
1. 详细信息

I was born and raised in the tiny town of Lafayette, Georgia. It’s a rather boring town, but luckily my mom loved traveling so we hit the road pretty frequently. I was diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (脊肌萎缩症) at the age of two and have been in a wheelchair ever since. My wheelchair and I have been to 14 countries and have plans to visit many more. Since graduating from the University of West Georgia with a degree in marketing last year, I’ve put all of my energy into growing my website. Aside from traveling and working on my blog, I love going to concerts and trying new foods.

My mom was a teacher so she was off work every summer. We used that time to travel locally and took a lot of road trips along the East Coast. Disney World was a popular choice. When I turned 15, we tried our hand at traveling internationally and went to the Bahamas. These trips made me fall in love with travel and showed me that there’s so much out there in the world.

My mom always told me “If you can’t stand up, stand out” and I try to live by that mentality daily. I might not be able to stand physically, but I can stand. I can stand for anything that I desire, like traveling. A disability is not going to limit me from seeing the world. I refuse to even entertain the thought that my disability could have that sort of power.

It is much more difficult to travel as a wheelchair user. Over my life, I have met numbers of challenges, especially when I was younger. But I’ve learned to be positive no matter when trouble comes to me.

1. What do we know about the author?

A. He dislikes living in his town.                   

B. He was born with a severe illness.

C. He began travelling abroad at 15.                    

D. He was poorly educated due to his illness.

2. How does the author sound in the passage?

A. Unfortunate                      B. Optimistic               

C. Independent                        D. Warm-hearted

3. What does the underlined part mean?

A. You must stand up by yourself.                

B. You should accept your disability.

C. You must learn how to use a wheelchair.          

D. You should have will and great character.

2. 详细信息

It was a cold and wet night, I had just left a local club to travel home when I lost control of my car. I crashed into a car, then hit a tree. The force was so great that is knocked the parked car several meters forwards. I was knocked out cold. Worse still, I had no idea that a fire had started under the engine of my car. It then set the tree on fire.

Driving behind me was a young man, who I later found out was called Jared. He saw the accident occur and stopped to help me out of the burning car. He put his own life in danger when he got into the back seat to try to undo my seat belt. This wasn’t easy because I’d hit the car on my driver’s side and my seat belt was squeezed into the console (操纵台).

With my seat belt undone, Jared then hit open the driver’s window to drag me out as I had still not regained consciousness (意识). He bravely did this while my car and the tree were burning. Woken by the crash, the homeowners came out to investigate. Jared told them to ring emergency services. I was rushed to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in a serious condition. I eventually woke up a day later.

I owe my life to Jared and I consider him a friend due to the special bound. Jared says that although the events of that night initially shocked him, he never once hesitated to help. In addition, he doesn’t believe that he did anything special.

4. What happened to the author in the crash?
A. He was knocked out of his car.

B. He was knocked unconscious.

C. He felt cold because of bleeding.

D. He climbed on the tree to escape fire.

5. Why did Jared get into the back seat?
A. To unfasten the author’s seat belt.

B. To get the author out of the car.

C. To help the author drive the car safely.                    

D. To put out the burning fire in the car.

6. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. A narrow escape from death               B. A courageous crash rescue

C. Jared, my best friend                         D. A frightening car fire

3. 详细信息

The World Health Organization says the widespread use of sugar in food products and drinks is a major concern in many areas. So WHO officials are calling on governments to require taxes on sugary drinks in an effort to limit their usage and popularity. The officials believe the taxes also would reduce the risk of health problems resulting from obesity.

Obesity is a condition in which the body stores large, unhealthy amounts of fat. Obese individuals are considered overweight. A new report says that in 2014 more than one-third of the adults in the world were overweight, and 500 million were considered obese. The United Nations agency estimates that in 2015, 42 million children under age 5 were either overweight or obese. It says that number represents an increase of about 11 million during the past 15 years. Almost half of these boys and girls live in Asia and one-fourth in Africa.

The U.N. agency blames unhealthy diets for a rise in diabetes cases. There are 422 million cases of the disease worldwide. WHO says 1.5 million people die from it every year. It says the use of sugar in food products, like sugary drinks, is a major reason for the increase in rates of obesity and diabetes.

Temo Waqanivalu is with the agency’s Department for the Prevention on Non-Communicable Diseases. He told VOA hat taxing sugary drinks would reduce consumption and save lives. Waganivalu noted that Mexico enacted a 10 percent tax on sugary drinks in 2014. He said by the end of the year, there was a 6 percent drop in the consumption of such drinks. Among poor people, the number of people who consumed sugary drinks dropped by 17 percent.

The WHO says people should limit the amount of sugar they consume. It says they should keep their sugar intake to below 10 percent of their total energy needs, and reduce it to less than 5 percent for improved health.

7. Why are taxes on sugary drinks required?

A. To limit their use and popularity.              

B. To readjust the economic structure.

C. To warn people to change their life style.       

D. To ensure the market’s diverse development.

8. What do the figures in the second paragraph suggest?

A. Adult obesity is ignored at present.               

B. Obesity is a severe worldwide problem.

C. Obesity can block economic development. 

D. Obesity is most serious in developed countries.

9. What does the underlined word “enacted” mean in the passage?

A. Abolish     B. Pass                 C. Promise         D. Reduce

10. What does the example of Mexico prove?

A. Tax policies are unfair to the poor.                   

B. Sugary drinks are a threat to health.

C. The poor consume more sugary drinks.           

D. Taxing sugary drinks makes a difference.

4. 详细信息

    11    We’ve all heard about the power of our attitude, and that it's our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.

  1. Identify and understand what you want to change. The first step towards change is clearly understanding what needs to be changed.   12   When it comes to changing your attitude, you need to do an honest and in-depth self-evaluation so you could point out exactly which of your traits need to be improved or totally changed.

2.    13   

We all need to know that what we're trying to accomplish can in fact be achieved; that we can be more optimistic, more social or more patient. Find someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have, and let his or her life give you inspiration and encouragement to move beyond your temporary failures in your journey towards becoming a better person.

3. Think about how your attitude change will affect your life. To be able to overcome all the difficulties that lie ahead of you in your journey towards self betterment, you need to figure out exactly what this supposed change could bring to your life. Will changing your attitude mean a happier family or social life? Will a change in your attitude mean a more successful career or business? Fix your mind on the things that would come as a result of your attitude change and you will have a greater chance of reaching your goal.

4. Choose the right company. As they say, “Bad company corrupts good character.” You don't expect yourself to be able to change if you go on surrounding yourself with people who possess all the negative traits that you want to change. Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life.     14     

    5.   15   Often, the greatest obstacle between us and our goals is ourselves or our inability to trust in what we are able to do. If you don't believe in yourself or believe that you or your life can change, it just won't happen—you will either never start, or give up quickly so you won't have even given yourself the opportunity to succeed.

A. Believe that you are able to change.

B. Look for a role model.

C. You will see that your effort to change will be easier with these kinds of people as friends.

D. Setting clear goals is the key to success in any endeavor.

E. Our personalities and attitudes are developed through our relationships and experiences.

F. It is right to try hard to have a strong mind.

G. Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us.

5. 详细信息

There is a long history for Chinese to drink tea. And it had been widely spread in China for more than 1,000 years    46   first appearing in Europe. Tea drinking is popular throughout history. Many people now go to expensively decorated teahouses    47    (talk) business. However, tea drinking is very complex. Many things contribute to an     48   (enjoy) experience. It starts with surroundings. In the past, it took place in a setting    49    “spring water runs on marble”. At present, to create such an atmosphere, teahouses    50    (decorate) with traditional paintings and furniture. Besides, there is always a     51   (perform) of a traditional Chinese music instrument, such as guzheng, pipa and erhu. Water    52     (use) for tea also matters. In old days, water    53     came from melted snow was regarded as the best; but today, people no longer use it due to pollution. Black tea, together with green tea, oolong tea and pu’er tea,    54     (rank) the top four favorites. Meanwhile, those kinds of tea are made by    55     (total) different methods.

6. 详细信息

Do parents owe their kids anything? Starting from my position, parents do not owe their children a  16  education. If they can  17  it, they can  18    send them to the best universities. But they must not feel guilty if they can’t. If the children really want to go, they’ll find a  19  . There are plenty of loans (贷款) and scholarships for the bright and   20  ones who can’t afford to pay.

When children grow up and want to   21 , their parents do not owe them a down payment on a house. They do not have the  22  to baby-sit their grandchildren. If they want to do it, it must be considered a  23  not a responsibility.

Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.

One of their duties is to give their children a personal   24  . A child who is constantly made to feel stupid and unworthy, constantly  25  to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins will be so  26 , so afraid of failing that he (or she) won’t try at all. Of course they should be  27  corrected when they do wrong, but it’s often better to let children learn their mistakes by themselves  28 . All our parents should do is to trust them, respect them, tolerate (宽容) them and give them chances to try and fail. They must learn to stand  29 . When criticisms (批评) are really needed, they should be  30  with praises, with a smile and a kiss. That is the way children learn.

Parents owe their children a set of solid values around  31  they build their lives. This means teaching them to  32  the rights and opinions of others; it means being respectful to elders, to teachers, and to the law. The best way to teach such values is by  33 . A child who is lied to will lie. A child seeing no laughter and no love in the home will have  34  laughing and loving.

No child asks to be  35 . If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something.

16. A. college          B. formal           C. usual              D. foreign

17. A. find                   B. get                  C. afford              D. receive

18. A. gradually          B. certainly          C. hardly             D. finally

19. A. supply                     B. help                       C. hand                      D. way

20. A. handsome              B. honest            C. eager             D. wealthy

21. A. get married          B. get a job         C. go abroad              D. live alone

22. A. time                 B. right                C. duty                D. energy

23. A. favor                B. pleasure         C. habit                      D. service

24. A. worth                B. affair                      C. belief                     D. respect

25. A. brought            B. compared              C. forced             D. taken

26. A. unsure                    B. unusual           C. unknown         D. unfair

27. A. properly           B. gently              C. nearly             D. possibly

28. A. now and then   B. in time             C. at once           D. right now

29. A. failure                      B. honor              C. progress         D. test

30. A. mixed                      B. satisfied          C. shared            D. balanced

31. A. it                       B. which              C. whom              D. what

32. A. consider           B. refuse             C. respect           D. know

33. A. explanation             B. time                 C. word                      D. deed

34. A. pleasure           B. difficulty          C. fun                  D. freedom

35. A. praised             B. alone                     C. born                D. poor

7. 详细信息

36. As we know, America is a country on wheels, and only a m_______ of adults do not have cars.

37. He opened the box out of ________ (curious).

38. Who is more ________ (like) to win the game, Lily or Linda?

39. There are _________ (various) of books on the Internet.

40. WHO _________ (代表) World Health Organization.

41. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous film d______ in China.

42. My sister is good at dance, p__________ (尤其) ballet (芭蕾).

43. At ______ (long), he defeated all the competitors.

44. With summer vacation a_________, we have to design our summer camping.

45. You should not include some _________ (主观的) opinions in a scientific research.

8. 详细信息





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

Dear Tom,

How is everything? I am writing to share my plan with you.

Practical speaking, our communication involves four aspect. First, a brief self-introduction was needed. Then, as all the students are extremely interested with foreign students’ life, food and culture, sharing will surely the most popular. In addition, each one which attends the project is expected to describe the education system employing in their own countries. Last but not the least, exchange of language skills is of great valuable to both sides.

That’s all. Only with our joint efforts can you ensure the project a great success.



9. 详细信息

假设你是李华,最近从报纸上得知2017敦煌文博会“Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo”将于9月举行,组委会现面向全社会招募志愿者,要求英语口语流利,了解丝路文化及国外习俗等。请给组委会写一份信申请该职位。

注意:1. 字数100字左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

      4. 参考词汇:recruit v. 招聘

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am glad to get the news from the local newspaper that __________________________  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                           Yours Sincerely

                                            Li Hua