
1. 详细信息
【1】A.orange B.black C.maths
【2】A.mum B.book C.notebook
【3】A.pen B.pencil C.fish
【4】A.English B.Chinese C.candy
2. 选择题 详细信息

(___)1. —______is my pencil box?
   —It's on the schoolbag.
(___)2.— is this woman?
—She is my mother.
(___)3. —______is your schoolbag?
—It's brown and orange.
(___)4. — in the box?
—Some candies and two toys.
3. 情景交际 详细信息
当你想要麻烦别人时,应该先礼貌地说:( )
A. Excuse me.
B. Thank you.
4. 情景交际 详细信息
你想知道吴一凡的新文具盒是什么颜色的,应该说:( )
A. What's your new pencil box?
B. What colour is your new pencil box?
5. 详细信息
你想问同学他的文具盒里有什么,应该说:( )
A.What’s in your pencil box? B.Where is your pencil box?
6. 情景交际 详细信息
同学找不到他的故事书了,你想告诉他在这儿,应该说:( )
A. Here it is.
B. Here you are.
7. 补全对话 详细信息
Chen Jie: Excuse me. 【1】
Miss White: What colour is it?
Chen Jie: 【2】
Miss White: OK. What’s in your pencil box?
Chen Jie: 【3】
Miss White: Here it is.
Chen Jie: 【4】
Miss White: 【5】
A.It’s white and pink. It’s a rabbit.
B.Thank you so much!
C.I lost my pencil box.
D.A big eraser, a pen, a ruler and three pencils.
E.You’re welcome.