
    Here are the headlines from BBC World News.The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment opened this morning in New York.The 71.      (protect) and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects all the people and economic development throughout the world.   72.        American airliner was hijacked (劫持) on a flight from Los Angeles to New York.The hijack 73.         (take) place at eleven this morning.The hijacker,74.       identity is not known,demanded to see the American President.The pla补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。(1)《兰亭集序》中交代了兰亭聚会上的人是“_________,_________”,各路英才,老少皆有。(2)《庄子·逍遥游》中以“朝菌”“蟪蛄”为例来说明“小年”一词的两句是“__________,___________”(3)由两个相同的字重叠构成的“叠词”可使描写更加生动形象,李密《陈情表》中,以“__________,_________”两句形象地写出祖母呼吸微弱、时日无多的情形,流露出作者对祖母的拳拳深情。
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