
The problem of waste is becoming more and more common , so it must be controlled . Every day , a number of ___21___ goes uneaten (没吃) and ends up in the trash , while many people in developing countries cannot even ___22___ to have one meal every day . The next time you ___23___ to a delicious dinner , ask yourself , “How much food will I ___24___ eat ? ” If you think about only taking as much as you can ___25___ , it will help you cut down ___26____waste . The problem of waste ___27___all over the world . People often consume(消费) ___28___than they really need . This ofte阅读理解下列材料然后回答问题:解方程:x2-3|x|+2=0解:(1)当x≥0时,原方程化为x2-3x+2=0,解得:x1=2,x2=1(2)当x<0时,原方程化为x2+3x+2=0,解得:x1=1,x2=-2.∴原方程的根是x1=2,x2=1,x3=1,x4=-2.请观察上述方程的求解过程,试解方程x2-|x|-2=0.
英语 试题推荐