
Kofi Atta Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations and the winner of Nobel Peace Prize died 41. the age of 80. Annan, who was born in Ghana in 1938, served as the 42.(seven) UN Secretary-General, from 1997 to 2006, and was the first 43. (rise) from within the ranks of the United Nations staff. Annan 44.( award) the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the United Nations in 2001 for their work for a better organized and more easeful world. Annan was the chief architect of 45. became known as the Millennium Development Goals, and played a central role in 46.( create) Th把3吨煤平均分成5堆,每堆煤重(    )吨,每堆煤是3吨煤的(    )A.   B.    C.   D.    
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