
1. 详细信息

City College Union Inc


The Union is a student-run organization with a permanent staff of 20. Typing speed: at least 60 wpm.

The ability to rake shorthand dictation and a working knowledge of filling procedures are essential requirements.

The basic salary for the position is $ 18,500 per year.

Enquires to R. Barbar 387-5075.

Emu Airline


Emu Airline is now offering a part-time position for a secretary.

The position offers at least 20 hour’ work a week, with a view to full-time work in the future.

Monthly salary is about $ 1,400.

Phone 899-3264 for an appointment.

Word Processor

Operator (full-time)

We need an operator to work in an office associated with the building industry. Only experienced operators are expected to apply.

Starting salary. $ 17,950 yearly.

Apply in writing to:

The Personnel Officer Hill Morgan Pty Lid 38 Green Hill Rd. Kensington 2033.

Sewing Machinist Wanted

Jeans Industry

We are an expanding clothing company located south of the city. Our products include jeans, skirts, shorts and so on. We are looking for sewing machine operators.

The factory works a 38-hour week over 4-5 days. Wages for this are $ 18,050 per year. Wages and conditions are in line with the current industrial award.

If you are interested, come over and pick up an application form from Ripper Jeans, 23 North Ave, Beaudesert.

21. What can we learn from the above advertisements?

A. Their companies are introduced in detail.

B. They all want people for their respective positions.

C. Each is looking for experienced employees.

D. There exist large income gaps between the four posts.

22. The attractiveness of the post in Emu Airline is       .

A. its good salary                                                         B. its nice working conditions

C. its promising future                                                  D. its free flying

23. If you want to be a sewing machine operator you may contact this company by       .

A. phone                                   B. email                              C. visit                                D. fax

2. 详细信息

Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreement in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors (因素) tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are similar in many ways, there are fewer situations for people to see the need or the chance for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and dear.

Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material aspects, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the simple elements (要素) rather than in the complex ones; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange ones.

Besides, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with a sharp division. This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white fellows.

24. The underlined part “greater tolerance” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to “      ”.

A. quicker adaptation to changing conditions

B. greater willingness to accept social change

C. more respect for different beliefs and behavior

D. greater readiness to agree to different conditions

25. Why is social change less likely to occur in a society where people are similar in many ways?

A. They are so conservative that they lend to slow down social change.

B. They can easily get what they want in the material aspect of society.

C. They are so used to their conditions that they seldom want to change.

D. They have similar needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty.

26. Which of the following factors probably tends to promote social change fast?

A. Different points of view.                                           B. Traditional values.

C. Sharp divisions in relations.                                    D. Similar appearances.

27. What is this passage mainly discussing?

A. Two different kinds of society.                                         B. Consequences of social change.

C. The importance of social change.                                  D. Certain factors affecting social change.

3. 详细信息

Alibaba started taking the lead in China by connecting big Chinese manufacturers (制造商) with big buyers across the world. Its business-to-business site, Alibaba.com allowed business to buy almost everything, Alibaba’s advantage wasn’t hard to judge: size. Alibaba is just big, even by Chinese standards. Its market attracts 231 million active buyers. 8 million sellers, 11.3 billion orders a year-and Alibaba is just the middleman. It encourages people to use its markets-not charging small sellers a percentage of the sale.

If you warn a quick look into the influence of Alibaba on daily Chinese life, lake my experience. I moved to Beijing u year ago and quickly got tired of visiting small stores across the crowded, polluted city of 20 million people in search of new electronics, bathroom furnishings, and anything else my wife wanted. “You’re looking for what exactly? Why not cry it?” my Chinese teacher asked me one day. With that, my wonderful new relationship with Alibaba began.

Alibaba’s original business-to-business model now is second to consumer buying. Chinese retail (零售) buying makes up 80% of Alibaba’s profit, and leading that group is Taobao, with 800 million items for sale and the most unbelievable selection of things you’ll ever find. TMall.com is Alibaba’s other big site, where you can find brand name goods from Nike and Unilever near the lowest prices.

What I have a hard time explaining to friends and family back in the U.S. is how China has gone beyond traditional shopping-big-box retailers especially-in favor of online purchases on Taobao and a few other sites. In smaller towns than Beijing, where big retailers have not yet traveled, shopping online is shopping, and shopping is Taobao.

I have a list of some of my recent purchases on Taobao for a sense of how wide the marketplace is. Almost everything arrived a day or two after ordering with free shipping. I’m not even a big buyer, because I need friends to help me search the Chinese-language site. When I was searching my purchase history on my Chinese teacher’s iPad, which helps me buy goods, I looked through with great difficulty about 10 of her purchases tor every one of mine.

28. Alibaba’s advantage mainly lies in       .

A. its low price                                                              B. its big size

C. its not charging small sellers                                          D. its business-to-business service

29. We know from the passage that Alibaba       .

A. will continue to develop.

B. charges all the sellers on its site a percentage of the sale.

C. acts as a bridge between the buyers and sellers

D. is of middle size among all the online sites.

30. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Alibaba’s business-to-business service earns more money than retail.

B. TMall.com provides more profit than Taobao.

C. Taobao has no envious advantage over other similar online sites.

D. The author’s Chinese teacher is also an online purchase lover.

31. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Shopping online in China is TaoBao

B. How the author purchases online in China.

C. Shopping online goes beyond traditional shopping.

D. Alibaba influences people’s daily purchase in China.

4. 详细信息

Will Nanfang University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen announce a new beginning for China’s higher education reform? It’s too early to answer. Bui its presence is challenging the Ministry of Education. Even without the approval of the ministry it seems that the school is determined to move forward and enroll 50 students, so-called child prodigies (奇才), to begin classes on March 1, 2011. On graduating in 2015, these students will receive a diploma unauthorized by the Ministry of Education-unlike the students of their age from the stale-run universities.

The school is committed to modeling itself on Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, but if the government will not approve the school, the situation could cause a lot of trouble for those 50 students if they want to do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions. Other schools could turn their applications down for their unauthorized diplomas.

The difficulties, however, hive not frightened students and their parents away On Dec. 18, 2010 more than l,000 students and their parents visited Nanfang University of Science and Technology for interviews.

Private investment marks the school out from other higher learning institutions in the nation. Not a penny comes from the government. So the government will have no voice in how the school will be run.

The Ministry of Education has published a comprehensive plan for education reform and development between 2011 and 2020. The goal is to make China’s higher education internationally competitive. To accomplish this goal, the government should have the courage to let the educators who have big ideas try them out. The ministry should have applauded the independence the school in Shenzhen has shown and encouraged more to do likewise.

Education reform in China has readied a new and crucial stage. Nanfang University of Science and Technology has a long way to go to prove itself competitive rather than a diploma mill.

32. What will nuke those 50 students different from others?

A. They are all child prodigies.

B. They will study much longer time.

C. They are willing to challenge the Ministry of Education.

D. They will receive an unauthorized diploma.

33. Over 1,000 students and parents visited the school because       .

A. they believe that the school will have a bright future

B. they believe the government is sure to approve the school

C. the school models itself on Hong Kong University successfully

D. they will never do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions

34. The trouble the students in the school may have is that       .

A. the government will have no voice in the school

B. they won’t receive any diploma when graduating from the school

C. other schools are unlikely to accept their diploma from the school

D. they will not learn how to be competitive

35. What does the author think of Nanfang University of Science and Technology?

A. It is another kind of diploma mill.

B. It’s impossible for the school to be competitive.

C. It will never get the approval from the Ministry of Education.

D. Its independence from the government may benefit the education reform.

5. 详细信息

There are three things that will get you ahead in life good looks, smarts, and being considered as being smart.   36   And unluckily most of us are not good-looking. Let’s explore some different ways to become smarter.

  37   College doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be smarter, just educated. It means you’ll be exposed to many different ideas and hopefully you’ll learn how to think. Being able to think outside the box and for yourself are features smart people possess.

Read books and educational magazines.   38   Educational magazines are a wealth of knowledge you can share with others, thus making you sound very smart. If you do watch television, try watching something where you can learn.

Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn one new word a week. It doesn’t seem like much, but adding 52 new words to your vocabulary will really make you appear much smarter. Subscribing (订阅) to vocabulary, corn is a good start.   39   This way you’re actually getting 365 words a year, but that is usually more than most people can absorb.

Don’t repeat everything people tell you until you know that it’s true.   40   The hear a strange claim and they repeat it to the nearest ear. You can do much harm to your seek for being smart if you are known for giving had information.

A. The first is God-given.

B. Go to college and get an education.

C. Gel educated inside or outside college.

D. You will have a new word sent to your email address daily.

E. Reading books works the brain out more than viewing television.

F. The programs actually provide you with information you can use.

G. Uneducated people and people not considered as being smart tend to do this.

6. 详细信息

Future Man will need English to shine

Hu Yuxin from East China’s Jiangxi province danced at the Beijing Film Academy on Monday. It was the second time for the 17-year-old   61   (seek) to enroll in the institution. A second round of examinations for admission to major art colleges began on Monday.

Will English be   62   must-have skill for China’s entertainment in the future?

The answer is probably yes, as evident from the change in some of the country’s top art colleges’ annual admission examinations on Monday. The exams are seen as somewhat of a shortcut for young people   63   dreams of becoming stars.

The Beijing Film Academy, the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of China-regarded   64   influential producers for future showbiz talent-began second-round tests on Monday. The examinations will run through early March.

  65   China’s national college entrance exam, or gaokao, reportedly will not include English in the future, the Beijing Film Academy still highlights its expectation for students foreign language   66   (score).

“It’s not against the policies, but a   67   (solve) to meet the changing demands for talent education and the movie markets-both domestically   68   internationally-in the next five to 10 years,”   69   (say) Mu Deyuan, the academy’s dean of studies.

Mu added that the college will require students to polish their English skills to be   70   (qualify) for international cooperation projects.

7. 详细信息

71. The lady made Joe and her          (company) in Rome.

72. I          (panic) when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.

73. Our government understands this and          (use) PSAs to educate people for many years.

74. You can hardly imagine what difficulty he had          (apply) to his study.

75. The conclusion was drawn on the          (base) of experiments.

8. 详细信息

Another person’s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father   41   me to her with these words: “I would like you to meet the fellow who is   42   for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no   41   than tomorrow morning.”

My stepmother walked over to me,   44   my head slightly upward, and looked me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied.” You are   45  . This is not the worst boy at all,   46   the smartest one who hasn’t yet found an outlet(释放的途径) for his enthusiasm.”

That statement began a(n)   47   between us. No one had ever called me smart. My family and neighbors had built me up in my   48   as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.

She changed many things. She   49   my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my father’s career could be more   50   and my brother and I could be better   51  .

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand   52   and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm. I   53   it had already improved our lives. I accepted her   54   and began to write for local newspapers. I was doing the same kind of   55   that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my life’s work later I wasn’t the   56   beneficiary (受益者). My father became the   57   man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

What power   58   has! When that power is released to support the certainty of one’s purpose and is   59   strengthened by faith. it becomes an irresistible (不可抗拒的)force which poverty and temporary defeat can never   60  .

You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it. This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.

41. A. rushed                            B. sent                               C. carried                                  D. introduced

42. A. distinguished           B. favored                          C. mistaken                        D. rewarded

43. A. sooner                            B. later                               C. longer                                   D. earlier

44. A. dragged                          B. shook                                   C. raised                                   D. bent

45. A. perfect                            B. right                               C. wrong                                   D. impolite

46. A. but                                  B. so                                  C. and                                D. or

47. A. agreement               B. friendship                      C. gap                                D. relationship

48. A. opinion                            B. image                                   C. expectation                           D. mind

49. A. begged                           B. persuaded                            C. ordered                         D. invited

50. A. successful                B. meaningful                            C. helpful                                  D. useful

51. A. treated                            B. entertained                           C. educated                       D. respected

52. A. camera                           B. radio                              C. bicycle                           D. typewriter

53. A. considered               B. suspected                      C. ignored                          D. appreciated

54. A. belief                        B. request                          C. criticism                         D. description

55. A. teaching                   B. writing                            C. studying                        D. reading

56. A. next                          B. same                             C. only                               D. real

57. A. cleverest                  B. wealthiest                      C. strongest                       D. healthiest

58. A. enthusiasm                     B. sympathy                       C. fortune                          D. confidence

59. A. deliberately                     B. happily                           C. traditionally                    D. constantly

60. A. win                           B. match                                   C. reach                             D. doubt

9. 详细信息







An American and a Frenchman decided to cross the sea between France and England in the balloon in 1784. High over the water, they discover a hole in the balloon. The hole became bigger and bigger. The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming up. The two men threw all their equipments into the water to make the balloon light. It started to rise higher again. So it was still too close to the water. Finally, the men threw away .most of his clothes to save themselves. The crowd waiting for to greet them in England were very surprised sec this when the balloon landed in front of them.

10. 详细信息










参考词汇:规则regulations             give way to;         闯红灯run the red light

Dear drivers,

At present, more and more cars have entered the homes of ordinary people.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua