牛津译林版英语7A Unit5 Period2同步测试

1. 翻译题 详细信息
【小题1】thank you for telling me about…______
【小题3】on October 31_____________________
【小题5】dress up and wear masks____________
【小题7】knock on the door_________________
【小题9】enjoy nice food and drinks__________________
2. 单词拼写 详细信息
【小题1】Please _______(敲门) on the door before you come in.
【小题2】_______(十月) is the tenth(第十)month of the year.
【小题3】Please_______(用颜料涂)the walls white.
【小题4】Don't_______(吼)!I can hear you.
【小题5】That is really a _______(特别的)day.
【小题6】When the evening comes, children play a game with the people_______(里面) .
3. 单选题 详细信息
Thank you for_______ my dog.
A. look for B. look at
C. looking after D. looking around
4. 单选题 详细信息
People usually give us some apples_______ a treat.
A. like B.in C.for D.as
5. 单选题 详细信息
If people_______ give us a treat, we play _______ them.
A. aren't; a basketball with B. don't; a trick on
C. don't; the football with D. don't; games on
6. 单选题 详细信息
Do you have a party_______ the evening_______ January 1?
A. in; in B. on; on C. on; of D. on; in
7. 单选题 详细信息
Can you_______ me_______ your family?
A. tell; about B. tell; in
C. say; about D. talk; about
8. 单选题 详细信息
People always have a party _______the evening_______ October 31.
A. on; on B. on; of C. in; on D. in; in
9. 单选题 详细信息
Halloween is on the_______ day of October.
A. first B. last C. 10th D. 20th
10. 单选题 详细信息
Children play"_______" on the people at Halloween.
A. trick or treat B. right or wrong
C. come or go? D. up or down
11. 单选题 详细信息
Do children_______on that day?
A. have a fun B. have good time
C. have the fun? ? D. have fun
12. 完型填空 详细信息
The Lantern Festival comes at the end of the Spring Festival,in_____January or early February.The lantern is an important(重要的)part of it.Lanterns are red,_____red means(表示)happiness and good luck.People_____the lanterns out of paper or silk.There are lots of lanterns everywhere.____in the gardens,outside the houses.
_____is the special food for the festival.The_____food means reunion(团圆).Family mem-bers get together and,____a big meal.It’s the_____festival of the winter for people._____the
festival,the Chinese New Year is______,and people go back to begin their busy 1ife.
【小题1】A. 1ate B. early C. the D. /
【小题2】A. so B. or C. because D. if
【小题3】A. cut B. make C. do D. makes
【小题4】A. such as B. 1ikes C. are D. are like
【小题5】A. Dumpling B. Rice Dumpling C. Yuanxiao D. mooncake
【小题6】A. round B. long C. nice D. sweet
【小题7】A. enjoy B. has C. enjoys D. drink
【小题8】A. first B. second C. third D. 1ast
【小题9】A. Before B. After C. Later D. At
【小题10】A. over B. happy C. bad D. coming
13. 阅读理解 详细信息
Mother's Day is a holiday for mothers. People celebrate it in the United States, England,India and some other countries. Little by little, people in many other countries also celebrate it. Mother's Day is on the 2nd Sunday in May. On that day, many people give presents of love to their mothers. If their mothers are alive(活着),they often wear a pink or red rose(玫瑰)or carnation(康乃馨).If their mothers are dead(去世),they wear a white one.
The celebration of the first American Mother's Day was held(被举行)in Philadelphia(费城)on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular all over the country and around the world. In China, people do the same on the day for mothers. And in some cities, people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast(广播)for his or her mother only.
【小题1】Mother's Day is on _______in May.
A. the 1st Saturday B. the 2nd Sunday
C. the 2nd Saturday D. the 4th Sunday
【小题2】On that day, people give_______ to their mothers.
A. pineapple(菠萝)? B. presents of top
C. flowers D. presents of love
【小题3】The first Mother's Day was celebrated(被庆祝)more than_______ years ago(以前).
A. one hundred B. ninety C. eighty D. seventy
【小题4】The word "celebration" means“_______”in Chinese.
A.庆祝会? B.演唱会? C.宴会 D.聚会
【小题5】What kind of present do people give their mothers in some cities in China?
A. They sing songs for their mothers.
B. They ask songs to be broadcast for their mothers.
C. They buy beautiful presents for their mothers.
D. They wear flowers for their mothers.
14. 翻译题 详细信息