
1. 详细信息

        “Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy – they’re given after all. Choices can be hard.” –– Jeff Bezos.

I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago. I came across the fact that the Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent per year. I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew that fast, and the idea of building an online bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me. I had just turned 30 years old, and I’d been married for a year. I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to quit my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn’t work since most start-ups don’t, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. MacKenzie told me I should go for it. As a young boy, I’d been a garage inventor. I’d always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my passion.

I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people, and I had a brilliant boss that I much admired. I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn’t already have a good job.” That logic made some sense to me, and he convinced me to think about it for 48 hours before making a final decision. Seen in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but ultimately, I decided I had to give it a shot. I didn’t think I’d regret trying and failing. And I suspected I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all.

After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and I’m proud of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our choices.

21What inspired the author with the idea of building an online bookstore?

A. The greatly increasing usage of the Internet.

B. The support of his wife.

C. His dream of being an inventor.

D. Millions of exciting titles.

22We can know from the passage that _______.

A. the boss thought the idea was suitable for the author

B. the author might not regret if he failed the idea

C. the author wanted someone else to try the idea

D. the author might go back to his boss if he failed

23Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Cleverness and Kindness

B. The Starting of Amazon

C. We Are What We Choose

D. Following My Passion

2. 详细信息

        A machine that takes sweat-laden (浸满汗水的) clothes and turns the sweat into drinking water is in use in Sweden. The machine makes the clothes turn round quickly, heats them to remove the sweat, and then passes the steam through a kind of special material to make purified water.

Since it has been brought into use, its creators say more than 1000 people have drunk others’ “sweat” in Gothenburg. They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.

The device was built for the United Nations’ child-focused charity UNICEF to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water.

The machine was designed and built by the engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show “Mekatronik”. He said the key part of the sweat machine was a new water purification part developed by a company named HVR.

“It uses a technique called membrane distillation (膜蒸馏),” he told the BBC. “We use a special kind of material that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibers and other things out. They have something similar to the International Space Station, but our machine is cheaper to build. The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is, but one person’s T-shirt typically produces 10ml, about a mouthful.”

The device has been put on show at the Gothia Cup-the world’s largest international youth football tournament. Mattias Ronge, chief executive of Stockholm-based advertising agency Deportivo, said the machine had helped raise awareness for UNICEF, but in reality had its limitations.

“People haven’t produced as much sweat as we hoped – right now the weather in Gothenburg is lousy,” Mattias Ronge said. “So we’ve equipped the machine with exercise bikes and volunteers are cycling like crazy. Even so, the demand for sweat is greater than the supply. And the machine will never be produced in large numbers, since there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills.”

24Which of the following is the disadvantage of the sweat machine?

A. It takes too long for the machine to produce water.

B. The amount of water the machine produces is rather limited.

C. It costs a large amount of money to build the machine.

D. The water processed by the machine is not clean enough.

25UNICEF is mentioned in the text to ________.

A. show how the sweat machine works

B. explain why the sweat machine was invented

C. show the importance of the United Nations

D. tell us who invented the sweat machine

26What did Mattias Ronge think of the sweat machine?

A. It could only be used in summer.

B. It did not work at all.

C. It was not worth popularizing.

D. The water it produced tasted sweet.

27The text is written mainly to tell us that ______________.

A. a machine which turns sweat into drinking water is invented

B. 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water

C. a better solution to purifying dirty water is discovered

D. the pill which turns dirty water into clean water is produced

3. 详细信息

        Is beauty something always positive? Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable jobs. Personal advisors give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants. But in the executive主管的 circle, beauty can become a disadvantage.

While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were considered having more honesty than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to lead to their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less honesty than unattractive ones; their success was connected not with ability but with factors such as luck.

All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives. Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally manly position appears to lack the manly qualities required.

This is true even in politics, “When the only clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women differently, ” says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates候选人. She asked 125 college students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote for them.

The results showed that attractive males completely defeated unattractive men, but the women who had ranked most attractive unchangeably received the fewest votes.

28 In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness ________.

A. makes women look more honest and capable

B. strengthens the manly qualities required

C. often enables women to succeed quickly

D. is of no importance to women

29Bowman’s experiment shows that when it comes to politics, attractiveness _____.

A. turns out to be a disadvantage to men

B. has as little effect on men as on women

C. affects men and women alike

D. is more of a disadvantage than an advantage to women

30According to the passage, people’s views on beauty are often _____.

A. practical       B. one – sided

C. old fashioned   D. supportive

31 The passage is mainly about _____.

A. the advantages of being attractive

B. the disadvantages of being attractive

C. equal rights for women

D. the importance of appearance

4. 详细信息

        According to a survey, only 4% of the people in the world are left-handed. Why? One theory centers on the two halves of the brain. For example, the left half and the right half, each of which functions differently. Medical science believes that the left half of the brain dominates over the right half. The foundation of this theory is the fact that nerves from the brain cross over at neck-level to the opposite side of the body, and nerves from the other side of the brain reciprocate (互换). The end result is that the opposite sides of the body are controlled by the opposite sides of the brain.

The dominant left half of the brain, which kindly supplies the right half of the body, theoretically makes it more skillful in reading, writing, speaking, and working, and makes most people right-handed. Lefties, however, whose right half of the brain dominates, work best with the left side of their bodies.

Theory number two focuses on the asymmetrical nature of the body. Examples of the asymmetry, which flows from head to toe, are that the right side of our faces differs slightly from the left, that our legs differ in strength, or that our feet vary in size. One aspect of this asymmetry is that for most people the right hand is stronger than the left.

There is no doubt that all exist in a “right-handed society”, which produces most basics, including scissors, doorknobs, locks, screwdrivers, automobiles, buttons on clothing, and musical instruments for the 96%. Left-handed people make up for the unfairness by being members of an elite (精英) society, which includes many of the greatest geniuses, including Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

32Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Left-handed people are better at speaking

B. Left-handed people are believed to have stronger left halves of the brains

C. Right-handed people are cleverer than left-handed people

D. Right-handed people work best with the right side of their bodies

33Which of the words or phrases is closest in meaning to the word “asymmetrical”?

A. valuable          B. not typical

C. not balanced      D. negative

34What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Left-handed people may feel inconvenient in this right-handed society

B. This is an equal society for the left-handed people

C. Most great geniuses are left-handed

D. Left-handed people are considered to be disabled

35 What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Which proves to be the better way to live, right-handed or left-handed?

B. How do left-handed people differ from right-handed ones?

C. Why are some people left-handed?

D. Are left-handed people equally treated in society?

5. 详细信息

I learned to do wood work when I was very young.

I remember I made my first project—a small table when I was 9 years old. I was so _________ of it that I looked upon it as if I had created a(an) _________. It was absolutely beautiful and it had taken me six weeks to_________  it. I could hardly wait to give it to Mother Winters as a(an)  _________ . She was the head mistress of our orphanage孤儿院, who was always kind but  _________  with us.

As the tables were not dry from the clear coating(清漆), our woodworking teacher told us to wait a few days before taking them to our dormitories. But I was just so _________  and happy that I couldn’t wait I dashed out like a _________ , carrying my table, smiling from ear to ear.

When I reached the dormitory I placed the little table beside my bed. I was _________ it when Mother Winters entered. She walked over to the table. Running her hand  _________it, she noticed that it was still wet.

“Were you  _________  to bring this home?” she asked.

“No, ma’am,” I  _________  with my head down.

She ordered me to throw the table out and so I did. After she left, I immediately opened the door to get it back. There was  _________  stuck all over. I brushed and cried, but the dirt would not come off.

I hid the table in my closet and never  _________  it. However, a year later during a cleaning-up, it was discovered. Painfully, I had to give the table to Mother Henderson, my houseparent, thinking that she would _________ it away.

Thirty years later at a reunion, I _________ that Mother Henderson was living nearby, so I drove up to see her. We talked cheerfully for long. As I was about to leave, she asked me to come down to her _________ to get something important. I followed her _________ into a dark corner. She picked something up. _________ she turned around, I could see that she was holding a little table.

Mother Henderson kept the little table that I had given up for lost so long ago.

Today, I look at that table with bittersweet memories but full of _________ to Mother Henderson, who kept the table for a young orphan who _________  it so much.

36A. tired          B. ashamed      C. proud       D. amused

37A. award          B. wonder       C. record      D. product

38A. complete       B. invent       C. fix         D. design

39A. award          B. souvenir     C. prize       D. gift

40A. satisfied      B. patient      C. cruel       D. strict

41A. upset          B. excited      C. amazed      D. confident

42A. thief          B. hero         C. flash       D. smog

43A. admiring       B. decorating   C. drying      D. hiding

44A. across         B. into         C. above       D. behind

45A. determined    B. embarrassed  C. encouraged  D. supposed

46A. agreed        B. sighed       C. whispered   D. argued

47A. glue          B. dirt         C. paint       D. wood

48A. felt          B. shook        C. rented      D. touched

49A. put           B. throw        C. take        D. give

50A. remembered    B. expected     C. learned     D. recommended

51A. basement      B. balcony      C. bathroom    D. bedroom

52A. unwillingly   B. curiously    C. doubtfully  D. worriedly

53A. Before        B. Since        C. Until       D. As

54A. devotion      B. concern      C. appreciation  D. regret

55A. counted       B. mattered     C. valued      D. minded

6. 详细信息

How Technology Can Help Language Learning

Intelligence, according to Howard Gardner, is of eight types—verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. This is the first in a series of posts that explore and understand how each of the above forms of intelligence is affected by technology-mediated education.

Verbal-linguistic Intelligence involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish goals. Such intelligence is developed by three specific activities: reading, writing and interpersonal communication—both written and oral. The traditional tools that have been used to efficiently develop verbal/linguistic intelligence—textbook, pencil, and paper—are giving way to technology in many schools. E-books, Internet lesson plans, online assignments and word processing software, or a subset of the above, are now common in schools. Technology allows addition of multisensory (多种感觉的) elements that provide meaningful contexts to help comprehension, thus expanding the learning ground of language and linguistics.

Research into the effect of technology on the development of the language and literacy skills vis-à-vis reading activities of children has offered evidence for favorable effects of digital-form books. A study shows that digital reading materials have become common in developing countries in early childhood classrooms to support engagement in storybooks while enhancing the emergent literacy (早期读写能力) among children. E-books are also being increasingly used to teach reading among beginners and children with reading difficulties.

Technology can be used to improve reading ability in many ways. It can enhance (加强) and sustain the interest levels for children by allowing immediate feedback on performance and providing added practice when necessary. Recent research shows that students are able to improve their sight word vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension through computer-based reading.

Technology can also help in improvement of writing skills. Word processing software promotes not only composition but also editing and revising in ways that streamline the task of writing. Desktop publishing and web-based publishing allow the work to be taken beyond the classroom into a virtual world that allows more constructive interactions.

Technology enhanced oral communication is indeed useful in that it allows students from remote locations, or from all over the world to communicate orally through video and audio conferencing tools. For example, students of languages in Australian universities overcome the problem of insufficient contact with native language speakers by using online audio and video tools that allow the development of aural, vocal and visual-cognition skills that are important in verbal and linguistic education. Oral group discussions in the form of video conferencing can help non-native speakers of a language with natural language negotiation and cultural intonations in ways that have not been possible due to geographic isolation.

Computer definitely aided language learning and computer mediated communication enhance teaching and learning experiences in the areas of linguistics and language intelligence. Although there have not been comprehensive studies on the use of technologies to aid K-12 English-language learners, there have been many individual computer programs and other technologies that accelerate the acquisition of phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and reading-comprehension skills and other language building blocks.

Title: How Technology Can Help Language Learning

Paragraph outline

Detailed information

Brief introduction to Verbal-linguistic Intelligence

Howard Gardner thinks that intelligence is of eight types,       56________ from verbal-linguistic to naturalistic intelligence.

Verbal-linguistic Intelligence, 57________ of three aspects, is developed by three specific activities.

Technology is 58_______ traditional tools used to develop verbal/linguistic intelligence efficiently.

The learning ground of language and linguistics has been       59_______ by adding multisensory elements to language learning.

Effects on language and literacy skills

Digital reading materials have been used to help children in developing countries get 60________ in storybooks, enhancing the emergent literacy among them.

Effects on reading ability

Technology can enhance and sustain children’s interest levels by providing immediate feedback and extra practice.

Effects on writing skills

Technology allows our work to be taken in a virtual world with more constructive61________.

Effects on oral communication

Technology allows students to communicate orally through video and audio conferencing tools62________ geographic isolation.


There is no63________ that technology enhances teaching and learning experiences concerning linguistics and language intelligence.

Although there is a 64_______ of comprehensive studies on the use of technologies to aid K-12 English-language learners, there have been  other technologies that65________ the acquisition of language building blocks.

7. 详细信息

What do the world’s most successful people all have in common?

By examining the work habits of over 150 greatest writers and artists and scientists, the researchers including Standford Professor Jeffrey Preffer found that high achievers like Robert Moses turn out to be all alike:

Busy ! Busy!

66   In a study of general managers in industry, John Kotter reported that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours per week—which translates into at least six 10-hour days. The ability and willingness to work difficult and tiring hours has characterized many powerful figures. Energy and strength provide many advantages to those seeking to build power.

Just Say No!

The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say “no” to almost everything. And that’s what gives them the time to accomplish so much.    67  And focus means saying “no” to a lot of distractions(分神).

Know What You Are!

Ignore your weakness and keep improving your strengths. Don’t waste time exploring skill areas where you have little competence. Instead, focus on—and build on—your strengths.   68 .

Create Good Luck!

Luck is not magical—there is a science to it. Richard Wiseman studied lucky people for his book Luck Factor, and broke down what they do right. 69   By being more outgoing, open to new ideas, following the feeling that something is true, being optimistic, lucky people create possibilities.

Does applying these principles to your life actually work? Wiseman created a “luck school” to test the ideas—and it was a success. In total, 80 percent of people who attended Luck School said that their luck had increased.     70    .

A. Spend enough time to improve your weakness.

B. Achievement requires focus.

C. On average, these people reported that their luck had increased by more than 40 percent.

D. High achievers never stop working and they never lose a minute.

E. Busy people are more likely to be lucky.

F. This means knowing who you are, what you are and what you are good at.

G. Certain personality types are luckier because they behave in a way that offers the chance for good opportunities.

8. 详细信息





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear friends,

It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent several precious weekends in English study in the English Club. Although we have been member for a short period of time, we have made a great progress. That is why we are all very active and the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interested. I am very pleased to say that all of us improved our spoken English greatly so far. I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future!

9. 详细信息

假定你是李华,上周日是你的外国朋友Anne 的生日。你本来答应参加她的生日聚会,但是你当时正忙于准备月考,不小心忘了赴约。请写信向Anne表达你的歉意,说明原因,并提出补救办法。



