Perhaps it will be a bit easier. ___①___
As I approach my seventeenth year, I suddenly ask myself where I belong. I know this is the usual teenage identity crisis. You came to this country when you were slightly older than I am and married my father. You admired the American lifestyle and tried to be an American as much as you could. I am the daughter of you, a mother who is Indian, and a father who is American. Of course, I am American. Except for a few trips to India I have little to do with India outwardly. But I feel how much you would like me to become Indian sometimes. I cannot explain it with examples. But I feel it in my bones. The India that you never quite shake off comes back to you now and you want to see your daughter live it, at least partly. ___②___ Yes, Mummy, I know I am wrapped up in many superficial things, things my friends indulge in and I can understand your need to protect me. But I am part of them and in order for me to be accepted by my friends, sometimes I need to do things which do not always please me either. I need their approval and I want to be like them sometimes. But your good intentions to teach me those good Indian things then come into disagreement. Although I dislike the superficiality of my friends, I cannot move back to your culture just because it is better for you or more ancient or deep. ___③___
My dearest mother, I cannot be protected by you. Forgive me if I remind you of something you related to me many times. You could not be protected by my grandparents (your parents) when you decided to embrace this culture along with my father. ④ Nor can you protect me despite the fact that we are not separated by physical distance. Perhaps we are separated by something else and I suspect that is India.
I have never written a letter like this before in my short life. I feel good about writing this and would like to hear what you have to say. Ma, perhaps you and I can still be friends in a way that you and your mother could not be. Let’s try. I love you.
【1】What can we learn from this letter?
A.Rita and her mother had a pleasant trip in India.
B.Rita always asks herself where she belongs.
C.Rita wants to be accepted by her friends.
D.Rita’s mother allows her freedom to do as she wishes.
【2】This sentence “Let me live the life I am surrounded by and suffer as I wish.” can be best placed at ________.
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
【3】Which words can best describe Rita’s personality?
A.Hesitant and ignorant. B.Thoughtful and generous.
C.Ambitious and humorous. D.Independent and communicative.
【4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Rita expects more protection from her mother.
B.Rita expects more Indian cultural influence from her mother.
C.Rita expects more communication and respect from her mother.
D.Rita expects more attention and care from her mother.
5. 详细信息
Everybody knows the importance of drinking enough water.As we all know, drinking water benefits your skin, muscles and organs.【1】
The major reason for that is related to human biological needs.When you're a baby, you're 75 percent water.Then, as the years get higher, you get drier.【2】 It helps you lose weight, according to a study from the University of Birmingham.
The researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water thirty minutes before a meal helped participants lose 10 more pounds than those who did not.【3】 All participants were advised to improve their diet and physical activity levels.84 overweight adults were involved.Among them 41 were told to “preload” with water, while 43 were told to control their water intake before eating.After 12 weeks, the participants instructed to “preload” with water lost 2.87 pounds more than those in the control group on average.In addition, the participants preloading with water before each of their three main meals every day lost 9.48 pounds over the 12 weeks.【4】
Dr.Helen Parretti, a lecturer at the University of Birmingham, had this to say of the study: 【5】Just drinking 500 ml of water, three times a day, before your main meals may help reduce your weight...and this could be an easy way for weight loss. Furthermore, it can be significant for an individual to lose extra weight, making a potential contribution to public health.
A.Another reason to drink water is right here.
B.The study began with a weight management consultation.
C.The beauty of these findings is that losing weight is simple.
D.But not everyone can get access to tap water in some areas.
E.It also helps prevent certain diseases and improve your mood.
F.In contrast, those preloading once a day or never, lost just 1.76 pounds.
G.So kids should drink more water instead of coke to keep healthy.
6. 完形填空 详细信息
Katie Whetsell has been enjoying Disney movies from an early age and would often watch them with her mom, Karen. Confident about herself, Katie knew she _______ would be a performer in the future.
When Katie was nine years old, her family were shocked by an unexpected _______. Katie’s mother was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. When the doctor told the Whetsell family that Karen's disease was serious, and that she was _______ to get well again, they made a(n) _______. Disney World had been a longtime dream for Karen. So the family headed to Disney World for a trip that none of them would ever _______ .
While they were watching a light show, a performer put her hands on Karen's shoulder. They exchanged smiles and, to this day, Katie still remembers how _______ her mom looked. This was the day Katie decided she wanted to _______ for Disney. Sadly, Katie's mom Karen lost her _______ . Her family members _______ her every day and often think of that Disney vacation.
Katie went on to pursue(追求)performing for a living. She ________ for years, working as a waitress and trying to make it as a(n) ________ . Her effort finally ________when she was hired as a performer in Disney.
Katie says she could help other families get away from the ________ in their lives, whether it's a battle with cancer or simply helping adults feel like kids again. “Everything we do at the parks makes a ________ . We give people an opportunity to ________ with their childhood.”
【1】A.fortunately B.surely C.normally D.hardly
【2】A.proposal B.target C.turn D.detail
【3】A.unnecessary B.unusual C.unwise D.unlikely
【4】A.decision B.rule C.judgment D.choice
【5】A.expect B.imagine C.enjoy D.forget
【6】A.surprised B.delighted C.concerned D.awkward
【7】A.answer B.head C.account D.work
【8】A.battle B.confidence C.balance D.anger
【9】A.remind B.consider C.remember D.comfort
【10】A.struggled B.rented C.survived D.pressed
【11】A.volunteer B.performer C.star D.operator
【12】A.got off B.paid off C.paid back D.got back
【13】A.tension B.failure C.suffering D.loss
【14】A.difference B.effort C.response D.adventure
【15】A.agree B.compare C.live D.reconnect
7. 详细信息
There has been a recent trend in the food service industry toward lower fat content and less salt. This trend, which was started by the medical community(医学界)【1】 a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side effects such as overweight and heart disease—the very thing 【2】the medical community was trying to fight.
Fat and salt are very important parts of a diet. They 【3】(require) to process(加工) the food that we eat, to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions. When fat and salt are removed from food, the food tastes as if it is missing something. As 【4】 result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Even 【5】(bad), the amount of fast food that people eat 【6】 (go) up. Fast food is full of fat and salt; by 【7】 (eat) more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in their diet.
Having enough fat and salt in your meals will reduce the urge to snack(吃点心) between meals 【8】 will improve the taste of your food. However, be careful not to go to 【9】 (extreme). Like anything, it is possible to have too much of both, 【10】 is not good for the health.
8. 详细信息
________(起初), we had planned a tour of Scotland but we didn’t go in the end.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)
9. 详细信息
According to the survey, employees want to work f__________ so that they can balance their work and family. (根据首字母拼写)
10. 详细信息
An earthquake, ________(量度为) 6.5 on the Richter scale, hit the coastal city. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
11. 详细信息
Fortunately, fifty-nine passengers in a bus had a narrow e_______ when it suddenly caught fire. (根据首字母拼写)
12. 详细信息
Tomorrow will start off dry and bright in most areas, with temperatures _______(稍微) above normal for this time of year. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
13. 详细信息
As we walk the “path of life”, we may sometimes wish to be alone with our own thoughts, for quiet periods of r___________ can lead to personal improvement. (根据首字母拼写)
14. 详细信息
We didn’t know what to do next, so we _________(寻求) professional advice. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
15. 详细信息
Compared to her sister, she is much _________(苗条的). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
16. 详细信息
The town has changed beyond r______________ since I was last here. (根据首字母拼写)
17. 详细信息
When you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to c________ when you study. (根据首字母拼写)
18. 完成句子 详细信息
______________________, it is important for you to ______________ our school resources.
19. 完成句子 详细信息
When he’s __________ with his homework, I should do all I can to help him become _____________________.
20. 完成句子 详细信息
______________, we always knew we still had Mama’s bank account ______________.
21. 完成句子 详细信息
The stress is _____ me, and I’m ___________________ next.
22. 完成句子 详细信息
_________ we’re walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend, we’re hardly ____________________.
23. 书面表达 详细信息
Dear headmaster,
I'm writing to express my concern about the sports activities and facilities on campus.
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Yours sincerely,
Wang Ning