
阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容( 1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式( 1个或几个单词),使句子通顺正确。 1 . - Can you play _____ violin? - No, I can’t.2 . - Where are the _____ (key)? - They are on the table.3 . - _____ you ever been to the space museum? - No, I haven’t4 . We should spend more time _____ our study.5 . Can you talk to _____ (they) and play games with them?6 . - Do you know _____ the bookstore closes today? - I think it closes at 7: 00 p.m. today.7 . There _____ (be) a lot of rain here every year.8 把质量为mg的铜丝灼烧变黑,立即放入下列物质中,能使铜丝变红而且质量仍为mg的是A.NaOH溶液 B.CH3COOH C.稀HNO3 D.CH3CH2OH
英语 试题推荐