
从方框中选择5个恰当的句子,补全对话。 A: Hello, sir, may I talk with you in English? B: Of course. A: I have learned English at school for one year. I have very few chances to talk with the English-speaking people.   1  B: Oh, you speak English very well. A: Thank you. By the way,   2  B: No, I’m not.   3  A: How long have you been in this city? B:   4  A: I see. Do you like this city? B: Yes. I like it very much. It’s a beautiful city. A: Thank you.   5  A. are you a student from America? B. Not good. C. So I want to practice English. D. I’ve liv25、下课了,王涛和黄坤因小事而发生了口角,继而大打出手,结果黄坤被打伤。班主任让他们写出深刻的检讨,王涛向黄坤赔礼道歉,王涛的家长赔偿王坤医疗费。 (1)造成这一事件的原因有哪些? (2)从这事件中可以看出初中学生的情绪有何特点? (3)你认为青少年应该怎样调节和控制自己的情绪?
英语 试题推荐