
The World Health Organization says the widespread use of sugar in food products and drinks is a major concern in many areas. So WHO officials are calling on governments to require taxes on sugary drinks in an effort to limit their usage and popularity. The officials believe the taxes also would reduce the risk of health problems resulting from obesity. Obesity is a condition in which the body stores large, unhealthy amounts of fat. Obese individuals are considered overweight. A new report says that in 2014 more than one-third of the adults in the world were overweight, and 500 million 斯大林在论述苏联工业化时说:“没有重工业就无法保卫国家,所以必须赶快发展重工业。如果这事迟了,那就要失败。”他强调苏联优先发展重工业,就外部环境而言,是因为 [  ] A.马歇尔计划的出台 B.“冷战”格局的形成美苏对峙 C.苏联处在资本主义的包围之中 D.社会主义阵营的出现
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