
Do you like sports? Are you getting enough exercise? Well, if you’re looking for a way to exercise, try walking. l         Walking is easy. There are no special instructions, and there are no rules. You just walk — left, right, left, right. See? It’s easy. l       Walking is cheap. Don’t spend money on expensive clothes and equipment(器材). All you need is a pair of good shoes. l       Walking is fun, and it gives you time for yourself. Go with a friend. Walk and talk. Do something you enjoy. Listen to music, think about life, relax and so on. l     说说下列各句所运用的修辞手法。   1.蔺相如见了廉颇像老鼠见了猫似的,为什么要怕他呢! (       )2.随着山势,溪流时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急。 (       )3.大虫见掀他不着,吼一声,就像半天里起了个霹雳,震得那山冈也动了。(       ) 4.蓝色的火苗舔着锅底,锅内热气腾腾。(       ) 5.日本到处有樱花,有的是几百棵花树拥在一起,有的是一两棵在路旁水边怡然独立。(       )
英语 试题推荐