
1. 完型填空 详细信息
No leaves are exactly (确切地)the same in the world .Nobody in the world is the same ______you .You are unique (唯一的),Everybody is _______from others .That is good ,_______it makes the world an interesting place .
Some people are taller than you ,but others are ________than you .Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s ,but it_________be longer than hers .I am sure you have ______ friends who are smarter than you .And you also have some friends who are as _______at sports as you .But there are also some people around you who are not good at some things ._______does your best friend look like ? Do you both _______to finish your homework at school ? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day ? I think ______some ways you are the same ,but in many other ways you are different .So say loudly to the world ,“I am I am–I’m unique !”
【1】A. in B. as C. of D. from
【2】A. difficult B. different C. smart D. far
【3】A. because B. however C. although D. but
【4】A. funnier B. shorter C. heavier D. nicer
【5】A. should B. must C. may D. need
【6】A. any B. some C. much D. few
【7】A. bad B. sad C. well D. good
【8】A. Where B. What C. How D. When
【9】A. like B. enjoy C. practice D. run
【10】A. through B. by C. in D. on
2. 阅读理解 详细信息
One day,in a heavily crowded place,a young man began shouting,“People,look at me.I have the most beautiful heart in the world.”
All the people praised(称赞) him when they saw his beautiful heart in a perfect shape.However,there came an old man,“No,I don't think so.Young man,I have got the most beautiful heart in the world!”
The young man asked him,“Show me your heart,then!”
The old man showed his heart to him.The heart had scars(伤痕) all over.
The young man started laughing,and said,“My dear old man,are you mad?How can you say your heart is beautiful?”
“Dear boy.Did you see the scars?Each scar represents(代表) the love I shared with a person.I share a piece of my heart with others when I share love,and in return I get a piece of heart.Since the pieces of heart I shared were neither equal(相等的) nor in the same shape or size,my heart is not in shape.”
The young man stood quietly and did not speak a word.Tears rolled down his face.
【1】What did the young man show to the people?
A. His hand. B. His head.
C. His heart. D. A toy.
【2】What did the people think of what the young man showed?
A. It was perfect.
B. It was the same as others'.
C. It was a bit small.
D. It was too old.
【3】The young man laughed because ______.
A. the old man was not smart
B. he saw a heart full of scars
C. the old man told a story
D. the old man fell over
【4】From the sixth paragraph we can infer(推断) that ______.
A. the young man knew the old man well
B. the old man wanted to get some money
C. the young man was smart
D. the old man often helped others
【5】The best title for this passage may be “______”.
A. A Young Man with a Gold Heart
B. The Most Beautiful Heart
C. A Young Man and an Old Man
D. A Successful Young Man
3. 阅读理解 详细信息
I am 15.Now I’m studying English in London.I want to invent a language machine that can help me understand as many languages as possible.
I am 13.I dream of going to a top university after I graduate.I want to be a reporter in the future.
I am a 12-year-old girl.I like traveling very much.How I wish to visit Egypt some day!
I’m a 16-year-old girl in Tibet (西藏).The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built.I’ll be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours.My dream is to visit Beijing.
I am 14 years old.I dream of inventing a machine that can send things or people from one place to another in a minute.
Andrew,the USA
【1】Who is from the USA?
A. Masha. B. Marie.
C. Michiko. D. Andrew.
【2】What is Michiko’s dream?
A. Visiting Egypt.
B. Going from one place to another in a minute.
C. Going to a top university.
D. Inventing a language machine.
【3】Where does Joma want to visit?
A. Beijing. B. London.
C. Shandong. D. Paris.
【4】Which sentence is RIGHT according to the passage?
A. People in Tibet will be able to get to Beijing by train in about two days.
B. Marie is now studying English in the USA.
C. The Qinghai Tibet Railway hasn’t been built yet.
D. Masha wants to be a reporter when she grows up.
【5】The best title(题目)for this passage would be“ ”.
A. I have a dream
B. Different students from different countries
C. Five middle school students
D. Our inventions
4. 阅读理解 详细信息
The hospital was very busy.The nurse hurried from patient to patient.They did not have time to talk to them or answer their questions.Instead they just gave them their medicines, made their beds and moved on.
The head nurse was as busy as a bee.She had to walk around with the doctors, make sure the nurse were doing their work, complete her reports and answer the phone.
Many of the phone calls were from the friends and relatives(亲属)of the patients.They were telephoning for information about the people in the hospital.
One phone call, however, was a little different from all the others.
The phone rang and the head nurse answered it.“Hello,”she said.
At the other end of the line a voice replied,“Good morning!I'm phoning about Fred Lee.Could you tell me how he is, please?”
The head nurse looked at her notes and said,“Mr Lee has had his operation, and is resting.”
“Can you tell me if this condition(状况)is good?”the voice asked.
“Yes,”the woman replied.“He is comfortable and the operation is a success.”
“When do you think he will be able to go home?”the man asked.
“Oh, today is Monday.Perhaps at the end of the week,”the head nurse said.Then she asked,“May I tell him who is asking about him?”
“Yes,”the man said.“Fred Lee.”
“No, that's the patient's name,”the head nurse said.
“Yes.And I am the patient.Phoning you is the only way I can get any information about my condition.”
【1】Who might not be busy in the hospital?
A. The doctors B. The nurse C. The head nurse D. The patients
【2】What did the head nurse have to do in the hospital?
A. She had to make the beds B. She had to write the reports
C. She had to have an operation D. She had to walk around with the patients
【3】When did the head nurse say Fred Lee could go home?
A. The next day B. The next week C. In a month D. At the end of this week
【4】Why did so many people phone the hospital?
A. They wanted to talk to the nurse B. They wanted to talk to the doctor
C. They wanted to ask about their friends or family D. They wanted to know where the hospital was
【5】Which of the following is true about the story?
A. Fred Lee himself phoned the head nurse B. Patients are very difficult people
C. The head nurse didn’t do a good job D. Fred Lee was not getting better
5. 选择句子补全短文 详细信息
Do you know the popular online words“China’s four great inventions”. Beijing Foreign Studies University surveyed young people from 20 countries a few months ago.【1】.They are high-speed trains,bike sharing,cashless payment(无现金支付) and online shopping。Chinese didn’t create them, but they are using them.So people’s lives are getting more and more different. China’s new high-speed train,Fuxing,made its first running at 350 km/h on the railway between Beijing and Shanghai on Sept 21.If you take common trains to travel between the two cities,it may take more than 15 hours .But Fuxing only needs 4.5 hours .【2】. In 2016, there were 2,595 high-speed train running across China, which took up 60 percent of the world’s high-speed trains. Cashless payment has become a way for many Chinese people【3】.Even a small street fruit shop has a QR code for WeChat pay or Aliopay(支付宝).So many young people go out with their phone only.【4】.People can get the bike by using mobile apps,and bikes can be found and put almost anywhere.Now,there are more than 30 bike-sharing companies in China such as Mobike and Ofo .This year they got to Singapore,the UK,Russia and the US. With China’s online shopping service ,life could be easier for people who like to stay at home.【5】.Alibaba even created the new websites in English,Japanese and so on to help foreigners in China buy things on Taobao and Tmall .Don’t you think they are great?
A.You can easily buy food on an app and it always arrives in minutes
B.It found four most creative technologies(技术)in China
C.You can buy something by scanning(扫描)a QR code with your phone
D.It played the most interesting song at the radio station
E.So Fu Xing is one of the fastest trains around the world
F.You can easily find out who is arriving at the bus stop
G.Bike sharing itself is not new ,but China gave a new meaning to it
6. 短文填空 详细信息
Bill is my cousin. He 【1】(be) from Canada. He likes China very much. He thinks it’s a great 【2】(国家). And he knows there are many 【3】(interest) places in China. So last month he went to Beijing on vacation. First he went to the Palace Museum. There he 【4】(see) lots of old things. He liked them very much. And he 【5】(学习) a lot about Chinese history. Then he 【6】(visit) the Great Wall. On the Great Wall he met his 【7】(最喜爱的) singer, Jolin Tsai. She had a new look. She 83.【8】(have). long blonde hair. She looked very【9】(beauty). Bill took some 【10】(照片) with Jolin Tsai and he felt very excited that day.
7. 完成句子 详细信息
I spend________two hours doing homework every day.
________________ the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below.
My best friend Larry is quite ________________ me.
I think good friends help to ________________ the best in me.
I know ________________________________.
8. 改错 详细信息
Mr Green is our teacher. He come from London. He teaches our English. He knows a little Chinese. too. But he can’t ask us with Chinese. He likes work in China. Mrs Green works in China too. She is a worker. She’s works hard. Her factory is near our school. Mr and Mrs Green have the son. He is fifteen. He’s name is Jim. He’s a student. He studys in a middle school. The school is near their home. He goes to school by a bike every day. The Greens is friendly to us. We like them very much.
9. 书面表达 详细信息
Activities, How often
do homework, two hours a day
watch TV, hardly
surf the Internet, twice a day
read English books, every day
exercise, three or four times a week
go to the movies, once a month