
1. 详细信息

Dear Friend,

       The recent success of children’s books has made the general public aware that there’s a huge market out there. And there’s a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children’s books bought each year … plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers.

       Who are these needed writers? They’re ordinary folks like you and me.

But am I good enough?

       I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didn’t know where to turn for help .

       Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing ability , and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed.

The promise that paid off

       The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability:

       You will complete at least one manuscript手稿suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.

       I really didn’t expect any publication before I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute.

       Since graduation, I have authored 34 nationally published children’s books and over 300 stories and articles.

Free test and brochure

       We offer a free ability test and will send you a copy of our brochure小册子describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training .

       Realize your writing dream today. There’s nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever.

Sincerely ,

Kristi Hill , Instructor

Institute of Children’s Literature

21. The first two paragraphs tell us that __________ .

A. magazines for children and teenagers have drawn public attention

B. there is a growing need for writers of children’s books

C. publishers are making $3 billion each year

D. children’s books are usually bestsellers

22. You are promised to publish one manuscript when you __________ .

A. show basic ability                                   B. finish the course

C. have sold three stories                    D. have passed the test

23. Kristi Hill mentions her own experience mainly to __________ .

A. prove she is a qualified instructor       B. introduce the home-study courses

C. show she has realized her dream        D. promote the writing program

2. 详细信息

A new taxi service in Stockholm is offering its passengers a chance to relieve stress on the go. They’ve got psychotherapists (心理治疗师) occupying the back seats of the taxis, offering free consultations. The test was started by a company called Taxi Stockholm, which claims it’s the first project of its kind in the world.

The idea was formed when the owners of Taxi Stockholm realized that people are more likely to talk about their problems on boring, quiet drives. They even have data to back up the theory; according to spokeswoman Natalia Santos, around 70 percent of people said their taxi journeys were a good time for reflection and that they often found their minds wandering.

“And when you think about it, the drivers can even become like therapists,” she added.

Mia Fahlén, one of the psychologists on board, said that she would have to be flexible, because she wouldn’t know exactly how long a trip could be. But she believes that a lot could be accomplished from even a short 10-minute journey. “A lot of people are lonely,” she explained. “There are so many single people in Stockholm. And a lot of the people I meet from abroad tell me they’re frustrated with Sweden. ”          

They say it’s really hard to meet people and that even when they try, the Swedes can be very quiet.

    Of course, you’d not have to be lucky to catch these taxis, but if you’re really excited about the idea, you could book a trip in advance. It will work out cheaper than seeing a regular therapist; an hour-long session with Fahlén costs up to 1,200 kronor ($165).

When asked if this is all a publicity stunt(嘘头)in the wake of their new competitors, taxi-app service Uber, Santos denied it. She said that the staff at Taxi Stockholm are actually quite optimistic about being able to help people through their service.

24. What can we know about from Paragraph One?

A. Most of the swedes are suffering from stress.

B. Drivers at Taxi Stockholm offer good services.

C. Psychotherapists charge a little during the drives.

D. Taxi Stockholm is the first to carry out the project.

25. What does the underlined phrase “back up” Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. support              B. oppose            C. improve                 D. Test

26. According to Mia Fahlén, it may be hard to       .

A. make passengers feel happy              B. deal with quiet passengers

C. perform well in a short journey         D. adjust properly to different routes

27. It can be inferred from the passage that Stockholmers       .

A. are too shy to show their emotions      

B. enjoy living a single and peaceful life

C. may be concerned about the new service  

D. are considered hard to approach by foreigners

3. 详细信息

In a land often shaken by earthquake, how have Japan's wooden pagodas(佛塔)remained standing for centuries? Japanese scholars have been confident for ages about their resilience(抗震性).

For centuries, many believed the resilience of pagodas is caused by its big central columns known as shinbashira which actually does not carry any weight at all but is hanging down loosely from the top of the pagoda through the middle of the building. The weight of the building is supported entirely by twelve outer and four inner columns.

 And what is the role of the shinbashira, the central column? Mr. Ishida, known as ‘Professor Pagoda’ has built a series of models and tested them on a ‘shake-table’ in his laboratory. In short, the shinbashira was acting like a big pendulum(钟摆).Under pressure, a pagoda’s loose floors could be made to move back and forth independently. Viewed from the side, the pagoda seemed to be doing a snake dance—with each floor moving in the opposite direction to its neighbors above and below. The shinbashira, running up through a hole in the centre of the building, made it unlikely that individual floors moved too far because, after moving a certain distance, they banged into it, transmitting energy away along the column. 

Another strange feature of the Japanese pagoda is its shape, with each floor being smaller than the one below, In other words, a five-storey pagoda contains no column that travels right up through the building. More surprising is the fact that the individual storeys of a Japanese pagoda are not actually connected to each other. They are simply put on top of another like a small hill of hats.

The extra-wide eaves(屋檐)also play a part. Think of them as a balancing pole of tightrope –walkers. The bigger the mass at each end of the pole, the easier it is for tightrope walker to maintain his or her balance. The same holds true for a pagoda.

28.Shuzo Ishida performs experiments in order to       .

A. put the pendulum into practice.

B. gain insight into the “shake-table” model.

C. learn about the function of the shinbashira.

D. locate shinbashira’s exact position in a pagoda.

29.The underlined word “loose”in paragraph 3 can be replaced by        ?

A. lost                    B. relaxed                            C. base                         D. shakable

30. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the article?

A. Some columns may extend from the bottom to the top of a pagoda.

B. The functions of extra eaves and balancing poles are similar.

C. The storeys of a Japanese pagoda aren’t built firmly.

D. Pagodas’s amazing resilience has long puzzled scholars.

31. What is the best title for the passage?

A. How Shinbashira Plays Its Role                       B. Why Pagodas Do Not Fall Down

C. Distinct Features of Japanese Architecture        D. Shuzo Ishida, a Famous Engineer

4. 详细信息

A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man----the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort.

This attitude toward manual (体力的) labor is now still seen in many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地) furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact that the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward; furthermore, the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the near- by bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional man may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education.

32. From Paragraph 1, we can know that in America_____________.

A. people tend to have a high opinion of the self--made man

B. people can always rise to the top through their own efforts

C. college professors win great respect from common workers 

D. people feel painful to mention their fathers as laborers

33. According to the passage, the hostess cooks dinner herself mainly because___________.

A. servants in America are hard to get          B. she takes pride in what she can do herself

C. she can hardly afford servants                       D. it is easy to prepare a meal with canned food

34. The expression "wait on table" in the second paragraph means?

A. work in a furniture shop                       B. keep accounts for a bar 

C. wait to lay the table                                D. serve customers in a restaurant

35. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage?

A. A Respectable Self--made Family             B. American Attitude toward Manual Labor

C. Characteristics of American Culture         D. The Development of Manual Labor

5. 详细信息

    In our lives we may have people who need help one way or another. They could be our friends, our colleagues and even our parents. And, of course, if these people do matter in our lives, we want to try our best to help them.   36  

    Consider finding someone they look up to. Usually, a proud person thinks highly of themselves, and not too highly of anyone else.  37  Find this person and get him to go up to the proud person and talk about their unwillingness to accept help from others.

    Give them advice. By now you may have gotten your proud friend to come to talk to you. Now is the time for giving your proud friend some advice. But how do you give advice to someone who thinks too highly of himself? You can use words like "Don’t you think...""You told me before..."  38  

    Improve your approach and strategies as you proceed. Sometimes the proud person may feel angry that you’ve helped them.  39  You might just need to accept their roller coaster(过山车)of emotions about accepting your help and simply not take it personally, ever.

     40  Two proud people make for a very uncomfortable relationship. Don’t be too proud to let this person give a hand to you. Indeed, the moment he does, you owe him and can swiftly remind him of the debt being repaid when you offer him help back!

A. Let the proud person help you.

B. Help the proud person in a secret way.

C. Other times they realize your help counts.

D. Then suddenly they reject whatever you offer.

E. But how do we help them when they’re too proud to seek help?

F. However, most people have at least one person that they respect.

G. Try to make it seem like they already have had the solution themselves.

6. 详细信息

    Here are the headlines from BBC World NewsThe United Nations Conference on the Human Environment opened this morning in New YorkThe 71      (protect) and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects all the people and economic development throughout the world

  72.        American airliner was hijacked (劫持) on a flight from Los Angeles to New YorkThe hijack 73         (take) place at eleven this morningThe hijacker74       identity is not knowndemanded to see the American PresidentThe plane is at present at John FKennedy International Airport in New Yorkwhere 75.      has been surrounded by the police

    The largest quantity of illegal drugs ever was found 76       a London flat yesterdayA police spokesman said that the drugs were 77       (hide) in suitcasesHe said the value of the drugs was well over five million pounds and the case needed 78       (far) investigation

    A major accident in southern Sweden happened todayIt's reported that this afternoon a ship crashed into a bridge79      (lucky)seven cars and six trucks are said 80      (fall) into the water from the bridgeWe hope to have more details in our next news broadcast

Those are the latest headlinesAnd now it's back to Pod of Ages

7. 详细信息

The exact cause of the crime cannot be remembered as it happened a long time ago, but the punishment is still   41   and vivid: Dig up the fig tree(无花果)in the backyard and plant it at Mumsy’s place in the country. As I often did when sentenced to hard labor in the garden, I suspected this was my parents’ way of  42   me to do their dirty work. 

It was a Sunday morning. With some tools, I went at the tree, cutting it branch by branch and limb by limb,   43  all that remained of the once-proud specimen(标本,样本)was a sorry-looking stump of a thing.

 “What did that   44   ever do to you?” my father said, “You should have left some taproot (主根) of it, at least. Go and load up the truck.” On any other day before, during the  45  to Mumsy’s, we would have pleasantly  46  school as usual, but I fenced myself off that time. 

Then, at Mumsy’s, instead of sitting back to watch me work, he  47  me. As my father and I took turns to work, I could feel that my anger  48  , making room for the simple satisfaction of working at my father’s side  49  a common goal. 

 “ Well,” my father said when we  50  , “ we’ve done what we can do.” “Do you think there’s any  51  that it can grow up?” I asked. “It’s rich dirt. They say you can  52  toenails(指甲)in it and grow little kids.” My father answered. I never tried the toenail trick, but I did  53  as it settled in, took root, and began to prosper. I was amazed and  54  when bowls of figs began to fill the fridge. 

In a perfectly  55  world, I don’t deserve the reward. I had  56  the tree for no good reasons. What right did I have to the fruit? Years later, I put this  57  to my father. Watching him slide a bowl of figs from the fridge one morning, I felt a sudden stab of shame for my boyhood  58  . My father took a fig from the  59  and let me think of the fruit as forgiveness. “You,” he said, “  60  some of that.” 

41.A. certain                      B. strange                   C. common                 D. clear

42.A. inviting                     B. letting                       C. getting                   D. helping

43.A. since                         B. when                      C. until                       D. after

44.A. truck                        B. tool                        C. tree                        D. taproot

45.A. rest                                   B. flight                      C. walk                       D. ride

46.A. thought over               B. talked about             C. broke into               D. gave up

47.A. forgave                     B. tricked                    C. entertained              D. joined

48.A. disappeared               B. concentrated           C. approached             D. exploded

49.A. through                     B. against                    C. toward                   D. off

50.A. argued                      B. continued                C. started                    D. finished

51.A. relationship                B. value                      C. advantage               D. chance

52.A. dig                            B. plant                       C. remove                   D. observe

53.A. understand                       B. determine                C. watch                     D. feel

54.A. confused                   B. happy                     C. regretful                 D. disappointed

55.A. fair                           B. strange                   C. usual                     D. easy

56.A. forgotten                   B. cut                         C. helped                    D. guarded

57.A. task                           B. answer                    C. question                   D. action

58.A. suffering                    B. misfortune                   C. sorrow                   D. rudeness

59.A. bowl                         B. desk                       C. kitchen                  D. fridge

60.A. deserve                       B. receive                   C. protect                            D. suspect

8. 详细信息

61. He made a d___________ to the church in the name of his mother.

62. The doctor said that he was willing to participate in the ___________ (志愿的) activity.

63. This area of Mexico has an ______________ (丰富) of safe beaches and a pleasing climate.

64. Professor Wang’s lecture is so popular with young people that all the seats have been o_____.

65. I don’t think what he said is r______ to the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point.

66. If you __________ (代替) the writer’s work for your own, you could be in serious trouble.

67. These desks and seats can be a____________ to the height of any child.

68. She finally ________ (购买) a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.

69. About 15,000 years ago, the first s___ crossed the Bering Strait and they arrived in California.

70. So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the ________ (大多数) of people.

9. 详细信息







   My father took me out camping for the first time when I was seven. He wanted teach me about animals, insects and trees. My uncles all come along with bows and arrows for hunting.

   One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, have our barbecue. Just then a bird was flying over us. My uncles immediate jumped up and shot their arrows on the bird. Neither of the arrows hit the target. Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky—they were looked like rain! We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured.

   That day I didn’t learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity.

10. 详细信息









参考词汇:古典诗词 classical poetry; 押韵 rhyme  

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