
1. 详细信息
Jewel’s Online Footwear Store
Leather Dress Shoes
Price: $ 120. 00
Color: Black Leather Brown Leather Red Leather Natural Leather
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Shipping Info: Standard: 7-10 business days/Express: 3-5 days
Customer Reviews
1. ★★★★★
My favorite shoes! I’ve been to many conferences where my business fellows have told me how much they like my shoes. Just wearing them makes me feel more calm and content in the office. I recommend them to all of my co-workers, and I own a pair of each color.
2. ★
These are the worst shoes I have ever worn! The leather came off after only one week, and everybody thought they were ugly. The bottom of the shoes made everything slippery. My employer fired me because he hated them! From then on, I will only wear Brand X shoes!
3. ★ ★ ★
These shoes do exactly what shoes are supposed to do. There isn’t anything too special about them. In the morning, I put them on and go about my clay. They look delightful enough, and they are quite durable. I will probably buy another pair.
4. ★ ★ ★ ★
These shoes are my most cherished (珍爱的) possession. I met my bride while buying a pair of these shoes. She was the saleswoman at the store I bought them at, and after she sold me three pairs, I asked her for her phone number and we started dating. Soon after that, we were engaged. We are getting married this afternoon, and I couldn’t be happier.
【小题1】How many pairs of leather dress shoes does the first customer own?
A. One. B. Two.
C. Three. D. Four.
【小题2】Which customer do you feel gives us the most balanced and objective view?
A. Customer 1. B. Customer 2.
C. Customer 3. D. Customer 4.
【小题3】Why does the fourth customer like the shoes?
A. He got to know his wife while buying them.
B. They make him feel more comfortable.
C. They are made to last.
D. They make him attractive.
2. 详细信息
It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon Rain Forest. Without it we would not have grown into primates(灵长类动物). Or we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four legs in search of meat. Without competition, Columbus wouldn't have discovered America and Edison would never have invented the light bulb.
Friendship, like all relationship between two people, involves competition. It isn't competition in a traditional sense because there are no goals to be scored and no prize. Perhaps the ecological definition?the simultaneous (同时的)demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light- better explain it.
As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution, overpopulation, and competition. There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them, ranking and categorizing(分类)take place. In high school, friendships learn to co-exist with competition even though at times the relationship is rough. In fact, in some circumstances, competition is too much of a burden for a friendship to bear, causing it to fall apart. College admission is the final high school objective. Four years of hard work is to achieve good grades, and a student's fate is determined not only by these achievements, but by the records of thousands of other seniors trying to achieve a similar recognition.
Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life. It sets and improves the standards in everything from sports to school work. A healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy can tear friendships apart. Yet, despite all this, without competition, we would be lost.
【小题1】What does the ecological definition mainly explain?
A. How friends compete with each other.
B. How to win the competition.
C. What the result of competition is.
D. What competition exactly is.
【小题2】According to the writer, what causes the high school students to compete?
A. The number of them is too large.
B. Friendship is a burden for them.
C. They know the laws of nature well.
D. They are divided into different groups.
【小题3】Which best describes the relationship of friendship and competition?
A. Friendship is always based on competition.
B. The degree of competition is vital to friendship.
C. Competition is terribly harmful to friendship.
D. Competition is a result of lost friendship.
【小题4】What does the author think of "competition"?
A. The results of competition are out of control.
B. Competition becomes fiercer in high school.
C. Competition is certain to happen at schools.
D. Friendship is not as important as competition at schools.
3. 详细信息
I left England for Sydney in September. It was a career move for my husband, and our 20-year-old daughter was feeling adventurous and decided to come, too. However, just before leaving England, my 79-year-old mother suffered a stroke (中风). Being strong and independent, she continues to live at home with the help of social services. But she couldn’t look after the garden. I thought how wonderful it would be if there was an organization offering volunteer help. Friends asked me what I planned to do in Australia, and I told them I would be looking for a volunteer position with a gardening charitable organization. Imagine my surprise when I found just the organization I had been looking for ? Easy Care Gardening (ECG)!
There are several reasons why I volunteer for ECG. Firstly, as a newcomer to Australia I meet many great people who, like me, volunteer some of their time. We cover a large age range, but all love gardens and helping others.
Secondly, through working with ECG I have been lucky enough to explore Sydney’s North Shore that I might not have had the opportunity to visit otherwise.
Finally, there are all those wonderful people we call “client (客户)”, but are more like friends when we visit them often and tend their gardens. What great people I have met, and the stories they have to tell ? the family histories, where they come from and the reasons for immigrating to Australia. I find it a privilege to have access to private gardens which, in many cases, have been the joy of their owners for many years. Each one is individual and reflects the character, needs and the history of each family. Indeed, the gardens reflect the multicultural and historical background of Sydney.
【小题1】Why did the author move to Sydney?
A. Site planned to volunteer there.
B. Her husband would work there.
C. She was very keen on adventures.
D. She had to look after her sick mother.
【小题2】What made the author choose to be a gardening volunteer?
A. Her own experience. B. The lips of her friends.
C. The popularity of ECG. D. Her gardening skills.
【小题3】What do the volunteers at ECG have in common?
A. They make friends with their clients.
B. They like to explore Sydney’s North Shore.
C. They are of similar ages and backgrounds.
D. They are kind-hearted with the same interest.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A. Client. B. Reason.
C. Garden. D. Joy.
4. 详细信息
I look around and can’t recognize where I am. It seems familiar but distant. I see my friends gathered by a stage where music is playing and I run over. As I begin running towards them, they become further and further away. I keep calling for them, but no one hears me. I start hearing a distant alarm-like sound and I am transported away. I woke up in a daze (茫然) sitting in my bed.
“Oh, it was only a dream,” I said to myself. I have always had vivid and intense dreams. Sometimes, it feels like I haven’t even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep.
Today, dreaming is being studied even more than ever. Some say that dreams are how your receptors (受体) make sense of random thoughts while you sleep. Some say that you can’t dream of a face you have never seen before, so everyone you see in your dreams you have at least laid eyes on at one time or another.
Other people think dreams are ways of expressing stress or internal feelings you may be experiencing. A lot of people say that they have dreams about being chased (追逐).
A common interpretation of the “being chased” dream is that you are feeling threatened. Some dream interpretation sites say you should try to reflect on what or who is chasing you to get a better idea of what is making you feel this way.
Another dream that is often experienced is flying. This dream has a much more positive interpretation, which is that you are feeling free or have broken out of a bad situation such as a relationship turned sour or a job you hate.
Unfortunately, if you even remember your dreams at all, you forget half of your dream within five minutes of waking up and within 10 minutes, you usually forget 90 percent of it.
Dreamologists, people who devote time to the study and interpretation of dreams, suggest if you want to try to remember and study your dreams you should keep a journal beside your bed and jot down what you dreamt as soon as you wake up so you can reflect on it later.
【小题1】Dreams of “being chased” occur because ________.
A. you are feeling threatened
B. you just quit a job you hate
C. your friends are far away from you when in need
D. your receptors is always thinking while you sleep
【小题2】Why should we keep a journal beside your bed to reflect on dreams?
A. We need to chase those people who appeared in our dreams.
B. We usually forget 90 percent of dreams within 10 minutes.
C. It can help us get out of the intense dreams.
D. It can help us sleep well without dreams.
【小题3】Where can we read this article?
A. In a poster. B. In a physics book.
C. In a traveling magazine. D. In a science newspaper.
【小题4】What is the best title for the passage?
A. Why am I Always Dreaming B. How Is My Dream Created
C. What do My Dreams Mean D. How to Avoid Dreams
5. 详细信息
One of my earliest memories was watching my mom talk on our old phone. I was fascinated that she could talk to someone who wasn’t actually in the room with her. 【小题1】 I was wondering how she managed to talk with someone she couldn’t see.
【小题2】 Later, we had mobile phones that could be carried around the room. Then came computers and smart phones. These days I can send an e-mail around the world in a second. My daughter’s smart phone has a hundred apps and a dozen social media accounts. She stores all of her information in a mysterious place known as “the cloud”, where she can take it out at any time. It seems that we are more connected in this world than ever before.
【小题3】 Few take the time to talk face to face. Instead of looking into die eyes of our loved ones, we store at our screens. It seems if the most connected generations are also the loneliest.
Don’t let technology take our time and ruin our life. Make the time to med, to pray and to communicate with each other. Take a walk on the beach with a friend. Have a long conversation with the phones off and the hearts on. 【小题4】
Remember that we are here to love each other, help each other and make this world a better place. 【小题5】 But when it can’t, turn it off.
A. That was a long time ago.
B. Connect offline well as online.
C. Smart phones have both advantages and disadvantages.
D. We should communicate with each other with phones off.
E. When your technology can help to do these things, then use it.
F. However, what bothers me is that we rarely associate with each other nowadays.
G. When she left the room, I slowly walked over to the phone and started at it for a while.
6. 详细信息
I never expected to go to the University of Michigan. I grew up in a small Midwest town where college wasn’t ________ by any means. Many students entered the workplace ________ out of high school. For a long time, that’s where I thought I would ________.
At some point during my senior year, I started ________ everywhere, just because I wanted to see ________ I would get. I had the required grades and the ACT (American College Testing) ________, but I came from a town of nowhere. So you can imagine the ________ of emotions I had when I received a big envelope in the mail with the word “________” written across the top.
Now that the opportunity was open to me, I decided to go. I had received ________ aid and scholarships, which I think was a ________ factor (因素) in the decision. But my parents didn’t see ________ college as an opportunity for me to build on my ________. And it seemed that no matter how much work I ________, it would just be considered a waste of ________. I often felt I was lacking ________. I did the application all by myself. After moving to college, I did two jobs and paid for my ________ and bills.
Looking back on it now, I feel that it wasn’t ________ to be self-reliant. But in the long run, I ________ the lack of support I had at such a key point in my life which taught me to be ________ and responsible in hard times, to go beyond ________ and to try things I never thought I would ever be able to try. I believe that’s what college is all about.
【小题1】A. expected B. envied C. admired D. afforded
【小题2】A. straight B. randomly C. late D. happily
【小题3】A. work up B. put up C. end up D. pick up
【小题4】A. delivering B. applying C. registering D. competing
【小题5】A. when B. whether C. how D. where
【小题6】A. qualifications B. diplomas C. scores D. certificates
【小题7】A. anxiety B. relief C. calmness D. conflict
【小题8】A. Wishes B. Regards C. Cheers D. Congratulations
【小题9】A. financial B. spiritual C. academic D. parents
【小题10】A. boring B. driving C. discouraging D. promising
【小题11】A. adjusting B. attending C. dropping D. managing
【小题12】A. moral B. survival C. potential D. confidence
【小题13】A. get in B. take in C. put in D. persist in
【小题14】A. space B. money C. resource D. time
【小题15】A. support B. courage C. motivation D. concern
【小题16】A. feasts B. necessities C. seminars D. majors
【小题17】A. hard B. right C. easy D. awkward
【小题18】A. ignore B. appreciate C. support D. disapprove
【小题19】A. independent B. easy-going C. honest D. considerate
【小题20】A. recognition B. description C. control D. expectation
7. 详细信息
The Palace Museum, known as the Forbidden City, is the 【小题1】 (large) and most well 【小题2】 (reserve) imperial (皇帝的) residence in China today. It is divided into an outer and an inner court with a rectangular shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters in 【小题3】 (wide) from cast to west. It has a splendid history since the Ming Dynasty, and it 【小题4】 (rebuild) and repaired many times in the past. I was so excited to visit it 【小题5】 my family last summer vacation. After we passed through the Front Gate, a lot of palaces appeared. The tour guide told us there were almost 8,700 rooms in the Palace Museum. During the Ming Dynasty, construction began in 1406. 【小题6】 took 14 years to build the Forbidden City. I was 【小题7】 ( real) surprised that the workers could build it so well 【小题8】 even today it is not out of style. I could not remember all the names of the buildings, but I took hundreds of beautiful 【小题9】 (photo) on the way. I think I will never forget the 【小题10】 (amaze) trip I had in Beijing, China and I can go there next time will my friends.
8. 详细信息
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
In my spare time, I often read some books written by famous writers in or abroad. I ever read China’s Four Great Classical novel such as The Journey to the West. Beside, I enjoy reading Poetry of the Tang History.
I have been veiling from I was nine years old. I am remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer. They laughed out happy when they read the short story I write about robots. They think that my story is well worth read and that I am good at writing. I believe I will achieve their dream.
9. 详细信息
假定你是校学生会主席李华,美国一学生访问团将于暑假来你校访问参观。请你写封邮件,将本次安排告知该访问团的负责人Mr. Smith,并征询他对安排的意见。
1. 体验中国绘画;
2. 品尝特色午餐;
3. 观看学生地方戏表演。
注意:1. 词数:100左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mr. Smith,
Li Hua