
(2019·江苏扬州模拟)如图是2008年中国集邮总公司特别发行的一枚纪念封。作为直接证据,它说明海峡两岸( ) A.实现祖国统一的共同心愿 B.达成“一个中国”的基本共识 C.打破民间交往的隔绝状态 D.人员往来和经济交往更加便利 答案:D 解析 2008年,海峡两岸实现了“三通”,即通航、通商、通邮。图片中2008年中国集邮总公司特别发行的纪念封体现出两岸“三通”的成果,说明以后海峡两岸人员往来和经济交往更加便利,故D项正确。A项“实现祖国统一”与事实不符,排除;1992年,“九二共识”已达成坚持一个中国原则的共识,排 根据句意及所给汉语意思用正确的形式写出所缺单词或词组 1. There will be _____(更少)pollution. 2. I want _____ (工作)for myself when I’m older. 3. My friends ____(饲养)a pet dog in their house. 4. One day people will ____ (飞)to the moon for vacations. 5. You should ____ (谈)about your problems with your parents. 6. It was raining when the plane ____ (着陆)in London. 7. He didn’t know what was ______ (发生)outside. 8. Can you ____(带来) some music CDs to the party? 9. If I don’t clean my room, my mother won’t ______(让) me meet my friends. 10.Can you ______ (组织)the games for the class party?
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