
根据对话内容, 在方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(5分) (  Kangkang: K           Michael: M   )   M:What are you doing?46  K :  __________________ . M:What’s the matter with it?47  K :  ____________ I pressed the “ON” button but nothing happened. M:Well, are you sure you plugged it in?48  K :  ______________________________ M:You’d better ask our computer teacher for help.49  K:  ____________________ But I’m not sure whether he is free. M: Don’t worry. He’ll be glad to help you. 50  K:  ________________下列分析中不正确的是( )A.甲图试管内水沸腾后,撤掉酒精灯,向外拉动注射器活塞,水又沸腾了,说明水的沸点与气压有关B.乙图中吸盘能将物体挂在墙上不掉下来,是因为重力与大气压力彼此平衡C.丙图所示的托里拆利实验中,若有空气进入玻璃管内,则测出的大气压强值比实际值偏小D.丁图提供的信息说明大气压强是天气预报的重要气象要素之一
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