
A. he opens his presents at once      B. but his friends don’t give him money    C. They like candy and Coke       D. All his friends come to the party.     E. His mother makes a birthday cake.    It’s Tony ’s birthday soon. He usually has a party at the weekend.   1  . His favourite cake is chocolate cake. On his birthday, he gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning ,and  2  . He often gets money from his parents,or new clothes.His sister always makes him a nice birthday card.   3  . They don’t eat healthy food !  4  Tony gets more presents from his f7.下列各组有机物的同分异构体种数相同的一组是(  )A.C4H10与C3H6B.C5H12与C2H6OC.C2H2Cl4与CH2Cl2D.CH2O与C2H4O2
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