
1. 详细信息


--         , where is the Great Hotel ?

   --         I can’t help you. I’m new here.

A. Sorry; I think                        B. Excuse me ; I think

C. Sorry; I’m afraid                   D. Excuse me ; I’m afraid

2. 详细信息

The farmer        me around the farm.

A. showed       B. climbed       C. described      D.left

3. 详细信息

       your left, you can see a bridge        the river.

A. In; above        B. In ; over          C. On ; over        D. On ; above

4. 详细信息

--           is the zoo from the bus stop? 

-- It’s about 10 minutes’ walk .

A. How long                                   B. How soon

C. How far                                       D. How much

5. 详细信息

----______ is your skirt?   ----Black.

A. How      B. What color       C.Which      D. Why

6. 详细信息

----________ do you take?        ----- Size M.

A. What size  B. What colour    C. How much    D. How often

7. 详细信息

—Is this your eraser?

—No, it isn’t______. I think it’s______.

A. my; her             B. me; she C. mine; her      D. mine; hers

8. 详细信息

—Lisa, are you going to play ______ violin after school  this afternoon?

—No, and I’m going to play ______ chess with Tina.

A. the; the                    B. the; /                 C. /; the                 D. /; /

9. 详细信息

 —______?     —I want to buy a dress.

A. What do you want            B. What do you do 

C. What can I do for you      D. Can you help me

10. 详细信息

________people listened to the concert.

A. Hundred of   B. Hundreds of     C. Hundred      D. Hundreds

11. 详细信息

—What are you going to do this weekend?

—I’m not sure ______. Maybe I am going swimming.

A. also                  B. too                    C. ever                  D. yet

12. 详细信息

 They decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining _____.

A. bad          B. hard          C. strongly    D. hardly 

13. 详细信息

 ----- ________ the weather like last Monday?

    -----It was sunny.

A. How was      B. What is         C. What was     D. How is

14. 详细信息

 —Laura enjoys        story books?      —Me, too.

A reading        B. read            C. to read       D. reads

15. 详细信息

— Would you like some bread, Linda?   — _______ . It’s my favourite.

A. Yes, I do.        B. No, thank you.      C. Yes, please.   D. No, I’m not hungry.

16. 详细信息

Wow ! Everything ______ half price. That is too great .

A. am           B. is              C. are         D. be

17. 详细信息

 Between the two hills there _____ a deep river.

A. are            B. has            C. is           D. will be

18. 详细信息

There are some      in the basket.

A. rice            B. tea             C. eggs        D. flower

19. 详细信息

I _______ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.

A. spend             B. have            C. take         D. cost

20. 详细信息

How long does it take your father ______ to work every day?

A. to drive         B. drives          C. driving       D. drive

21. 详细信息


Jack arrived in a big city of China. When he got off the train, he felt very hungry (饥饿的) and wanted to 1 some food. But he didn’t know  2  to get to a food shop, so he bought a  3  of the city.

Jack read the map carefully. Then he walked along Heping Street and  4  right when he saw the traffic lights. But he was  5  . He didn’t find any food shops there!

Jack went to ask a policeman 6 help. He couldn’t speak any Chinese, so he took out a piece of paper and   a food shop on it. The policeman 8  smart and he knew what Jack wanted to do. He told Jack to go 9 the bridge and then walk on for  10  100 m. The food shop was next to a big hospital. Jack found the food shop at last.

1A. bring        B. catch        C. make          D. have

2A. how         B. what         C. where         D. when

3A. map          B. ticket        C. photo         D. calendar

4A. moved      B. stayed       C. turned        D. got

5A. good         B. bad           C. right           D. wrong

6A. of         B. for           C. with          D. from

7A. wrote     B. found        C. bought             D. drew

8A. was         B. were           C. are         D. is

9A. past         B. across         C. through      D. above

10A. at              B. in           C. about          D. to

22. 详细信息


Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport(机场)is usually far from the city. You must get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late. You can’t open the window. You can’t choose(选择)the food. Planes are fast, but it takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.

I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe(安全的). Railway stations(火车站)are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can take another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can go traveling at anytime when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

1.Why doesn’t the writer like to travel by plane?

A. Because he must get to the airport early.

B. Because he can’t open the window.

C. Because he can’t choose what he eats on the plane.

D. All of the above.

2.Which is NOT true about the train?

A. It is safe.    B. It is never late.

C. You can walk around in the train.

D. You can see many interesting things.

3. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what will you take to go out?

A. A bus.        B. A car.           C. A train.        D. A plane.

23. 详细信息

The Blacks are American tourists. They are visiting Beijing now. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too.

  Mr. Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs. Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and she’s going to visit a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.

  They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they go back to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.

1.The Blacks are from            .

A. China        B .England      C .Canada     D. the USA

2.The Blacks are staying in         now.

A. England      B. Beijing       C .Shanghai     D. New York

3. Mr. Black is              .

A. a teacher     B. a doctor      C. a taxi driver    D. a worker

4.Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?

A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.

B. Because they like China.

C. Because they want the American people to know more about China.

D. Because they want the American people to come to China.

24. 详细信息

When Kyle walked into Ernie's shop, he looked very worried. He walked quickly to the front counter(柜台). Ernie jumped out to greet Kyle. He was the first shopper of the day.

“Good morning, sir!” Ernie said. "What can I do for you?"

    “Well, I...,” Kyle started to say.

    “Wait, don't tell me,” Ernie stopped him. “You're looking for a … a little dog... for your daughter 's birthday. Right?”

    “Not really, l just...”

     Ernie didn't let him finish.“Ah, I've got it, You just moved into a new house, and you want some fish for it. I have some very nice fish over here.”

    “In fact, I...” Kyle was starting to look very nervous (紧张的). His face had a strange expression(表情)on it.

    “No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernie's Pet World, we have the best kinds. Look at this Persian — long, white hair, and look at that cute expression. She's looking at you. She's thinking, ‘Take me home. Take me home.’ Would you like some cat food and toys as well?”

    “No, thank you,” Kyle said. By this time, he was walking up and down. He had a pained (痛苦的) look on his face. “Really, I'm not interested in cats or fish or little dogs.”

“What do you want, then?” Ernie asked.

Kyle looked like he was going to cry. “I just want to know if I can use your bathroom(卫生间)!”he finally said.

1Kyle walked into Ernie's Pet World and he walked ________ to the front counter(柜台).

A. fast              B. slow               C. away         D. out

2What was true about Ernie's Pet World?

A. The shop was not busy.                        B. Kyle went there often.

C. The shop was about to close.                   D. Kyle knew Ernie well.

3What do you think of Ernie?

A. He is careful.                                 B. He is helpful.

C. He likes talking.                               D. He is clever.

25. 详细信息

读短文,按要求完成1-5题。第1 题为判断正误(正确写T,错误写F);第23 题为回答问题;第4题在空白处填入一个单词;第5题为对划线部分英译汉。

Three boys, Tom, Sam and Jim bought seventeen apples. Tom wanted the half. Sam wanted one-third (三分之一)and Jim wanted one-ninth (九分之一). But they didn’t know what to do.

Just at that time, a little boy came with an apple in his hand. The boy said to them, “Don’t worry. Let me help you.” Then he put his apple into their apples, and made the number of the apples eighteen. Then he gave Tom nine apples, he gave Sam six apples, and he gave Jim two apples. He gave away seventeen apples and took his apple back.

The three boys were very happy. And they said: “How smart the boy is!”

1. The three boys asked the little boy to divide(分配) their apples.  

2. Who got two apples?


3. Did the little boy lose an apple because he helped the three boys.


4. There were                 apples when the three boys divided them.


26. 详细信息


            A                                                        B

1.When did he lose them?               A. A farm.

2.Where did she go last weekend?  B. No, I didn’t.

3. Did you go to the zoo?               C. Yes, there are some carrots.

4. Are there any vegetables?          D. Yes, we can.

5.Can we wear a hat in class?         E. It was yesterday.

27. 详细信息


A. So, how’s it going there?    B. It’s cold and it’s raining.

C. What are you doing?       D. I’m in Mexico!

E. That sounds like fun.

M: Hello, Eric?

E: Mary? Hi! Where are you?

M: 1 I’m calling to say, “Happy birthday!”

E: Oh, thanks!


E: Great! How’s it going with you?

M: Not bad.  3   

E: I’m having a party. My family is here.

M: 4. How’s the weather?

E: Terrible. 5  How’s the weather in Mexico?

M: Hot and sunny.

28. 详细信息


1.      really  had  good  time  we  a


2.      yesterday  got  up  he  at 6:20


3.      watching  TV is  he  now


4.      have    finish to  I  my  today work


5.      late  arrive  for  class  don’t


6.      Bob  that   speaking  is


7.      how  beautiful  is  bird  the


8.      must  be  on  we  time


9.      he’s  height  medium  of


10.   bank  park the across  is  from  the


29. 详细信息



1. 公园离你家有5公里远,骑自行车去的。

2. 呼吸了新鲜空气(breathe, fresh);观看了动物表演;去餐馆吃了哪些食物。

3. 是美好的一天;很高兴。






30. 详细信息


1. 这里附近有旅馆吗?

         there a hotel         here?

2. 动物园在右边。  

The zoo                the right.

3. 他们长什么样?

   What        they look        ?

4. 在生日的时候,人们想吃什么?

What would people ___________ to eat __________ their birthday?

5. 如果你一次把蜡烛吹灭,愿望就会实现。

Your wish will come         if you         out all the candles at one go.

7. 上周末你们学校旅行怎么样?

How          your school trip         weekend?


We          the train           the museum.

9. 他常帮我学英语。

He often helps                  my English.


         read  in the dark. It’s bad        your eyes.

31. 详细信息


dirty   camp   robot  popular   lucky

1.Don’t leave the          dishes in the kitchen.

2.They think it will bring good       to them.

3.Yesterday morning I          by the river with my classmates.

4.In China it is          to have cake on your birthday.

5.At the museum, I learned a lot about          .

32. 详细信息


1.      I saw some chickens and          them.(喂养)

2.      Is Lisa talking        on the phone?(再一次)

3.      Elephants can walk for a long time and          get lost. (从来没有)

4.      We           have to be quiet in the library.(也)

5.      I sometimes play basketball for        an hour.(一半)