
17.下列各句中加点成语的使用,全都正确的一项是(    )(3分)  ①从历史上看,人类社会每一个新时代的开启,似乎都与技术变革息息相关。如今,正是新的技术革命爆发的前夜。  ②他心高气傲,目空一切,总喜欢妄自菲薄别人,结果可想而知,没有人愿意跟他打交道,他成了大海里的一叶孤舟。  ③在义工联盟中,他不仅是发起人、带头者,更是义工精神的实践者、坚守者,时时处处都处心积虑,亲力亲为。  ④82岁高龄的袁隆平面对从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子画线部分意义相同或相近的选项。1. When did the accident happen? [     ]A. take over  B. take away  C. take place D. take off2. I hope you will have fun during the summer holidays. [     ]A.be interesting       B.be funnyC. have a good time   D. be excited3.Not all students know his name. [     ]A.Lots of   B. Few   C. Many      D.Some4. I heard about it yesterday? [     ]A.heard from  B.heard of  C.heard    D. heard on5. You must return it to me on time. [     ]A. come back   B. go back  C. get back  D. give back
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