
1. 详细信息

 — Jennifer, you seem to be overjoyed

  — ______? I have just received the offer from the National University of Singapore.

  A. So what            B. Guess what               C. What if             D. What for

2. 详细信息

 Nowadays people are more likely to go to ______ mall than visit the tailor when shopping for clothes, so tailors have adapted to _________ new reality.

  A. the; a             B. \; the                   C. the; the             D. a; a

3. 详细信息

 I’m always ________ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings.

   A. enthusiastic          B. curious                  C. doubtful        D. cautious

4. 详细信息

 The water was now two feet deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, _________ the car out.

    A. getting            B. got                    C. to get           D. get

5. 详细信息

 _______ early warnings from forecasters, residents were able to prepare and no deaths or serious injuries were reported.

    A. In spite of          B. According to             C. Regardless of        D. Thanks to

6. 详细信息

 Good news never goes beyond the gate, ______ bad news spreads far and wide.

A. when             B. as                   C. while              D. before

7. 详细信息

 It was playing video games that took the boy too much time that he _______ have spent learning

    A. could            B. must                 C. might           D. ought to

8. 详细信息

 By now, no one has come up with an_____ explanation of why dinosaurs died out, and it remains a mystery

    A. astonishing          B. amusing              C. convincing           D. puzzling

9. 详细信息

 You look tired, Jack. What's wrong with you?

Oh, I worked quite late last night. Nothing wrong with me, ________

   A. although             B. though                   C. yet              D. still

10. 详细信息

 The Internet allows us quick ______ to all the data and research findings in the fields available worldwide.

   A. entrance          B. charge               C. access             D. advance

11. 详细信息

 Sherry has taught me that no matter how bad things seem they can ______ in the end.

   A. work out              B. make out                 C. set out           D. pick out

12. 详细信息

 Over 1.8 million of Hong Kong’s residents have sent out a clear message against the movement ______ they want an end to disorders and a return to normal life.                                    

A. what                   B. that                 C. which             D. where

13. 详细信息

 The new technology, if _________ to rice growing, will help increase the grain output

A. applied            B. applying                 C. to apply         D. having applied

14. 详细信息

  I hear that Jason is planning to buy a new car.

   I know. By next month, he ________ enough for a used one.

  A. has saved              B. saves               C. will be saving       D. will have saved 

15. 详细信息

 Readers are required to _________ the rules of the library and mind their manners.

  A. observe                B. confirm             C. review               D. appreciate

16. 详细信息

 Experts and teachers all think that failure is not ________ a bad thing to some extent.

  A. greatly                B. necessarily              C. definitely           D. extremely

17. 详细信息

 Tomorrow we'll pay a visit to a museum, next to _______ is a nice restaurant where we can have Italian food

  A. that                   B. this             C. it                   D. which

18. 详细信息

  Mr. Anderson is popular with his students, for he is kind, strict and knowledgeable.

   No wonder he has such a good_________.

  A. reputation             B. tradition            C. preference           D. presentation

19. 详细信息

 She would move quietly up to the sparrow on a small tree just to get a better look, her face __________ with childlike expressions at one of God’s simple wonders.

  A. shone                  B. shining              C. having shone         D. being shone

20. 详细信息

 Afraid __________? This type of anxiety can deeply disturb people’s enjoyment of social relationships.

A. of laughing at                             B. to be laughed at

C. of being laughed at                            D. to laugh at

21. 详细信息

A few months ago, I was picking up the children at school. Emily, another mother that I knew well, rushed up to me. She was full of    21   .

“Do you know    22    you and I are?” she asked.   23    I could answer, she gave out the reason for her question. She had just returned from renewing her driver’s license at a government office. The woman    24   desk asked her what her “occupation” was. Emily hesitated,   25    how to answer it. “What I mean is,” explained the woman, “do you have a job, or are you just a ...?” “Of course I have a job,” answered Emily. “I’m a (an)    26   .” “We don’t    27    ‘mother’ as an occupation ... ‘housewife’ covers it,” she said.

I forgot all about her story    28    one day I found myself in the same situation. This time it was at our own Town Hall. The clerk was a woman.

“And what is your occupation?” she asked. What    29    me say it, I do not know. The words simply jumped out. “I’m ... a (an)    30    in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”

The clerk stopped, her ball-point pen    31    in mid-air. She looked up    32    she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly.

“Might I ask,” said the clerk with new interest, “just what you do in your    33  ?” Coolly, I heard myself       34   , “I have a continuing program of research in the laboratory and in the field. I’m working for my masters (the whole family) and already have    35    credits (令人增光的人或事物) (all daughters). I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). The job is more challenging than most jobs and the    36    are in satisfaction rather than just money.”

There was an increasing note of    37    in the clerk’s voice as she    38    in the form. As I drove into our driveway(私家车道), I was    39    by my lab assistants — ages 13, 7, and 3. Inside the house I could hear our new experimental model (six months) in the child-development program.

I felt successful. Motherhood...what a great    40   .

21.  A. surprise                B. anxiety              C. anger                    D. excitement

22.  A. who                 B. what                 C. how                  D. why

23.  A. When                    B. As                   C. Before                   D. Since

24.  A. at                  B. after                    C. by                   D. around

25.  A. nervous             B. sure                 C. anxious              D. uncertain

26.  A. mother              B. worker                   C. teacher              D. doctor

27.  A. think                   B. list                 C. expect                   D. give

28.  A. since                   B. unless                   C. until                    D. when

29.  A. got                 B. caused                   C. permit               D. made

30.  A. researcher              B. manager              C. expert                   D. scholar

31.  A. dropped             B. floated                  C. frozen                   D. broke

32.  A. so that             B. even though          C. as though                D. because of

33.  A. family              B. subject                  C. study                    D. field

34.  A. words                   B. reply                    C. shout                    D. whisper

35.  A. two                 B. three                    C. four                 D. five

36.  A. rewards             B. awards                   C. profits                  D. benefits

37.  A. interest                B. respect                  C. doubt                    D fear

38.  A. explained               B. passed                   C. completed                D. filled

39.  A. accepted                B. greeted              C. recognized               D. refused

40.  A. person              B. award                    C. career                   D. business

22. 详细信息

On a number of drives throughout my childhood, my mother would suddenly pull over the car to examine a flower by the side of the road or rescue a beetle(甲壳虫) from tragedy while I, in my late teens and early twenties, sat impatiently in the car.

Though Mother’s Day follows Earth Day, for me, they have always been related to each other. My mom has been “green” since she became concerned about the environment. Part of this habit was born of thrift (节俭). Like her mother and her grandmother before her, mom saves glass jars, empty cheese containers and reuses her plastic bags.

Mom creates a kind of harmonious relationship with wildlife in her yard. She knows to pick the apples on her trees a little early to avoid the bears and that if she leaves the bird feeders(给食器) out at night, it is likely that they will be knocked down by a family of raccoons (浣熊). Spiders that make their way into the house and are caught in juice glasses will be set loose in the garden.

I try to teach my children that looking out for the environment starts with being aware of the environment. On busy streets, we look for dandelions (蒲公英) to fly in the wind; we say hello to neighborhood cats and pick up plastic cups and paper bags. This teaching comes easily, I realize, because I was taught so well by example. Mom didn’t need to lecture; she didn’t need to beat a drum to change the world. She simply slowed down enough to enjoy living in it and with that joy came mercy and an instinct for protection.

I am slowing down and it isn’t because of the weight of my nearly forty years on the planet, it is out of my concern for the planet itself. I’ve begun to save glass jars and reuse packing envelopes. I pause in my daily tasks to watch the squirrels race each other in the trees above my house.

Last summer, in the company of my son and daughter, I planted tomatoes in my yard. With the heat of August around me, I ate the first while sitting on my low wall with dirt on my hands. Warm from the sun, it burst on my tongue with sweetness. I immediately wanted to share with my mom.

41. Why does the author say Earth Day is connected with Mother’s Day?

A. Because Mother’s Day falls shortly after Earth Day.

B. To show that all the older women in her family are environmentalists.

C. To show how much her mother cares about the environment.

D. Because her mother shows her how to be friendly to nature on Mother’s Day.

42. Which of the following is NOT related to Mom’s “green life”?

A. Rescuing a beetle from a certain tragedy.      B. Saving glass jars, empty cheese containers.

C. Setting a caught spider free in the garden      D. Picking dandelions on busy streets.

43. We can infer from the article that ______.

A. the author realizes that she should teach her children by example as well

B. the author’s mother knows how to get rid of the wildlife in her yard   

C. the author believes that only by learning to slow down can we enjoy life

D. the author’s mother used to lecture her to protect the environment.

44. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

   A. Tomatoes are the author’s favourite fruit.

   B. It is her mother who taught the author to plant tomatoes.

   C. Planting tomatoes is a way of protecting environment.

   D. The author really appreciates her mother’s teaching.

45. The writer’s attitude towards her mom’s behavior changed in the order of ______.

   A. understanding — negative— supporting       B. supporting — doubtful — negative

C. negative — understanding — supporting       D. doubtful— negative— supporting

23. 详细信息

Below is an entry taken from an English dictionary


46. “Be careful not to scratch the furniture”most probably means “Be careful not to           ”

    A. remove any marks                     B. damage its surface

    C. make any noises                      D. change its position

47. The word "scratch" in "It took us some time to scratch the paint from the wall.” has the same meaning as


    AWe scratched some of the dirt away.     

BThe car's paintwork is badly scratched

    CThe dog kept scratching at the door to go out    

DShe scratched at the insect bites on her arm.

48. “She had scratched because of a knee injury” might imply that “She couldn't       

    Atake part in a race                  Bcancel a prepared activity  

    Cmake a living                        Dmake enough money

49. When the French girl says “I learned German from scratch for six months”, she means she       

    Ahad previously well prepared         Bwas unsatisfied with her German

    Cknew no German before that           Dfound few materials available

24. 详细信息

More than four decades ago British scientist Robert Edwards first witnessed the miracle of human life

growing inside a test tube at his Cambridge lab. Since that ground-breaking moment, more than four million babies have been born through IVF and in 2010 his great contribution to science was finally recognized as he was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine

The prize for Dr Edwards, who was given a Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Award in 2008, includes900,000 cheque. The Nobel Assembly described IVF as a "milestone in modern medicine"

With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, the Manchester-born physiologist developed IVF — leading to the birth of the world's first test tube baby. Dr Steptoe died 10 years later but their work has transformed fertili-

-ty treatment and given hope to millions of couples

It was a scientific breakthrough that transformed the lives of millions of couples. They said: "His achievemen-

-ts have made it possible to treat infertility, a disease which makes human unable to have a baby. This condition has been afflicting a large percentage of mankind including more than 10% of all couples worldwide.”

Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby, made international headlines when she was born in Oldham, Gtr Manchester, in 1978 to parents Lesley and John who had been fruitlessly trying for a baby since 1969

Ivf-in-vitro fertilisation is the process whereby egg cells are fertilised outside the body before being implanted in the womb. After a cycle of IVF, the probability of a couple with infertility problems having a baby is one in five — the same as healthy couples who conceive naturally

Professor Edwards, who has five daughters and 11 grandchildren, began his research at Cambridge University in 1963, after receiving his PhD in 1955He once said: "The most important thing in life is having a child. Noth-

-ing is more special than a child.” With the help of fellow scientist Patrick Steptoe, Prof. Edwards founded the Bourn Hall clinic in Cambridge shire, which now treats more than 900 women a year. Each year, more than 30,000 women in Britain now undergo IVF and 11,000 babies are born as a result of the treatment

But his work attracted widespread criticism from some scientists and the Catholic Church who said it was "unethical and immoral"

Martin Johnson, professor of reproductive(生殖的) sciences at the University of Cambridge, said the award was "long overdue". He said: “We couldn't understand why the Nobel has come so late but he is delighted — this is the cherry on the cake for him.”

Professor Edwards was too ill to give interviews but a statement released by his family said he was "thrilled and delighted"

50What is Robert Edwards’ contribution to science?

   A. Challenging a disease which stops human having a baby

   B. Seeing the wonder of the first tube baby growing.

   C. Enabling millions of couples to live a better life

   D. Helping couples with infertility to have tube babies

51What does the underlined word “afflicting”Paragraph 4most probably refer to?

   A. Troubling.       B. Developing.     C. Improving.      D. Confusing.

52Why did Professor Edwards begin his research on tube baby?

   A. Because he thought it of great significance to have a child in life

   B. Because the birthrate around the world was unexpectedly low then

   C. Because a special child did make a difference to an ordinary family

   D. Because his fellow scientist wanted to give hope to the unlucky couples

53It can be inferred from Paragraph 8 and Paragraph 9 that ___________

   A. some people envied Professor Edwards for his being awarded

   B. different opinions were voiced on Professor Edwards’ finding

   C. Professor Edwards deserved the prize for his breakthrough

   D. the prize was late because the finding was first considered immoral

54. What might be the best title for the passage?

   A. Life Stories of Robert Edwards        B. Preparations for Having a Baby

   C. Nobel Prize for IVF Expert Edwards    D. Treatment of Infertility in a Lab

25. 详细信息

Andy is the most unreasonable, pigheaded life form in the world, and he makes me so angry I could scream! Of course, I love him like a brother. I have to because he is my brother. More than that, he is my twin!

That’s right. Andy and Amy (that’s me) have the same curly hair and dark eyes and equally stubborn characters. Yet, though we may look alike, on most issues we usually take completely opposite positions. If I say day, you can count on Andy to say night.

Just this week, the hot topic in school was all about the PTA’S proposal (提议) to adopt a school dress principle. Every student would be required to wear a uniform. Uniforms! Can you imagine? Oh, they would be uniforms in color. The dress style would be sort of loose and free.

Boys would wear white or blue button-down shirts, a school tie, blue or gray pants, and a navy blue blazer (运动夹克). Girls would wear white or blue blouses or sweaters, blue or gray pants or skirts, along with a navy blue blazer.

Socks or tights could be black, gray, blue, or white. The teachers are divided: Some are in favor of the uniforms, others are opposed. The headmaster has asked the students to express their opinions by voting on the issue before making their decisions. She will have the final word on the dress principle.

I think a dress principle is a good idea. The reason is simple. School is tough enough without worrying about looking cool every single day. The fact is, the less I have to decide first thing in the morning, the better. I can’t tell you how many mornings I look into my closet and just stare, unable to decide what to wear. Of course, there are other mornings when my room looks like a storm had hit it, with bits and pieces of a dozen different possible clothes on the bed and on the floor. I also wouldn’t mind not having to see guys wearing oversized jeans and shirts. And I certainly would welcome not seeing kids showing off designer-labeled clothes.

Andy is surprised at my opinion. He says he can’t believe that I would be willing to give up my all-American teenage birthright by dressing like — well, like a typical teenager. Last night, he even dragged out Mom and Dad’s high school photo albums. What a couple of peace-loving hippies (嬉皮士) they were!

“Bruce Springsteen never wore a school uniform. Bob Dylan wouldn’t have been caught dead in a school uniform!

“If I have to wear a uniform, I won’t feel like me!” he declared.

To which I replied, “So your personal heroes didn’t wear school uniforms. Big deal! They went to high school about a million years ago! I feel sorry for you, brother dear. I had no idea that you are so fragile that you would be completely destroyed by gray or blue pants, a white or blue shirt, a tie, and a blazer.”

That really made him angry. Then he said, “You’re just mimicking (模仿) what you hear that new music teacher saying!”

“That is so not true. I’m saying exactly what I think,” I said, raising my voice in what mom would call “a very rude manner.”

“You have always been stupid, and you know it!” he shouted.

“Is that so? Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is automatically stupid. And that’s the stupidest thing of all!” I said.

Fortunately, the bell rang before we could do each other physical harm, and we went thankfully to our separate classes.

The vote for or against uniforms took place later that day. The results of the vote and the headmaster’s decision will be announced next week. I wonder what it will be. I know how I voted, and I’m pretty sure I know how Andy voted.

How would you vote — for or against?

55. Amy and Andy quarrel because                 .

A. they share a cupboard                          B. Amy likes to show off

C. they both have the word for dress principle            D. they always take the opposite views on issues

56. The story is about                 .

A. a conflict of opinions between boys and girls

B. a historical event and is told in the third person

C. a personal experience and is told in the first person

D. a school policy decision that will affect parents and students

57. Amy’s opinion on school uniforms are most likely based on                 .

A. logical conclusions drawn from her own personal experience

B. an emotional reaction to what she has been told by people in authority

C. her preference for designer-labeled clothes

D. not liking anything her brother likes

58. Which of the following is the best statement of Andy’s opinions?

A. School clothing should reflect parents’ values.

B. Teenagers should never follow the latest fashions in dress.

C. How one dresses should be an expression of one’s individuality.

D. Wearing school uniforms means one less decision every morning.

59. Which of these statements from the story is a form of an emotional appeal?

A. The teachers are divided: some are in favor of uniforms; others are opposed.

B. You are so fragile that you would be completely destroyed by gray or blue pants.

C. The results of the vote and the headmaster’s decision will be announced next week.

D. The hot topic in school was all about the PTA’s proposal to adopt a school dress principle.

60. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A School Dress Principle                   B. My Stubborn Twin Brother

C. Endless Fights with My Brother             D. For or Against? — That Is the Question

26. 详细信息

A. Use business recordings

B. Speak slowly and clearly

C. Learn telephone manners

D. Practice often with a friend

E. Always be considerate of your friends

F. Make sure you understand the other speaker

Telephone tips

If the phone rings and someone speaks in English, don’t be afraid to answer it! The fear of talking on the phone in a second language will disappear if you practice often. Here are a few tips for helping you improve your ability to answer a call in English.


    Listening to someone speaking in a second language over the telephone can be very challenging because you cannot see the person you are trying to hear. However, it may be even more difficult for the person you are talking with to understand you. You may not realize that your pronunciation isn’t clear because your teacher and fellow students know and understand you. Pay special attention to your weak areas of your pronunciation when you are on the phone.


    Don’t pretend to understand everything you hear over the telephone. Even native speakers ask each other to repeat and confirm information from time to time. This is especially important if you are taking a message for someone else. Learn the appropriate expressions that English speakers use when they don’t hear something properly. Don’t be afraid to remind the person to slow down more than once. Keep your telephone in an area that is away from other noise distractions such as a radio or television.


    Ask another student to practice talking on the phone with you. You might choose one night a week and take turns phoning each other at a certain time. Try to talk for at least fifteen minutes. You can talk socially, or role play different scenarios in a business environment. The most important thing about practicing telephone English is that you are not able to see each other’s mouths.

64. _______________. 

    There are many ways to get free telephone English practice. After business hours, you can call and listen to recorded messages. Write down what you hear the first time, and then call back and check if your notes are accurate. Make sure you have a pen handy so that you can repeat the information and check your comprehension.


    The way that you speak to your best friend on the phone is very different from the way you should speak to someone in a business setting. Many speakers make the mistake of being too direct on the telephone. It is possible that the person on the other line will think that you are being rude on purpose if you don’t use formal language in certain situations. Sometimes just one word such as could or may is necessary in order to sound polite. Take the time to learn how to answer the phone and say goodbye in a polite manner, as well as all the various ways one can start and end a conversation casually.

Listening to someone on the telephone is like listening to a taped recording in class. The only difference is that you have to talk back! Follow the tips above and remember that practice makes perfect!

27. 详细信息

春节期间,很多同学收到了父母和亲戚给的压岁钱,近日,你在你班做了一个关于“中学生如何使用压岁钱(lucky money)”的调查,请根据以下内容和要求写一篇短文。

2)  一些同学购买书籍,获取更多的知识;

3)  其他方式(至少写两种方式)
【写作要求】字数:100120; 文章第一句已经给出,不计入总数。
    Recently, I have carried out a survey on how middle school students use our lucky money in my class.______________________________________________________________________________________
