
词形转换     用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。 1. He has a _________________ (stomach). He doesn’t want to eat anything. 2. Aron can get a strong ______________ (feel) of satisfaction from mountain climbing. 3. Doing chores can help children to understand the idea of _______________ (fair). 4. We all know the ____________ (important) of learning English well. 5. The ________________ (die) of her grandfather makes her very sad. 6. Ben put some candles and ______________ (match) on the table. 7. When the competition started, Tom was still m美国历史学家帕尔默评价中国改革说:“(邓.小平)改革改变了中国社会,最显著的成功是在农村,农民现在可以将他们的收成的一部分在市场上公开出售。”这项“成功”是指 [      ]A.废除封建土地所有制B.对农业进行社会主义改造C.掀起人民公社化运动D.实行家庭联产承包责任制
英语 试题推荐