
1. 详细信息

Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables, when a young man asked me, “Can you tell me where the  1  counter(柜台) is? ”

“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.

Picking up my things, I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man  2  almost 10 bottles of milk.

I asked, “Do you need a basket or a trolley”

“Sure, thank you.” he answered.

I was  3  he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.

I laughed and asked, “Why so many bottles?”

He  4  and said, “These are for my street dogs. Today, I want to be a Santa for them.”

I said, “Well, it’s too  5  for you to be a Santa. It is still June and Christmas comes in December.”

He  6  to me and walked a few steps, as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter without saying anything.

 7 , we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr. Santa.”

He smiled and said, “Yes, these are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June, Santa is a representation(象征) of surprises and  8 . Santa comes in December as we  9  him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that  10  through our personality at some point of time, no matter which  11  it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley, there was a  12  Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n)  13  to someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He left and I was happy that I had  14  him. It was right to understand that Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to realize that he is around us by  15  happiness and unconditional love.

1Amilk                         Bbread                           Cvegetable                     Dfish

2Aputting                    Bchoosing               Cholding                  Dbringing

3Asad                         Bexcited                  Cangry                           Dsurprised

4Asmiled                            Bcried                      Csighed                   Dnodded

5Aeasy                       Bearly                      Chelpful                   Dimportant

6Apointed                   Blaughed                 Cshouted                Dturned

7ALuckily                    BHopefully               CSuddenly                     DNaturally

8Alove                        Bsuccess                 Cfriendship                     Dhonor

9Acall                          Bshow                            Cexpect                   Dinvite

10Ashares                  Bshines                   Cexists                           Dhappens

11Amonth                   Bweek                            Cday                       Dyear

12Alost                       Bfrozen                    Cforgotten               Dhidden

13Acamera                 Bumbrella                Capple                           Dbox

14Aexpected               Brecognized            Cknown                   Dmet

15Astoring                  Bfacing                    Cspreading                    Dincreasing

2. 详细信息

be crazy about            be short for                 be famous as              look forward to

belong to                    be impressed with              care about           get tired of

be addicted to             come up with               consist of     


66In spring, there will be all kinds of flowers on these hills. If you come here then, you will

     the brightness and the beauty of the colors.

67This novel was written by Mo Yan, who      the first Chinese winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

68I really      the students in my class. They are all so helpful and considerate.

69Yesterday, a meeting was held in the Students’ Union to discuss this problem. Several of the members      suggestions of their own.

70The medical team which      ten doctors and twenty nurses will be sent to work in our village.

71That’s quite natural for a youngster. Young people all seems to      such things as football, basketball and computer games.

72I’m fond of the Beatles very much. I never      listening to them.

73He plays football very well and I guess he probably      some professional football team.

74If you      something that is going to happen, you want it to happen because you think you will enjoy it.

75You may play computer games in your spare time. But you should avoid      that, or it will do much harm to your health.

3. 详细信息

Every day, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟). As  16  social worker, she had not paid much attention to  17 . This changed one day when she met a ragged boy named Sam. Sam knew  18  she was the head of social services, and that she could help. He reached out his hand  19  said, “Can you help me? I’m looking for my dad.” His hands were so cold. Amelia said, “What’s up?” “My mom is  20 (terrible) sick. Her birthday is coming. I know my father’s coming back would be the best present. My dad had left us  21  I was two years old,” said the boy.

Amelia was deeply moved and asked Sam to take her to his home. He  22 (lead) her to a small house. Amelia saw a woman  23 (lie) on the bed. The woman knew she was dying. She said to Amelia, “Please find a home for my son.”

Amelia take her hand and nodded  24  tears in her eyes. She got an idea. Her husband and she had no children, and looked forward to having one. Later Amelia brought Sam home. Ever since then, the new family have had happiness and  25 (laugh).

4. 详细信息

Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, and others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.

“What time is your bus?” asked Mike.

“There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.

“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike.

They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”

“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

26Tom went into the station cafe because________.

AMike asked him to have a cup of tea

Bhe didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirl

Cit was quite early and he could find a seat there

Dhe wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

27What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock again?

AHalf past twelve.                                       BTwenty to twelve.

CHalf past eleven.                                      DHalf past one.

28From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find     .

Ait’s going backward                                         Bthe time is right

Cit’s going faster                                               Dit’s going slower

29Which of the following is true?

ATom arrived in Paris on time.

BThe next bus would leave in half an hour.

CAfter that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer.

DTom looked at the clock in the mirror only once.

30Which of the following is the title of the story?

AMissing A Bus                                           BThe Clock In The Mirror

CNot A Careful Man                                    DThe Mirror of the Station

5. 详细信息

Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries.

In the early 1970s, Tony met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from England, through Asia, to Australia. On the trip, they visited places like Iran, India, and so on.

When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries' weather, customs , and places to see. But unlike other travel books then, Tony Wheeler's book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular.

Tony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet. They continued travelling. They wrote books for each place they visited. Today, 800 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 books. Tony Wheeler, the great traveller, still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.

31Tony Wheeler and his wife ended the year-long trip in     .

AAustralia                      BIran                       CIndia                     DEngland

32Tony Wheeler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheap to     .

Amake money for his next trip

Btell people about his new company

Cdraw people's attention to his family

Danswer people's questions about his trip

33How was the book Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel books then?

AIt was longer and more popular.

BIt was the first travel book in the world.

CIt talked about places most tourists did not go.

DIt talked about a country's weather and customs.

34Which of the following is TRUE about Tony Wheelers company?

AHis father started it.                                         BHundreds of people work for it.

CIt is an airline company.                                  DIt has no books about travelling.

35The passage mainly talks about     .

Aa great traveller and his books                       Ba tour of different countries

Ca great writer and his family                            Ddifferent kinds of companies

6. 详细信息

 “Dad,” I say one day , “take a trip. Why don’t you fly and meet me?”

My father had just retired. His job filled his day, his thought, his life. While he woke up and took a warm shower, I screamed under a freezing waterfall Peru. While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch, I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.

My father sees me drifting aimlessly, nothing to show for my 33 years but a passport full of funny stamps. He wants me to settle down, but now I want him to find an adventure.

He agrees to travel with me through the national parks. We meet four weeks later in Rapid City.

“What is our first stop?” asks my father.

“What time is it?”

“Still don’t have a watch?”

Less than an hour away is Mount Rushmore. As he stares up at the four Presidents carved in granite(花岗岩), his mouth and eyes open slowly, like those of little boy.

“Unbelievable,” he says, “How was this done?”

A film in the information center shows sculptor Gutzon Borglum devoted 14 years to the sculpture and then left the final touches to his son.

We stare up and I ask myself. Would I ever devote my life to anything?

No directions. I always used to hear those words in my father’s voice. Now I hear them in my own.

The next day we’re at Yellowstone National Park, where we have a picnic.

“Did you ever travel with your dad?” I ask.

“Only once,” he says. “I never spoke much with my father. We loved each other — but never said it. Whatever he could give me, he gave.”

The kast sebtebceit’s probably the same thing I’d say about my father. And what I’d want my child to say about me.

In Glacier National Park, my father says, “I’ve never seen water so blue.” I have, in several places of the world, I can keep traveling, I realize — and maybe a regular job won’t be as dull as I feared.

Weeks after our trip, I call my father.

“The photos from the trip are wonderful,” he says. “We have got to take another trip like that sometime. ”

I tell him I’ve decided to settle down, and I’m wearing a watch.

36We can learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3 that the father     .

Afollowed the fashion

Bgot bored with his job

Cwas unhappy with the author’s life

Dliked the author’s collection of stamps.

37What does the author realize at Mount Rushmore?

AHis father is interested in sculpture.

BHis father is as innocent as a little boy.

CHe should learn sculpture in the future.

DHe should pursue a specific aim in life.

38From the underlined paragraph, we can see that the author     .

Ahopes to give whatever he can to his father

Blearns how to communicate with his father

Ccomes to understand what parental love means

Dwants his children to learn from their grandfather

39What could be inferred about the author and his father from the end of the story?

AThe call solves their disagreements.

BThe Swiss watch has drawn them closer.

CThey begin to change their attitudes to life.

DThey decide to learn photography together.

40What could be the best title for the passage?

AThe Art of Travel                                     BA Journey with Dad

CLove Nature, Love Life                                   DA Son Lost in Adventure

7. 详细信息

Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight, while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin? Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plate is empty or their favorite TV show is over.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week. The French, instead, tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers’ markets where they have a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as high-quality meats for each meal.

After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, decided to write about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid food. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.

In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity — or extreme overweight — among adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains acceptance and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17% — and is growing.

41This text is mainly about the relationship between     .

Achildren and adults                                         Blife style and obesity

CAmericans and the French                             Dfast food and overweight

42In what way are the French different from Americans according to Dr. Joseph Mercola?

AThey squeeze eating between the other daily activities.

BThey usually eat too much canned and frozen food.

CThey go shopping at supermarkets more frequently.

DThey regard eating as a key part of their lifestyles.

43According to Mireille Guiliano, it is important     .

Ararely to go to the gym .

Bto know when to stop eating

Cto suggest how to avoid food

Dto go shopping at supermarkets more frequently

44The text is mainly developed(详细阐述)     .

Aby contrast(对比)                                     Bby space

Cby process                                              Dby classification(分类)

45Where does this text probably come from?

AA TV interview.                                         BA food advertisement.

CA book review.                                         DA health report.

8. 详细信息



Ever wonder what President George “Dubya” Bush will be doing once he leaves the White House? Well. We wondered too and voted for him to run a hot dog stand in the city that never sleeps New York!


Life’s tough in the Stone Age. Fortunately our man Sam has got your brain to help him out! He’s got to find food, make weapons, survive tigers, and keep his girlfriend Lucy happy! So let’s get prehistoric and help Sam in this crazy adventure.


Hit the snow slopes with this snowboarding game. Perform special skills on your snowboard to collect points. Pump air into your stride by timing your jumps carefully while negotiating 3 killer kickers. Whatever you do — Have fun!


Add logic, fun and load of color and what do you get? The crazy cube! And we promise you, it’s the craziest cube you’ll come across this side of the universe. Rack your brains crazy in this totally addicting puzzle game and beat the colored cube!


Put your hard hat on…because we’re going under construction! This addictive puzzle game will have you constructing for hours! Build beautiful towers using colorful building blocks.


Fight to conquer the universe in this strategic space simulation game. Play as a space commander and protect your imperial star base from enemiesBecome the most powerful air force and fulfill your one and only mission: complete space dominance!


46Jack majors in architecture. He has problem in concentrating himself on a piece of work. He hopes to find a game that suits his interest and helps him focus his mind.

47William is a sports fan who prefers to take up extreme sportsBut he isn’t allowed to try such kind of dangerous sport, So he could only find some relevant games

48Teddy is a film lover. After seeing The Star Wars, he imagined that he could be a commander, leading his soldiers to protect his planet from being invaded.

49Amy has always been interested in politics and loves to play jokes on politicians. Any game that concerns government officials would interest her.

50Sammy is a girl with a logical mind. She would like to play the kind of games that can not only practice her intelligence but also challenge her memory as well.

9. 详细信息

51The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are     (令人惊讶的). Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.

52Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were

    (困窘的) at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice.

53My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was     (紧张的) and shy. I think perhaps she was, as it was her first lesson with us.

54For the first few hundred kilometers of the     (旅程), the scenery was very colourful. There were fields and the soil was dark red.

55Suddenly, it looked like a place from another time. We saw     (被废弃的) farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.

56I’ve seen quite a lot of China and I’ve visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most     (吸引人的) places I’ve been to.

57Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment. It shows us how iron     (反应) with air and with water.

58The Internet has created thousands of millionaires, but Berners-Lee is not one of them. Everyone in the world can     (接近) the Internet using his World Wide Web system.

59My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and     (新鲜的) fruit and vegetables are very important part of our diet.

60The next day, a doctor came to see me. He told me that I could die if I didn’t stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his     (忠告) and stopped immediately.

61Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different     (方面) of the object and person showing at the same time.

62Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed     

(音乐方面的) talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer. of all time.

63Yang’s space flight was “an important historical     (成就) and NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme”.

64Now, to everyone’s surprise, Ang Lee, director of a number of excellent films, has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. The     (结果) is a masterpiece.

65As in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements, while     (观众) shout in surprise.

10. 详细信息





















注:第五届学生“春晚”:the 5th  Students’ Spring Festival Show








