
One afternoon after work, I picked my children up from school. When we arrived home, I found the lock of the house was   31   by something. I went around the house trying to find a window left   32  . No luck. So I broke the glass of one window and went in. Oh, my God, everything was   33  . As it turned out, the “friend” whom I   34   the house with took everything away. I had 11 dollars   35   me and the payday was three days away. I knew   36   people in town. What’s worse, the owner phoned   37   the house had been rented already. We were homeless. 如图,OA,OB是两条公路,C,D是两所大学,求作一点P,使它到OA,OB的距离和到C,D的距离相等.保留作图痕迹.
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