
1. 详细信息

 Here are four best-sellers on health this month in 2016.

2-Day Diabetes Diet

Author: Erin Palinski Wade

Description: The plan is designed to be flexible---you can do your Power Burn days whenever it works for you, and you can personalize almost any meal to suit your tastes---and will work for both people with type 2 diabetes and those at risk.

Our Price: List Price: $24.96     Sale Price: $19.96

Availability: In stock

Reverse Diabetes

Author: The Reader’s Digest Association

Description: A simple step-by-step plan to take control of your health; Top 20 FOODS for diabetics ; Simple EXERCISES; LIFESTYLE tips; Tricks to KEEP YOU on track.

Our price: List Price: $31.98      Sale Price: $12:00

Availability: In stock

Foods That for Better Blood Sugar

Author: Reader’s Digest

Description: Discover the amazing benefits of foods like peanut butter and sweet potatoes and learn which foods to avoid like the plague for steady sailing.

Our Price: List Price: $31.96     Sale Price: $14.00

Availability: In stock

Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal

Author: Editors of Reader’s Digest

Description: Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal was the first book that changed the way we view food and its impact on our bodies. More than 7 million copies of the book have been sold worldwide since then. Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal also tells us the crucial(关键的) connections between diet and chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses, as well as the impact of food on stress, and other common complaints.

Our price: List Price: $30.96      Sale Price: $15.00

Availability: In stock

1. Which book offers the biggest price cut?

A. 2-Day Diabetes Diet

B. Reverse Diabetes

C. Magic Foods for Better Blood Sugar

D. Foods That Harm, Foods That Sugar

2. What do we know about the four books?

   A. They are all available now

   B. They are intended for the cook

   C. They have the same author

   D. They all can help lose weight

3. Which book can tell us the key relationships between what we eat and some diseases?

A. 2-Day Diabetes Diet

B. Reverse Diabetes

C. Magic Foods for Better Blood Sugar

D. Foods That Harm, Foods That Sugar

2. 详细信息

 A year ago, my friend and I went to a nearby town to attend a wedding. After the reception, we were waiting for a public transport bus to go back home. It was nine o'clock at night, and although many buses passed, none stopped.
     We waited for an hour and were getting desperate. We wouldn't be able to stay overnight because it was a weekday, and we both needed to work the next day. It was almost 10 pm when a family who had attended the same wedding passed by in their car. Probably sensing that we were waiting for some means of transport, they stopped and gave us a lift. I was so touched by their kindness, and I expressed my gratitude to them.
     When we reached my hometown, the family dropped us at the nearest point from where we could catch a shared taxi to get back to the spot where we had parked our bike. On the way, a laborer stopped the taxi. The driver saw his clothes and asked him whether he had money to pay the fare.
    The laborer shook his head and said, "No".

On hearing this, the driver refused to take him. I remembered my own plight a few minutes earlier, and I told the driver to allow him to sit with us, as I would pay his fare.

What an immediate opportunity to pass on the family's act of kindness! That night, I felt light-hearted and I went to sleep happily and filled with joy about what I had gotten to do. May this chain of kindness continue!

4. Why the author and his friend waiting for a bus at nine o’clock at night?

   A. Because they were going to attend a wedding.

   B. Because they wanted to go back home.

   C. Because they intended to meet a family.

   D. Because they planned to help a laborer.

5. What was the driver’s attitude toward the laborer’s asking for a lift?

   A. Positive.                  B. Friendly.

   C. Uncaring.                 D. Respectful.

6. The underlined word “plight” in paragraph could best be replaced by “_________”.

   A. trouble                   B. opportunity

   C. kindness                  D. tiredness

7. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Kind and Helpful Family

   B. An Unusual Wedding

   C. Magic Chain of Kindness

   D. Attitude Decides Everything

3. 详细信息

Around the world, eggs have been a breakfast staple(重要部分)for all good reasons. After all, an egg is a storehouse of vital nutrients, making it an essential part of a healthy diet. And for those of you who are afraid of having this power food because you're worried that it will add to your weight, remember, one egg contains about 80 calories and about five grams of fat. Hence, smart consumption is a far healthier option.
    Eggs are a well-known rich source of protein — an important building block of bones, muscles, skin, and blood. The body uses protein to build and repair tissues as well as making other body chemicals. Unfortunately, unlike fat and carbohydrates(
碳水化合物), the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. Thus eggs are the perfect sources and a smart food choice for those who reduce their intake of carbohydrates in a bit to lose extra weight.
    Another important nutrient you'll find abundantly in egg white is riboflavin or Vitamin B2. And for all of you wondering what's the benefit of this nutrient, Riboflavin is a water-soluble(
水溶性) vitamin which is involved in vital processes in the body and is necessary for normal cell function, growth, and energy production.
    The yolk, which many of us avoid out of fear, is actually a very healthy food, if consumed in moderation(
适度). Mainly fat, the yolk contains 1.33 gm of cholesterol(胆固醇) per 100 gms and is a rich source of vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorous() and iron. Incidentally, the iron found in the yolk is easily digested in the body. According to nutrition experts, one can eat one whole egg every day without harming one's cholesterol and other blood-fat levels. But for those who crave for more eggs, you can reduce fat by having one whole egg and the whites of the rest of the eggs.

8. Eggs are regarded as important in breakfast because__________.
 A. it is a custom to have eggs in the breakfast.

  B. they are sold at a low price.    

C. they are high in calories and low in fat.

D. they can provide people with many nutrients.
9. When our body is short of protein, we may____________.
 A. feel tired and sleepy.
 B. feel discomfort in our legs.
 C. get tired of eating eggs.
 D. be eager for other chemicals.
10. Which of the following is true about protein?         .
  A. It can’t be stored in the body.
  B. Fat can be changed into protein.
  C. It is a kind of carbohydrate.

D. Our body can only get protein from eggs.

11. We can infer from the last paragraph that____________.
   A. the author suggests we only eat the whites of eggs.

B. eating enough yolk can reduce cholesterol in the body.
   C. iron and phosphorous in the yolk are difficult to digest.
   D. high blood-fat level can do harm to our health

4. 详细信息

 From childhood, Bob was different and never seemed to fit in. Bob did complete college, married his loving wife, Evelyn and was grateful to get his job as a copywriter at Montgomery Wards during the Great Depression.

Then he was blessed with his little girl, Barbara. But it was all short-lived. Evelyn was diagnosed with cancer and the disease stripped them of all their savings and then Bob and his daughter were forced to live in a two-room apartment in the Chicago slums. Evelyn died just days before Christmas in 1938.

Bob struggled to give hope to his child, for whom he couldn't even afford to buy a Christmas gift. But if he couldn't buy a gift, he was determined to make one — a storybook! Bob had created an animal character in his own mind and told the animal's story to little Barbara to give her comfort and hope. Again and again Bob told the story, adding more details with each telling.

Who was the character? What was the story all about? The story Bob May created was his own autobiography(自传) in fable(寓言) form. The character he created was a misfit outcast like he was. The name of the character? A little reindeer named Rudolph, with a big shiny nose. Bob finished the book just in time to give it to his little girl on Christmas Day.

The general manager of Montgomery Wards caught wind of the little storybook and offered Bob May a nominal fee to purchase the rights to print the book. Wards went on to print, “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and distribute it to children visiting Santa Claus in their stores.

By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed more than six million copies of Rudolph. That same year, a major publisher wanted to purchase the rights from Wards to print an updated version of the book. Many toy and marketing deals followed and Bob May, now remarried with a growing family, became wealthy from the story he created to comfort his grieving daughter.

12. When did Bob’s life take a turn for the worse?

A. When he was in college.

B. As soon as he got married.

C. Shortly after Barbara was born.

D. Before the Great Depression began.

13. What’s Bob’s main purpose of writing his storybook?

A. To support his family.        B. To comfort his sick wife.

C. To tell his life story.          D. To make his daughter feel better.

14. We can learn from the passage that Bob’s book ___________.

A. was used as a gift at Christmas at first.

B. wasn’t well thought of by his manager.

C. brought no benefits to Bob himself.

D. was a best-seller until the 1940s.

15. The underlined part “a misfit outcast” in paragraph 4 probably refers to “_________”.

A. an experienced writer who is good at writing fables

B. a brave and determined person who is very successful

C. a person who always makes mistake but can escape from being punished

D. a person who is unfortunate and abandoned by the society

5. 详细信息

Do you ever feel like you’ve got a great idea, one that makes you feel incredibly inspired and want to change the world?   16   . We’ve all been there. And we’ll all be there again and again throughout life. So take a deep breath, and try these techniques:

1.      Start small.

So often, we feel the need to take great leaps and bounds. Every day needs to

be filled with productivity. But we reach a point where we get overwhelmed by all the things we have to do. Break it down.     17   . Take a baby step. Once you get going, it will be harder to stop.

2.      Do the thing you’re afraid of.

Often when we get overwhelmed, it’s because the task ahead is daunting(吓人的). There’s no easy way around it. The more we think about it, the more frightened we feel.    18    Most of the time, things are never as bad as we imagined them in our minds.

    3.    19   

The biggest misunderstanding is that we have to do everything on our own. But that’s simply not true. Success never comes without support. So reach out. Call a friend. Ask for advice. Your community will be more than happy to help, and you’ll feel better.

   20     The harder you work for something you believe in, the better you will feel about it. And once you learn how to handle hitting a brick wall, it will get easier to deal with the next time around.

A.     Ask for help.

B.     Don’t give up.

C.     No one wants to live with regrets.

D.     No one can do everything all at once.

E.      So stop thinking about it, and just do it.

F.      Remember that if it’s not easy, it probably means it’s worth it.

G.     But then once you start working on your idea, you start doubting yourself.

6. 详细信息

Bartley was making his first trip on the whaling ship Star of the East. Suddenly the lookout found a huge whale. The whalers knew it was a huge whale by the size of the spray it blew into the air. They     41   (lower) their small boats. James Bartley was in the first longboat. The man rowed   42    they were close to the whale. A harpoon(鱼叉) was thrown and it found its mark. It sank into the whale’s flesh. The maddened beast jumped out of water and broke the boat into

    43     (piece). When the survivors were picked up, James Bartley was ___44_____(miss).

Shortly before sunset, the whale was      45    (final) caught. The sailors tied the whale’s carcass      46       the side of the ship.

Because of the hot weather it was important      47      they cut up the whale right away. Otherwise, the meat      48       begin to rot and the oil to spoil. When they got to the stomach, they felt something     49     (move) about wildly. They thought it would be a big fish still alive inside. But when they opened the stomach they found James Bartley. After this trip,      50    (settle) in Gloucester, England, Bartley never returned to sea.

7. 详细信息

Do you usually pay much attention to the nutrition facts on packages of food and drinks? Two students, Anna and Jenny, in New Zealand did. They also discovered a    21    about a popular local drink.

The science experiment   22   the two 17-year-old girls showed that the blackcurrant (黑醋栗) drink, Ribean, contained almost no vitamin C. However, its    23   ,the world's second-largest food and drug company GlaxoSmithKline had made claims (宣称) to the   24    in their ads.
The students, then 14, decided to
the vitamin C levels of their favorite juices,   26    Ribean and Just Juice for a school   27__.       They calculated (
计算) that each 100 milliliters of Ribean contained about 22 milligrams of vitamin C. Just Juice products contained levels of about 72 milligrams.
The    28    for Ribean seemed too   29    because the company had promoted (
推销) the product by saying that blackcurrants had four times the vitamin C of oranges.
"We thought we must have made a    30     ," the girls said. The pair got no answer after they sent their     31     in a letter to GlaxoSmithKline, so they telephoned the company. "They didn't    32    really answer our questions. They just said it's the blackcurrants that have it, then they   33    ," Jenny said. Finally the pair took their    34     to the Commerce Commission (
court last month, the company    35    that its ads might have left consumers with wrong   36   about the health benefits of Ribean. It was   37     a total of 227,500 New Zealand dollars (1.27 million yuan).
"It's completely
," Jenny said. "It's pretty crazy when you realize how much     39      you can have as a kid."
Commerce Commission chairwoman Paula Rebstock praised the teenagers and called them a "   40     inspiration (
启发) to everyone at the commission."

21. A. fact         B. truth         C. ad          D. lie

22. A. with        B. by           C. on          D. about

23. A. director     B. boss         C. maker        D. leader

24. A. contrary     B. degree       C. position      D. condition

25. A. check       B. try          C. test          D. set    

26. A. regarding    B. including     C. treating      D. covering 

27. A. experiment   B. program     C. decision      D. project 

28. A. figure       B. number      C. range        D. deal  

29. A. hard        B. high         C. low         D. simple

30. A. plan        B. mistake      C. decision      D. change  

31. A. results      B. conclusions   C. endings      D. realities 

32. A. yet         B. still         C. only         D. even   

33. A. gave up     B. went up      C. hung up      D. held up  

34. A. feelings     B. savings      C. writings      D. findings 

35. A. accepted    B. admitted      C. abandoned   D. announced 

36. A. expression   B. situation     C. permission    D. impression

37. A. fined       B. robbed       C. driven       D. lost     

38. A. impossible  B. unthinkable    C. unfortunate   D. unnecessary

39. A. notice      B. thought       C. power       D. praise  

40. A. new        B. fresh         C. high        D. true      


8. 详细信息





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Recently, I notice something unpleasant in our school. Some students littered free while cleaners took pains to sweep the floor. To fight so bad behaviors, our class held a meeting theme “To care about our environment, start from ourselves”. We discussed heatedly after we agreed on one solution. From the next day on, we were divided into group to collect rubbish on every morning before class. Our deed got a thumb up from our teacher. He said we served as example for the students to help keep the school clean. We also felt meaningful to shoulder our responsibility for the environment around them.

9. 详细信息

某英语报社组织主题为“How to change your life attitude”的正文活动,请你根据下列提示写一篇英语短文向报社投稿。内容包括:

1.      人生态度在生活中的作用;

2.      我们应如何去做。





                How to Change Your Life Attitude








