
1. 详细信息



Dear Catharine,

I’m very glad to receive your letter.








Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply.

Best wishes.

Yours truly,

Wang Ping

2. 详细信息

I’m usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago. While any of these statements might be true, they are practically impossible to prove scientifically. Still, I was struck by a report which concluded that today’s children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s. In fact, the analysis showed, normal children aged 9 to 17 exhibit a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50 yeas ago.

Why are America’s kids so stressed? The report cites two main causes: increasing physical isolation (隔离)brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community, among other things and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.

Considering that we can’t turn the clock back, adults can still do plenty to help the next generation cope(应付).

At the top of the list is nurturing(培养)a better appreciation of the limits of individualism. No child is an island. Strengthening social ties help build communities and protect individuals against stress.

To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers. Your family will thank you later. They will have more time for face-to-face relationships, and they will get more sleep.

Limit the amount of virtual violence your children are exposed to. It’s not just from video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.

Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.

Make exercise part of your daily routine. It will help you cope with your own anxiety and provide a good model for your kids. Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable. But it doesn’t have to ruin your life.

1The author thinks that the conclusions of any research about people’s state of mind are _______.

     Asurprising            Bconfusing            Cillogical               Dquestionable

2What does the author mean by saying “we can’t turn the clock back” Para 3?

  AIt’s impossible to slow down the pace of change.

  BThe social reality children are facing cannot be changed.

  CLessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.

  DIt’s impossible to forget the past.

3According to the analysis, compared with normal children today, children treated as mentally ill 50 years ago ________.

  Aprobably suffered less from anxiety       Bwere probably less self-centered

  Cwere considered isolated physically        Dwere considered less individualistic

4The first and most important thing parents should do to help their children is ________.

  Ato provide them with a safer environment

  Bto lower their expectations for them

  Cto get them more involved socially

  Dto set a good model for them to follow

3. 详细信息

Sometime in the next century, the familiar early-morning newspaper on the front door will disappear. And instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you. You’ll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV. An electronic voice will distribute stories about the latest events, guided by a program that selects the type of news you want. You’ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want more information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal computer file you like. These are among the predictions from communications experts working on the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers would unite print and broadcast reporting, offering news and analysis with video images of news events.

Most of the technology is available now, but convincing more people that they don’t need paper to read a newspaper is the next step. But resistance to computer newspapers may be stronger from within journalism. “ Since it is such a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before the next generation realizes that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry.” Technology is making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.

   Despite technological advances, it could take decades to replace newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the changeover because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry.

1The best title for this passage is ______ .

AComputer Newspapers Are Well Liked

BNewspapers of the Future Will Likely Be on Computer

CNewspapers Are out of Fashion

DNew Communications Technology

2It might take 30 to 40 years for computer newspapers to replace traditional newspapers, because _____.

Ait is technologically impossible now

Bcomputer newspapers are too expensive

Cthere is strong resistance from both the general population and professional journalists

DYou can easily save information for future use

3Journalists are not eager to accept computer newspapers, because ________.

Athey don’t know how to use computers

Bthey think computer newspapers take too much time to read

Cthey think the new technology is bad

Dthey have been trained to write for traditional newspaper

4We can infer from the passage that _______.

Aall technological changes are good

Ball technologies will eventually replace old ones

Cnew technologies will eventually replace old ones

Dtraditional newspapers are here to stay for another century

4. 详细信息

My new home was a long way from the centre of London but it was becoming essential to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the tube. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I would be a tube guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I would be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady income and travel privileges — those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.

The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The examiner sat at a desk. You were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.

I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I can’t recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed (显露)a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You have failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”

Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs — being a postman is another one I still desire — demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.

1The writer applied for the job because __________.

Ahe wanted to work in the centre of London

Bhe could no longer afford to live without one

Che was not interested in any other available job

Dhe had received suitable training

2The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _________.

Ahe often traveled underground               Bhe had written many poems

Che could deal with difficult situations     Dhe had worked in an insurance company

3The length of his interview meant that _________.

Ahe was too nervous                             Bhe had not done well in the intelligence test

Che did not like the examiner                  Dhe had little work experience to talk about

4What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?

AHow unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.    BHow difficult it can be to get a job.

CHow unsuitable he was for the job.        DHow badly he did in the interview.

5. 详细信息

The U.S.Department of Labor statistics (统计)show that there is an oversupply of college trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there have been more than enough teachers, engineers, physicists, aerospace experts, and other specialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that aren’t there. The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree.

On the other hand, there is a great need for skilled workers of all sorts: carpenters, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, TV repairmen.

These people have more work than they can deal with, and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college graduates. The old gap that white-collar workers make a better living than blue collar workers no longer holds true. The law of supply and demand now favors the skilled workmen.

The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to a prosperous future. A large part of American society matches success in life equally with a college degree. Parents begin indoctrinating (灌输)their children with this myth before they are out of grade school. High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a preparation for college rather than for life. Under this pressure the kids fall in line. Whether they want to go to college or not doesn’t matter. Everybody should go to college, so of course they must go. And every year college enrollments (入学)go up and up, and more and more graduates are overeducated for the kinds of jobs available to them …

One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there. Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.

1It’s implied but not stated in the passage that __________.

     Amany other countries are facing the same problem

  Bwhite-collar workers in the US used to make more money than blue-collar workers

  Cfewer students will prefer to go to college in the future

  Dthe law of supply and demand has a strong effect on American higher education

2Which of the following is NOT a reason why college enrollments go up every year?

     AMany people believe that the only way to success is a college education.

     BMany parents want their children to go to college.

     CHigh school teachers urge their students to go to college.

     DEvery young man and woman wants to go to college.

3By saying that “many people go to college who do not belong there,” the author means that __.

     Amany people who are not fit for college education go to college

     Bmany people who do not have enough money go to college

     Cmany people who go to college drop out within the first year

     Dmany people who go to college have their hopes destroyed

4We can infer from the passage that the author believes that ________.

     Aevery young man and woman should go to college

     Bcollege education is a bad thing

     Cpeople with a college education should receive higher pay

     Dfewer people should go to college while more should be trained for skilled jobs

6. 详细信息

Are you too old for fairy tales? If you think so, Copenhagen is sure to change your mind. See the city first from the water. In the harbor sits Denmark’s best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid. Remember her? She left the world of the sea people in search of becoming a human in one of Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved fantasies. From the harbor you can feel “city of green spires (尖顶)”. At dawn or on a cloudy day, the copper-covered spires of old castles and churches give the city a dream-like atmosphere. You’ll think that you’ve stepped into a watercolor painting.

Copenhagen is a city made for people. You don’t have to hurry to walk through the city’s center in less than an hour. Exploring it will take much longer, but that’s easy. Copenhagen is the first city to make a street for walking only. The city has less traffic, noise, and pollution than any other European capital.

Churches and castles are almost all remains of the original city. Copenhagen became the capital of Denmark in 1445. During the late 16th century, trade grew, and so did the city. But fires in 1728 and 1795 destroyed the old wooden buildings. Much of what we see today is from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Look at one of the spires up close really close at the 17th-century Church of Our Savior. Brave people may climb the 150 stairs winding outside the spire to its top. If you are afraid of heights, or if it’s a windy day, you can forget about the climb. But then you’ll miss the beautiful view.

To see people having fun, and to have some fun yourself, cross Andersens Boulevard and enter Tivoli Gardens. You won’t be alone. More than five million people a year come here. They come to dance, eat, listen to outdoor and indoor concerts, watch ballets and laugh during comedy shows. One tip: Bring a lot of money. About 20 restaurants are among the city’s most expensive. Even without money, though, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the coloured night lights and the beautiful gardens. You might feel as if you were in a fairy tale.

1Why is Copenhagen sure to change your mind that you are too old for fairy tales? Because ______.

  Athe Little Mermaid is Denmark’s best-known landmark

  BCopenhagen is a city of green spires and wooden buildings that often appears in fairy tales

  CCopenhagen is like a dream-like watercolor painting

  DCopenhagen is a city where you find yourself in a fairy atmosphere

2What do you think of the city?

  AA small quiet city which few city travelers visit.

  BAn international trade port which is busy.

  CA beautiful ancient city with many travelers.

  DA city where some fairy stories happened.

3Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  AMermaid is a character in one of Hans Christian Andersen’s fantasies.

  BThe 17th-century Church of Our Savior is high.

  CMermaid is a heroine in Denmark.

  DCopenhagen has less traffic, noise and pollution in Europe.

4Which title is the most suitable for the passage?

     AThe imaginary fairy city Copenhagen

  BNot only ancient but modern Copenhagen

  CCity of green spires Copenhagen

       DA fairyland Copenhagen

7. 详细信息

In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of teens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her family’s   1   lifestyle and said, “I don’t want your God. I am leaving!”

She left home. Before long, she was disappointed and unable to find a job, so she took to the streets to do everything she could to   2  . Many years passed by, her father died, her mother grew   3  , and the daughter became more and more entrenched (固执)in her way of life.

No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, having   4   her daughter’s whereabouts, went to the poor part of the city in   5   of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue missions (收容所)with a simple   6  . “Would you allow me to   7   this picture?” It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a handwritten   8   at the bottom: “I love you still … come home!”

One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat   9   listening to the service, all the while letting her   10   wander over to the bulletin board. There she saw the picture and thought, could that be my mother?

She couldn’t   11   until the service was over. She stood and went to look. It was her mother, and there were those words, “I love you still … come home!”  12   she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too   13   to be true.

It was night, but she was so   14   by the message that she started walking home.  15   the time she arrived it was early in the morning. She was afraid and   16   her way timidly (胆怯地). As she knocked, the door   17   open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house. Concerned for her mother’s   18  , the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “It’s me! It’s me! I’m home!”

The mother couldn’t believe her eyes. They fell into each other’s arms. The daughter said, “I was so worried and   19   someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently, “No, dear. From the day you left, that door has never been   20  .”

1Amodern                Breligious            Cawful              Dsimple

2Aearn money         Bhelp others        Cget free           Dbecome famous

3Alonelier               Bslower              Cangrier             Dolder

4Atold about         Bheard of           Clearned from    Dtalked to

5Asight                Bcharge            Csearch         Dneed

6Arequest              Bremark              Cquestion           Dspeech

7Aprint out             Blook at               Cgive off             Dput up

8Arecord                 Badvice             Cmessage           Dnotice

9Asensitively           Babsent-mindedly Cdevotedly         Dcarefully

10Aeyes                Bhands             Cthoughts       Dimaginations

11Ahelp              Bmove          Cwait              Dlisten

12AAfter                BSince              CUntil                 DAs

13Alucky              Bgood               Chappy              Dcertain

14Aastonished       Btouched            Cinterested           Dashamed

11ABy                   BAt                  CDuring           DBefore

16Ahad                Bled                  Cmade              Dheld

17Aseemed            Bblew               Cproved            Dflew

18Asafety                Bhealth               Cdanger             Dlife

19Aobserved            Brealized             Cfound           Dthought

20Apushed           Bopened            Clocked           Dfixed

8. 详细信息

根据括号内的汉语提示, 用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。

1If it were not for _____________ (你生病的事实), I would ask you to do this right now.fact

2.— Could you meet me at the airport?

    I’d like to, but I ______________________ (已离开上海)when you return.leave

3I can’t read the advertisement on the board. Could you hold the light ___________  ____ (离它更近一点点吗)? close

4He was seated at the piano, ______________________ (背对着观众).with

5The new hospital is _________________ (即将竣工). way, finish

6______________(什么也没剩下)after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed. remain

7John did well in the exam. He came home __________________(带着幸福的微笑). wear

8____________________的新小说是必读书)for all lovers of scientific fiction. must  n.

9Professor, I want to know ___________________ 们的生活会是什么样)in 50 years. like

10The girl ___________________________________ (有希望成为优秀的画家)if she is well trained in an art school. promise

9. 详细信息

As a result, Hugh Beaver decided to ________ a book that would contain all kinds of world records.

Aput out     Blooked into       Cset aside   Dbrought in

10. 详细信息

If you like, I can do some shopping for you.

That’s a very kind _______.

Aoffer        Bservice      Cpoint Dsuggestion

11. 详细信息

What’s wrong with Jane?

A call from her mother ______ the attack of homesickness.

Asent out   Bsent off  Cset out   Dset off

12. 详细信息

The work is ______ smoothly. I’m sure it will be finished in a month or so.

Aprogressing   Bimproving        Cmoving    Dkeeping

13. 详细信息

Readers can ______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get over    Bget along        Cget in Dget through

14. 详细信息

I realize she can be very troublesome, but ______ I think you should apologize for being so     angry with her.

Aall the same      Bonce in a while       Cin actual fact    Dall the time

15. 详细信息

Did you watch the tennis final of Men’s Doubles?

Yes, it was extremely exciting! It was a ______ fought game. 

Aclosely      Bsuccessfully     Cshortly      Dproperly

16. 详细信息

At the moment we can’t afford a nice new car, so we’ll just have to ________ without.

Atake          Bgo     Cwalk  Ddrive

17. 详细信息

I don’t think Maria will be disappointed at the news, but I will see her ________ she is.

Aas                              Bas if                    Cin case                Deven if

18. 详细信息

Should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool, ______ at the gym or go dancing in one of the city’s hotels and clubs.

Ago out      Brun out     Cwork out Dturn out