
1. 详细信息

—Would you mind feeding the pet at noon? (长春)


AHave fun                 BNonot at a11          CExcuse me             DYou’re welcome

2. 详细信息

I don't think waste water should be put into the rivers or lakes  

____It wm cause much water pollution(长春)

AGood luck               BIt's my pleasure                  CI agree with you               DThe same to you

3. 详细信息

Is there a table for 4please?

____pleaseIs the one near the backdoor 0K? (淄博)

ATake your time      BThis way                     CYou are welcome               DAfter you

4. 详细信息

–Jim, I’m afraid I can’t go to your party tonight. My grandma is ill.


A. I’m sorry to hear that        B. That’s all right                C. She has to stay in bad        D. Don’t worry

5. 详细信息

–Jack, I will go for a picnic with my parents after the exam.

-- ______.(安徽)

A. That’s it                        B. Have fun                       C. It’s a pleasure             D. It doesn’t matter

6. 详细信息

—Call you go shopping with me tomorrow?

____but I have to study for my chemistry test(牡丹江)

AI'd love to               BNever mind                 CIt's nothing

7. 详细信息

—Would you please pass me the sugar?

____Here you are(浙江台州)

ASorry                        BSure                              CThanks a lot           DN0thing much

8. 详细信息

Aliceyou dance very well!


ANot so well             BThat's all right                     CThank you    DI agree with you

9. 详细信息

Few wellknown singers came to the concertdid they?

_____Such as Andy LauJay Chou and Kristy Zhang黄冈)    

ANothey didn't         BYesthey did             CNothey did              DYesthey didn't

10. 详细信息

—How do you like the TV play?


AIt's wonderful         BWhat about you?       CYesI like it DNoI don't like it at a11

11. 详细信息

Who’s that speaking?


AThis is Jack speaking BI am speaking             CJack is me                   DI am Jack

12. 详细信息

I believe we've met before

No____I've never been here before(重庆课改实验区)

Ait isn't the same                  Bit's true                        CI don't think so           DI believe so

13. 详细信息

 Why not join us in the gameKitty?

___but I have to do my homework first(镇江)

A Let's go                 BI'd like to                      CYesplease           DIt's a pleasure

14. 详细信息

Thank you for your helpSarah

_____________.( 浙江台州)

AGood idea               BPlease don't say so    CIt doesn't matter    DYou are welcome

15. 详细信息

—I'm going to spend my summer holiday in


        What a lucky guy! ____And don't forget to send me a postcard( 黄冈

AThat sounds goodBHave a nice time!        CGood luck!          DCan I go with you?