
1. 详细信息

1. in the rain             2. in the wind        

3. in the sea              4. a hot, sunny day       

5. blow… off            6. 我最喜欢的季节       

7. 骑自行车             8. 放风筝           

2. 详细信息

We helped Mr. Smith        the Christmas tree.

  A. to          B. with          C. for          D. on

3. 详细信息

Please bring some water        him.

  A. to          B. on            C. for          D. at

4. 详细信息

Who want         Please stand up.

A. skate       B. skates        C. skating      D. to skate

5. 详细信息

He gave them        last night. (昨晚)

A. something new               B. new something

C. anything new                   D. new anything

6. 详细信息

1. He is ready for the Christmas. (改为同义句)

He                      the Christmas.

2 He didn't come here because he was iii (就画线部分提问)

                          he        here?

3. Jenny eats jam every morning. ( tomorrow morning替换every morning)

Jenny                       jam tomorrow morning.