
1. 详细信息

    Look at the car. It is Mr Black’s car. It doesn’t work now. Mr Black is under it. He is repairing it. Mrs Black is near the car. She is helping Mr Black. A girl is in the car. She is Kate, Mr Black’s daughter. Who is the boy in the car? He is Jim, Kate’s brother. It is Saturday today. They don’t work. They want to go to Zhongshan Park. They all look worried.

21. Today is _____.

  A. Tuesday     B. Thursday     C. Monday     D. Saturday

22. Mr Black is ____ his car.

  A. washing     B. driving      C.  repairing     D. cleaning

23. Kate is ____ the car with her brother.

  A. beside           B. in       C. under        D. near

24. They are going to a ____.

  A. zoo         B. farm         C. factory      D. park

25. What happens to the car?

  A. It runs out of gas.               B. It doesn’t work.   

  C. It was broken in an accident.      D. It is stopped by a policeman.

2. 详细信息

    Most people make their living with their hands. But Tom makes his living with his feet. A very good living it is, too.

    Tom’s story began in a very small city in England. His parents were very poor. Seven people lived in their small house. Tom had no place to play in but in the street.

    Tom’s father often played football, and little Tom wanted to play football, too. So his father made a nice ball for him to play. The little boy played it every day.

    At last Tom learned to play a real football, and after a few years he could play football very well.

    Now Tom is one of the best football players.

26. Tom made his living with his _____.

   A. hands     B. head     C. legs     D. feet

27. Tom’s parents lived in a ______ city in England.

   A. big       B. small        C. new      D. old

28. Tom wanted his father to ______ him a football to play.

   A. buy       B. borrow       C. build        D. make

29. A few years later, Tom was _____ at playing football.

   A. good      B. well     C. bad      D. nice

30. Tom plays football _______ than many other players.

   A. harder        B. worse    C. better       D. best

3. 详细信息

    Skin-diving(潜水)is a new sport. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon! When you are under water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.

Here, under water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is enough light.

When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have tanks of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water. To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport.

Besides, there are most uses for skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. You can get many things from the deep sea. Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.

31. Skin-diving will take you to ______.

  A. the moon     B. be in danger     C. mountains     D. the deep sea

32. You can climb big rocks under water because _________.

  A. you are stronger                    B. the fish nearby help you

  C. you are not as heavy as on the land     D. there is a lot of light

33. Under water, a skin-diver _________ in the daytime.

  A. can see everything clearly            B. can’t see anything clearly

  C. can see nothing                     D. can see only fishes

34. With a tank of air on your back, you can _________

  A. catch fish very easily               B. stay under water for a long time

  C. be in safe place                    D. have more fun

35.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

  A. Skin-diving is a new sport.

  B. Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.

  C. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.

  D. Skin-diving is both interesting and useful.

4. 详细信息

    The world is an interesting place. Different people like different things. Some people like loud music. Other people don't.   36   

    Many people like sports, but they do not all like the same sports. In some countries, Pingpong is a very popular sport. In others it is not popular at all. No one plays it or watches it on TV. However, most people like football. The world cup is very popular.   37   

    Different people like different foods. Some people do not like meat.   38   Some people do not like potatoes or bread. They prefer rice.

      39    most people have their favorite colors. Some people like bright colors. Others prefer pale colors.

    Many people like traveling. Different people like different places. Some people like to go to the country. They like the fresh air. Some people like to go to the cities, because they like shopping.   40 

A. They like soft music.

B. Not everyone likes the same color.

C. Millions of people watch the games on TV.

D. Different people like different kinds of pets.

E. They eat fruit and vegetables most of the time.

F. So they don’t raise pigs in their countries

G. Some other people enjoy beautiful places like the mountains or beaches.

5. 详细信息

    W: What  61  wonderful place!

M: I wanted the best restaurant  62  your birthday. And I know you like French food. Let’s begin with a cocktail(鸡尾酒) and then look at the menu.

W: I don’t want to look at it because  63  always takes me a year to make up my mind. Any suggestions?

M: I’ve never been here before, but everything  64  (suppose) to be excellent.

W: They have snails(蜗牛)! But I wouldn’t dare eat them. They might make me sick.

M: I feel the same way about snails. I think I’ll have roast duck(烤鸭). It comes with vegetables and potatoes.

W:   65  (sound) good. But  66  I like seafood, I’d like  67  (begin) with some seafood. And let’s have the salad after the main course.

M: Fine. We should have white wine with dinner and champagne(香槟)with dessert since this is  68  celebration.

W: Oh, don’t forget the cheese. There’s nothing like real French cheese.

M: I can see already this  69  going to be an  70  (enjoy) and delicious dinner.     

6. 详细信息

    There are many kinds of friends. Some are always  41  you, but don't understand you. Some say only a word to you, but understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only  42  friends leave footprints (脚印).

    I shall always remember the autumn and the girl with the  43  . She will always bring back the friendship between us. I know she will always be my best friend.

    It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves  44  in the cool  45  . In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves,  46   to the sound of them.

    Autumn is a  47  season and life is not interesting. The free days always get me  48  . But one day, the sound of a violin  49  into my ears like a stream (小溪) flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was  50  in playing her violin.

    I had  51  seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been  52  there for so long but my existence (存在) did not seem to disturb her.

    Leaves were still floating. Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building  53  I went downstairs to watch her performance. I was the only listener. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became  54  .   55  we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good friends. I believe she also loved me.

    Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly  56  . To my surprise, the girl came over to me.

    “You must like the violin.” she said.

    “Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

    Suddenly, a  57  expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

    “I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that   58  me.” she said.

    “In fact, it was your playing  59  gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered, “Let's be friends.”

    The girl smiled, and so did I.

    I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before. Only thick leaves were left behind. But I will always remember the girl. She is like a   60   —so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.

41. A. with        B. for         C. against            D. to

42. A. good        B. true        C. new              D. old

43. A. sound       B. song        C. play             D. violin

44. A. shaking      B. hanging     C. sleeping           D. floating

45. A. wind        B. snow       C. air               D. rain

46. A. watching    B. listening     C. seeing            D. hearing

47. A. lively       B. lovely       C. harvest           D. lonely

48. A. up          B. off         C. down             D. over

49. A. flowed      B. grew        C. entered           D. ran

50. A. lost        B. active       C. busy             D. interested

51. A. once        B. never      C. often             D. usually

52. A. waiting      B. stopping    C. standing          D. hearing

53. A. because      B. or         C. when            D. but

54. A. interesting    B. moving     C. encouraging      D. exciting

55. A. But         B. However    C. Even            D. Though

56. A. stopped      B. began      C. gone             D. changed

57. A. happy       B. sad         C. strange          D. surprised

58. A. surprised     B. excited      C. encouraged      D. interested

59. A. that         B. which       C. it               D. who

60. A. song        B. dream       C. fire             D. sister

7. 详细信息


  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。




Dear Mrs.Green,

    I'm Wang Feng, chairman of the Students’ Union of Yucai Middle School, that is close to your university. I'm written to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest. It will to be held in our school in June 15. It will starts at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours. Ten student will deliver their speeches on the giving topic "Man and Nature". We hope that you will accept our invitation so it is convenient for you. Please call me 44876655 if you have any questions.

    I am looking forward for your reply.

                                                                     Li Hua

8. 详细信息











Dear Dad,

  I am very excited to tell you that I have passed the entrance examination and been admitted into Peking University.                                                                                    








With best wishes,

                                                               Li Hua