
1. 详细信息


The animals in the zoo are from different ______.

Aa country        Bcountry                  Ccountries               Dcountrys

2. 详细信息

Giraffes like to eat ______ and ______.

Agrassleaf            Bgrassesleaf          Cgrassleaves        Dgrassleafs

3. 详细信息

There are eight ______ and two ______ in the zoo.

Amonkeygiraffes                                       Bmonkeysgiraffes

Cmonkeiesgiraffe                                      Dmonkeysgiraffe

4. 详细信息

The monkeys ______ are very clever.

Acome from Asia     Bcomes from Asia      Cfrom Asia              Dare from Asia

5. 详细信息

______ your father often ______ football matches?

ADowatch           BDoeswatch          CDowatches        DDoeswatches

6. 详细信息

______ the cheetah(猎豹) run very fast?

AIs                         BAre                         CDo                        DDoes

7. 详细信息

Which is different from the others?

AAsia.                     BEurope.                   CAfrica.                  DJapan.

8. 详细信息

The giraffe is ______.

Afrom Africa           Bin the water             Cfrom America        Dfrom Australia

9. 详细信息

The camel comes______ Africa and it lives ______the desert.

Aofat                   Bfromin                 Cinfor                  Daton

10. 详细信息

Is there ______European elephant in the zoo?

Aan                         Ba                            Cthe                        D/

11. 详细信息


Animals are our friends.We can find different__1__of animals.Some animals are living __2__ big woods(森林)And some animals are living with __3__.WhyBecause they can __4__ for us.People can teach the elephant to do some heavy __5__.And they can also teach the dog to __6__the house.A watch dog is very _7__.It can help people in danger(处于危险中)Children__8__dogs very much.__9__of children like to go to the zoo.__10__ there are many animals in the zoo.A zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals.

1A.kind            Ba kinds                    Ca kind                   Dkinds

2A.at                Bon                          Cin                         Dwith

3A.man            Bmen                        Cmans                    Da man

4A.study          Bwork                      Crun                       Dswim

5A.works        Bwork                      Ca work                  Dworking

6A.look at       Blook like                  Clook after              Dlook for

7A.clever          Bshy                         Cfriendly                 Dugly

8A.would         Blikes                       Cliking                    Dlike

9A.Few            BLittle                       CAny                      DMost

10A.Because     BAnd                        CBut                       DSo

12. 详细信息


Mr Rabbit gets three carrots in a garden.“I will make carrot soup” he says.

He meets Miss Pig.“May I have a carrotplease” Miss Pig asks.“Yeshere's a carrot for you” Mr Rabbit answers.

Then Mr Rabbit meets Mr Goat.“May I have a carrotplease” Mr Goat asks.“Yeshere's a carrot for you” Mr Rabbit says.

At last Mr Rabbit meets Mr Mouse.“May I have a carrotplease” Mr Mouse asks.“Yeshere's a carrot for you.” Mr Rabbit gives the carrot to Mr Mouse.

Mr Rabbit goes home without any carrots.

After a few moments (瞬间)the doorbell rings.“Who is it” Mr Rabbit asks.“Hello” answers Miss Pigwith Mr Goat and Mr Mouse.“You share your carrots with usso we will share our food with you.” “Ha­haThe carrot soupLet's eat and drink” So they all have a delicious meal.


1Mr Rabbit wants to make carrot soup at first.

2Mr Rabbit gives all his carrots to Miss Pig.

3Mr Goat gets a carrot from Mr Rabbit

4Mr Rabbit doesn't have a delicious meal.

5From the storywe know Mr Rabbit is very kind.

13. 详细信息

There are lots of stories about long lives of animals.Some people say snakes can live for hundreds of years.Some say birds can sleep for years.After they wake upthey are livingThese stories are very interesting for us to read.

But do you think they are true(真实的)NoMost animals don't live as long as people do.Of courseit's hard to know an animal's age.Because animals can't say“I'm...years old.” But here are some animals.

An elephant is very old at 60.A horse is old at 50.Bears can live to be about 35.Monkeys can live to be 25.The oldest birds are parrots and eagles.They can live to be about 50.

There's one animal that lives longer than people.That's the tortoise.One tortoise is said to have lived to be 200 years.Maybe it's truebecause it doesn't like to move(移动)


1Snakes are the oldest animals.

2All the animals live longer than people.

3Tortoises live longer than people.

4An animal can't tell people how old it is.

5People can live to be 300.

14. 详细信息


AWhat other animals do you like?

BBecause they're strong.

CI like pandas.

DThey're kind of interesting.

EWhy do you want to visit the dolphins first?

ALet's visit(参观) the dolphins first.


ABecause they are smart.


AI like tigerstoo.


A3.______ And what animals do you like?

B4.______ They're kind of shy.

AWhat other animals do you like?

BI like koalastoo.5.______

15. 详细信息


1Don't run in the street.It is too d______.

2We want to go to the zoo to visit some a______.

3He has a s______ body(身体)

4I like monkeys because they are c______.

5This elephant lives in India.It is an A______ elephant.

6Tony's grandpa can make kites(风筝) with paper and b______.

7There are a lot of trees in the f______.

8G______ have long necks(脖子)

9L______ will fall down from the trees in autumn.

10The camel lives in the d______.

16. 详细信息


1I like Liu Qian's magic show.Tony likes Fu Yandong's magic show.(合并为一个句子)

I like Liu Qian's magic show ______ Tony likes Fu Yandong's.

2Does the wolf come from Europe(作否定回答)


3The tiger eats meat.(就画线部分提问)

______ ______ the tiger ______

4She does morning exercise every day.(改为一般疑问句)

______she ______morning exercise every day?

 5This kind of animal eats grass and leaves.(改为否定句)

This kind of animal______ ______grass______leaves.

17. 详细信息



要求:1.My Favourite Animal为题,围绕主题展开;2.语句通顺,表意贴切,无语法错误;3.不少于60词。








